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a) Present Simple (positive form)

1. She (to go) to school every day. 2. The sun always (to shine) in Egypt. 3. It often (to rain) in autumn. 4. Bad students never (to work) hard. 5. He usually (to wake up) at seven and (to have) breakfast at 7.30. 6. The sun (to rise) in the east. 7. Mary is an architect. She (to make) plans of different buildings. 8. I always (to come) in time to my classes. 9. They often (to spend) their holidays in the country. 10. Susan (to speak) English fluently. 11. Bill (to go) to the gym twice a week.


B) Present Simple (negative form)

1. Have a cigarette. – No, thank you. I don`t smoke. 2. She has a car but she (not to drive) it very often. 3. I like films but I (not to go) to the cinema very often. 4. She is married but she (not to wear) a ring. 5. It (not to snow) here very often. 6. She has a lot of books at home but she (not to read) them. 7. He has a dictionary but he (not to use) it very often. 8. They have much money but they (not to spend) it. 9. He has a bike but he (not to ride) it. 10. She (not to drink) coffee before she goes to bed. 11. We (not to have) classes in summer.


C) Present Simple (question form)

1. He works hard (How?) – How does he work? 2. She lives in London (Where?) 3. He has lunch at home (Where?) 4. I watch TV every day (How often?) 5. She works in a hospital (Where?) 6. They study law (What?) 7. He gets up at 7 o`clock (When?) 8. She plays the piano very well (How?) 9. I come home late in the evening (When?) 10. They have three children (How many children?). 11. He has his birthday in March (When?)

7. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Continuous:

A) Present Continuous (positive form)

1. Look! It (to snow). 2. He (to drink) coffee now. 3. We (to watch) a film now. 4. They (to have) dinner now. 5. He (to play) the guitar now. 6. John (to read) an interesting book now. 7. The students (to take) an exam at the moment. 8. Mary (to write) a letter to her friend now. 9. I (to sit) on a chair and (to eat) an apple. 10. Where is Ann? – She (to work) in the library.


B) Present Continuous (negative form)

1. He (not to read) a magazine now. – He is not reading a magazine now. 2. She (not to have) a bath at the moment. 3. I (not to write) an e-mail now. 4. The children (not to play) in the park now. 5. The secretary (not to type) letters at the moment. 6. She (not to wear) her new red dress today. 7. The Browns (not to have) breakfast now. 8. It (not to rain) now. 9. I (not to work) now. 10. The sun (not to shine) now.


C) Present Continuous (question form)

1. Where you (to go)? – Where are you going? 2. What he (to do)? 3. Where he (to drive)? 4. What she (to read)? 5. What they (to eat)? 6. What you (to write)? 7. Where the children (to play)? 8. Where the students (to take) an exam? 9. What mother (to cook)? 10. What she (to wear) today?



8. Present Simple or Present Continuous? Choose the correct form of the verb:

1. I have/I`m having a shower every morning.

2. Look! It`s raining./It rains. We can`t go to the beach.

3. Wha t are you doing/ Wha t do you do tonight? Are you going/Do you go out?

4. Wher e are you usually going/do you usually go on holiday?

5. What are you doing/do you do under the table? – I`m trying/I try to find my pen.

6. What does Fiona do/is Fiona doing? – She is a shop assistant.


9. Put in the correct tense (Present Simple or Present Continuous):

1. Mr. Smith always (to wear) a dark suit. Today he (to wear) a light one.

2. I never (to go) to bed before 11 o`clock at night. It is twelve o`clock, so I (to go) to bed now.

3. The sky is blue and the sun (to shine) now. The sun always (to shine) all day in summer.

4. The earth (to move) round the sun.

5. John (to work) in the bank. Now he (to work) in his study.

6. He always (to buy) lottery tickets but he never (to win) anything.

7. Ann usually (to drink) coffee but now she (to drink) tea.

8. Why you (to smoke) here? The baby (to sleep) in the room.

9. It often (to rain) in London. It seldom (to snow).

10. The students (to write) a test now.


10. Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple:

A) Past Simple (positive form)

1. I (to go) to bed late last night. 2. Columbus (to discover) America more than 400 years ago. 3. We (to finish) our supper an hour ago. 4. I (to meet) him at the station at 5 o`clock. The train (to arrive) an hour late. 5. Mother (to cook) a very tasty dinner yesterday. 6. We (to see) a very interesting film yesterday. 7. I (to spend) last summer at the seaside. 8. Tom (to buy) his car last month. 9. The students (to write) a test paper last week. 10. Queen Elizabeth II (to be) born in 1926. She (to become) Queen of England in 1952.


