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Fruit (фрукты) and berries (ягоды)

Topical Vocabulary

Appearance (внешность)

General impression (общее впечатление)

beautiful – красивый (о женщине)

handsome – красивый (о мужчине)

pretty – хорошенький

attractive/appealing – привлекательный

nice/good-looking – симпатичный, миловидный

ugly – некрасивый, безобразный


Face (лицо)

round/oval/square face – круглое/овальное/квадратное лицо

forehead – лоб

eyes (dark, blue, green, grey, brown/hazel, close-set, deep-set) – глаза (темные, голубые, зеленые, серые, карие, близко посаженные, глубоко посаженные)

eyebrows – брови

eyelashes – ресницы

nose (straight, aquiline, hooked, turned-up) – нос (прямой, орлиный, крючковатый, вздернутый)

mouth – рот

wrinkles/lines – морщины

freckles – веснушки

dimpled cheeks – щеки с ямочками

chin - подбородок

birthmark – родинка

moustache – усы

beard – борода

ears – уши

lips (thin, full/plump) – губы (тонкие, полные)

fresh complexion – свежий цвет лица


Hair (волосы)

bald – лысый

wavy – волнистые

curly – кудрявые

straight – прямые

dark, fair/blonde, black, grey, white, red – темные, русые/светлые, черные, седые, белые, рыжие

ponytail – хвостик (прическа)

plait – коса


Height and build (рост и телосложение)

tall – высокий

short – невысокий, маленького роста

small – маленький

fat – толстый

plump – пухлый

slim – худой, стройный

well-built – хорошо сложенный

broad-shouldered – широкоплечий

narrow-shouldered – узкоплечий


Age (возраст)

young – молодой

middle-aged – средних лет

elderly – пожилой

old – старый

He is a teenager. – Он – подросток.

He is under age. – Он несовершеннолетний.

He is nearly/about 20. – Ему около двадцати.

He is 20 years old. – Ему двадцать лет.

He is over 20. – Ему за двадцать.


Character (характер)

intelligent/clever – умный

bright – способный

smart – смышленый

talented – талантливый

gifted – одаренный

stupid – глупый, бестолковый

foolish – глупый, дурашливый

silly – глупый, слабоумный

optimistic – оптимистичный

pessimistic – пессимистичный

sensible – благоразумный, здравомыслящий

absent-minded – рассеянный

calm – спокойный

easy-going – легкий в общении

sociable – общительный

polite – вежливый

well-bred – воспитанный

honest – честный

helpful – готовый прийти на помощь

frank – искренний, откровенный

kind-hearted – добрый, мягкосердечный

generous – щедрый, великодушный

aggressive - агрессивный

rude - грубый

dishonest – нечестный

hot-tempered – вспыльчивый

naughty – непослушный, капризный

selfish – эгоистичный


1. Look at the pictures and try to memorize parts of the body:


2. Some parts of the body are used in other ways too. Translate into Russian:

· the back, arms and legs of the chair –

· the eye of the needle –

· the face and hands of the clock –

· the neck of the bottle –

· the foot of the mountain –

· the mouth of the river –


3. What movements do people make with their mouth, face and head? Read and translate. Look up new words in bold:

· People breathe through their nose or mouth. You breathe in and out about 12-15 times a minute.

· People smile when they are happy, and sometimes smile at people to be polite.

· People laugh at things which are funny.

· People sometimes cry if they are very unhappy, or receive bad news.

· People in some countries nod their head (move it up and down) to mean “yes”, and shake their head (move it from side to side) for “no”.

· People often yawn when they are tired, and sometimes when they are bored.


4. Look at the pictures of different people and try to describe their appearance and character:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11.


Topical Vocabulary (Family)

Relatives (родственники)

mother – мать

father – отец

parents – родители

son – сын

daughter – дочь

sister – сестра

brother – брат

grandmother – бабушка

grandfather/granddad – дедушка

grandparents – бабушка и дедушка

aunt – тетя

uncle – дядя

cousin – двоюродный брат/сестра

nephew – племянник

niece – племянница

in-laws – родственники по линии жены/мужа

father-in-law – тесть, свекор

mother-in-law – теща, свекровь

son-in-law – зять (муж дочери)

daughter-in-law – невестка, сноха (жена сына)

brother-in-law – зять (муж сестры), шурин, свояк, деверь

sister-in-law – невестка (жена брата), золовка

stepmother (father, brother, sister) – мачеха (отчим, сводный брат, сводная сестра)

half-brother (sister) – брат (сестра) только по одному из родителей

twins – близнецы


Family life

to date/to go out – ходить на свидания, встречаться

(They go out together. – Они встречаются.

He is dating her. – Он встречается с ней.)

to fall in love with smb – влюбиться в кого-л.

(Tom fell in love with Mary at the first sight. – Том влюбился в Мэри с первого взгляда.)

to propose to smb – предложить руку и сердце кому-л.

fiance – жених (до свадьбы)

fiancee – невеста (до свадьбы)

wedding ceremony – свадебная церемония

bride – невеста

bridegroom – жених

newly-weds – молодожены

honeymoon – медовый месяц

husband – муж

wife – жена

spouse – супруг/супруга

single – неженатый, незамужняя

bachelor – холостяк

spinster – старая дева

to divorce smb – развестись с кем-л.

widow – вдова

widower – вдовец


5. Read about the people in the family and write sentences:

Mary and Brian are married. They have a son, James, and a daughter, Julia. Julia is married to Paul. Julia and Paul have a son, Daniel.

1. (Brian/husband) Brian is Mary`s husband.

2. (Julia/mother) Julia is __________________________ mother.

3. (Mary/wife) Mary is ___________________________wife.

4. (James/brother) James ________________________________.

5. (James/uncle) _______________________________________.

6. (Julia/wife) Julia _____________________________________.

7. (Mary/grandmother) ____________________________________.

8. (Julia/sister) _________________________________________.

9. (Paul/husband) _______________________________________.

10. (Paul/father) __________________________________________.

11. (Daniel/nephew) _______________________________________.


6. Fill in the suitable words from the vocabulary:

1. His aunt`s son is his cousin.

2. Your father`s father is your ………………..

3. My sister`s son is my ……………………....

4. My brother`s daughter is my ……………….

5. My mother`s brother is my ………………...

6. Your mother`s sister is your ………………...

7. Your uncle`s daughter is your ……………….

8. Your mother`s mother is your ………………...

9. Your brother`s wife is your …………………..

10. Your sister`s husband is your …………………..


7. Translate into English:

Брат жены, родственники мужа, друзья моей сестры, сын моих друзей, название улицы, жизнь писателя, дом наших друзей, день рождения моего друга, музеи этого города, имя вашего учителя, имя моего врача, машина его отца, работа ее матери, поэзия (poetry) Пушкина, успех (success) этого спортсмена, картины Пикассо, менеджер отеля, книги студентов, вид (a kind) спорта, телефон директора, история нашей страны, будущее нашей компании, президент страны.


2. My House

Topical vocabulary

1. Types of dwelling (типы жилищ) block of flats – многоквартирный дом multistoried building – многоэтажный дом cottage – одноэтажный дом bungalow – бунгало detached house – особняк semi-detached house – дом на две семьи apartment (Am.), flat (Br.)– квартира country-house – дача, загородный дом sky-scraper – небоскреб   2. Places in the house (помещения) attic – чердак cellar – подвал, погреб basement – подвал, hall – коридор, холл, прихожая bedroom – спальня living-room (sitting-room, lounge) – гостиная study – кабинет dining-room –столовая nursery – детская комната kitchen – кухня bathroom – ванная lavatory (toilet) – туалет pantry (storeroom) – кладовая balcony – балкон ceiling – потолок floor – пол 3. Conveniences (удобства) electricity – электричество gas – газ central heating – центральное отопление running water – водопровод rubbish chute – мусоропровод telephone – телефон lift (Br.), elevator (Am.) – лифт   4. A living room (гостиная) wall units – стенка (корпусная мебель) sideboard – буфет, сервант cupboard – шкаф для посуды carpet/rug – ковер curtains – занавески light – люстра, светильник coffee table – журнальный столик furniture – мебель armchair – кресло sofa – диван fire-place – камин standard-lamp – торшер TV-set – телевизор stereo-system – музыкальный центр chest of drawers – комод dressing table – туалетный столик wardrobe – шкаф для одежды bookcase – книжный шкаф bookshelf – книжная полка reading lamp – настольная лампа mirror – зеркало houseplant – комнатное растение

1. Read and translate the text:

My Flat

We have a nice flat. It is not far from the center of the city. It is a new sixteen-storey building in Gagarin Avenue. There are two lifts in the house. Our flat is on the fourth floor. It has all modern conveniences, such as central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot running water and a rubbish chute.

There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat.

The living-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. In the middle of the living-room we have a square dining-table with six chairs round it. There is a hanging lamp above the table. To the right of the dining-table there is a wall-unit which has several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe and some shelves. At the opposite wall there is a piano.

Between the two large windows there is a little table with a color TV-set on it. There are two comfortable armchairs in front of the TV-set. In the left-hand corner there is a small round coffee-table, a sofa and a standard lamp. The walls of the living-room are light-green. There are some pictures on the walls.