B) Past Simple (negative form)

1. I (not to invite) him to the party. 2. They (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 3. She (not to come) to her English class because she was ill. 4. She (not to look) happy when I saw her last time. 5. I (not to write) her a letter yesterday. 6. I (not to do) my homework yesterday. 7. She (not to get up) early yesterday. 8. I (not to talk) to him yesterday. 9. We (not to have) an English class last Thursday. 10. It (not to rain) yesterday.


C) Past Simple (question form)

1. She went shopping yesterday (Where?) Where did she go yesterday? 2. He understood everything (What?) 3. The students passed their exams successfully (How?) 4. He stayed at an expensive hotel (Where?) 5. We came home late last night (When?) 6. It rained heavily last week (When?) 7. He saw this lady at the party last night (Where?) 8. Tom bought his suit at a fashionable store (Where?) 9. John stopped smoking because he was ill (Why?) 10. He left his mobile phone at home (What?)


A) Complete the text with the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

Last weekend I ________ (go) to London with some friends. We _______ (meet) at the train station at 8.30 a.m. Our train ________ (leave) at 8.45 a.m. In the morning we _________ (buy) some souvenirs. Then, we _________ (have) lunch in an Italian restaurant. In the evening, we _________ (see) a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre. We __________ (get) home very late that night. We all __________ (feel) very tired but very happy.

b) Complete the questions in the Past Simple:

1. Did you go out last night? – Yes, I did.

2. What _______________________________________? – I wore jeans.

3. Where _______________________________ your friends? – We met in a cafe.

4. What time _____________________________________? – We got home late.

5. How _________________________________ home? – We went home by taxi.

6. _______________________________ a good time? – Yes, we had a great time

Conversational phrases (разговорные фразы)

1. What is your name? – My name is David. Как вас зовут? – Меня зовут Дэйвид.
2. Nice to meet you. Приятно с вами познакомиться.
3. Where are you from? – I`m from Canada. Откуда вы родом? – Я из Канады.
4. Where do you live? – I live in a flat. Где ты живешь? – Я живу в квартире.
5. How old are you? – I am 19. Сколько тебе лет? – Мне 19.
6. What do you do?/ What are you? – I`m a driver. Кем ты работаешь? – Я – водитель.
7. How are you? – I`m fine, thank you. Как поживаешь? – Спасибо, хорошо.
8. Are you married? – No, I`m not. I`m single. Ты женат? – Нет, я холост.
9. Are you Russian? – Yes, I am. Вы русский? – Да.
10. What are you doing? - I am writing. Что ты делаешь? - Я пишу.
11. I am hungry. I`d like to have a snack. Я голоден. Я бы хотел перекусить.
12. I am thirsty. I`d like a glass of juice. Я хочу пить. Я бы хотел стакан сока.
13. I`m hot. Could you open the window? Мне жарко. Не могли бы вы открыть окно?
14. I`m cold. Could you close the window? Мне холодно. Не могли бы вы закрыть окно?
15. I`m tired. – Have some rest. Я устал. – Отдохни.
16. Can I have some water, please? Можно мне немного воды?
17. Here you are. Вот, возьмите.
18. Thank you. – You are welcome. Спасибо. – Не стоит благодарности.
19. Could you help me? – Sure. Не могли бы вы помочь мне? – Конечно.
20. Can I help you? Я могу вам помочь?

Таблица неправильных глаголов (Irregular Verbs)

Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Translation
1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. be become begin break bring build buy choose come do drink drive eat fall feel find fly forget get give go have hear keep know leave lose make meet read run say see sell send sit sleep speak spend stand steal swim take tell think wear win write was, were became began broke brought built bought chose came did drank drove ate fell felt found flew forgot got gave went had heard kept knew left lost made met read ran said saw sold sent sat slept spoke spent stood stole swam took told thought wore won wrote been become begun broken brought built bought chosen come done drunk driven eaten fallen felt found flown forgotten got given gone had heard kept known left lost made met read run said seen sold sent sat slept spoken spent stood stolen swum taken told thought worn won written быть, являться становиться начинать(ся) ломать(ся) приносить строить покупать выбирать приходить делать пить вести, гнать есть, кушать падать чувствовать находить летать забывать получать давать идти, ходить иметь слышать держать, хранить знать оставлять, покидать терять, проигрывать делать встречать читать бежать сказать видеть продавать посылать сидеть спать говорить тратить, проводить стоять красть; похищать плавать брать сказать думать носить, изнашивать выигрывать, писать

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