My bedroom is smaller than the living-room, but it is very light and cosy. There is a bed on the right and a desk next to the window. There is a computer on the desk. On the left there is a wardrobe. There is a thick carpet on the floor and nice curtains on the window.

The third room is my parents` bedroom. There is a sofa, a wardrobe and a bookshelf in it. In the left-hand corner there is a dressing table with a big mirror. In the right-hand corner there is a TV-set.


2. Some sentences are right but most are wrong. Correct the sentences that are wrong:

1. I want to buy some flowers. OK

2. I need a new jeans. I need a new pair of jeans (or some jeans)

3. It`s a lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree. _______________________

4. There is a woman in the car with two mens. ________________________

5. Sheep eat grass. _______________________

6. David is married and has three childs. _______________________

7. Most of my friend are student. ________________________

8. He put on his pajama and went to bed. ________________________

9. I don`t like mice. I`m afraid of them. ________________________

10. This scissor isn`t very sharp. _________________________

3. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets in plural:

1. George always cleans his ………………. in the morning (tooth).

2. There are a lot of …………….in the river (fish).

3. The ………………fall from the trees in autumn (leaf).

4. There are a lot of ……………….in the field (sheep).

5. There are three …………………. at the bus stop (person).

6. Ann has got two ………………. (child).

7. Most ………………in Israel serve in the army (woman).

8. I would like to buy some ………………and……………. (potato, tomato).


4. Which is right? Complete the sentences:

1. It`s a nice place. Many people go there for a holiday. (go or goes?)

2. Some people ………………. always late. (is or are?)

3. The president isn`t popular. The people ……. like him. (don`t or doesn`t?)

4. A lot of people ………… television every day. (watch or watches?)

5. …………. the police carry guns in your country? (Do or Does?)

6. The police ………….. for criminals. (look or looks?)

7. I need my glasses but I can`t find ………………. (it or them?)

8. I`m going to buy ……… new jeans today. (a or some?)

9. Where ………… the scissors. (is or are?)

10. Mice ……………… cheese. (like or likes?)


5. Put in some or any

1. We have some butter but we don`t have any bread.

2. I`m going to the post office. I need ………………. stamps.

3. There aren`t ………….. shops in this part of the town.

4. George and Alice haven`t got ……………. children.

5. Have you got ……………… brothers or sisters?

6. There are …………… beautiful flowers in the garden.

7. Do you know ………….. good hotels in London?

8. Would you like …………….. tea? – Yes, please.

9. Can you lend me ……………. money?

10. I`m thirsty. Can I have …………….. water, please?

11. She doesn`t drink …………… alcohol, not even beer.

12. I don`t have ……….. money in my pocket, but I have ……… money in the bank.

13. I want ………….cheese. Is there …………… in the fridge?


6. Make the sentences interrogative:

1. There are some shops in our street. Are there any shops in our street?

2. There are some children in their family. ___________________________

3. There are some English books in my home library. __________________

4. I have got some time. _________________________________________

5. He has some dictionary._______________________________________

6. There are some pictures on the wall. _____________________________

7. There are some vacant rooms in this hotel. ________________________

8. She has some friends abroad. ___________________________________


7. Translate from Russian into English using some or any :

1. Вы бы хотели немного молока в кофе? 2. На нашей улице есть несколько маленьких магазинов. 3. В этой книге есть несколько иллюстраций. 4. На столе есть несколько писем для вас. 5. Есть ли какие-нибудь ошибки в моем тесте? 6. Можно мне немного воды? 7. Не могли бы вы одолжить (lend) мне немного денег? 8. Не хотите чай или сок? 9. Есть ли девушки в вашей группе? 10. Есть ли мебель в этой квартире? 11. У нас есть немного сыра, но нет хлеба. 12. У них нет детей. 13. У него нет денег. 14. У меня есть новости для вас. 15. У вас есть какие-нибудь проблемы?


3. Food

Topical Vocabulary

Fruit (фрукты) and berries (ягоды)

apple – яблоко orange – апельсин

apricot – абрикос peach – персик

banana – банан pear – груша

cherry – вишня plum – слива

grapes – виноград pineapple – ананас

grapefruit – грейпфрут strawberry – клубника

gooseberry - крыжовник water melon – арбуз

lemon – лимон tangerine – мандарин

melon – дыня raspberry – малина


Vegetables (овощи)

aubergine /eggplant – баклажан garlic – чеснок

beans – фасоль, бобы onion – лук

beetroot – свекла parsley – петрушка

cabbage – капуста peas – горох

carrot – морковь potato – картофель

cauliflower – цветная капуста pumpkin – тыква

cucumber – огурец tomato – помидор



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