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The first course (первое блюдо)

clear soup/broth – бульон beetroot soup –свекольник

chicken broth – куриный бульон vegetable soup – овощной суп

cabbage soup – щи pea soup – гороховый суп

noodles – лапша fish soup – рыбный суп, уха


The second course (второе блюдо)

roast beef/pork/chicken – жареная говядина/свинина/цыпленок

beefsteak - бифштекс

ham – ветчина

sausage – колбаса, сосиска

fried eggs – яичница глазунья

fried fish – жареная рыба

seafood – морепродукты


Dessert (десерт) and drinks (напитки)

apple pie – яблочный пирог fruit juice – фруктовый сок

pudding – пудинг stewed fruit - компот

cake – кекс, пирожное coffee – кофе

honey – мед tea - чай

chocolate – шоколад biscuit - печенье

marmalade – мармелад cocktail - коктейль



tasty/delicious – вкусный favourite - любимый

horrible – ужасный sour - кислый

substantial – плотный, питательный sweet - сладкий

light – легкий tough (meat) – жесткое мясо

stale – черствый, несвежий bitter – горький

1. Read and translate the text:

My Meals

I usually have three big meals a day: breakfast, lunch and supper, and I always have some snacks between them. On weekdays, I`m always short of time in the mornings. So, my breakfast is not very big. I usually have a cup of strong tea or coffee and a couple of sandwiches. At about 11 a.m. I usually have a light snack.

I always have lunch at work. Sometimes I take food with me and heat it up in the microwave. But more frequently I go out for lunch with my colleagues to a near-by café. They have a lot of dishes on the menu and the food is always fresh and well cooked. My lunch is quite substantial. To begin with, I usually have some vegetable salad. For the first course I have some soup – noodle, mushroom or vegetable soup. For the second course I like to have meat or chicken with vegetables or mashed potato. For dessert I prefer stewed fruit or fruit juice with a slice of cake.

I have supper at about 7 p.m. at home with my family. Sometimes we go out to eat in fast food restaurants, like McDonald`s. I like everything there: cheeseburgers, hamburgers, French fries, fruit cocktails or fizzy drinks. But we don`t go there very often, because fast food is not very healthy.


2. Learn the poem by heart:

There are days when everything goes wrong:

The bread was stale.

It was four days old.

The milk was sour.

The coffee was cold.

The butter was rancid.

The steak was tough.

The service was dreadful.

The waiter was rough.

My bill was huge.

His tip was small.

I`m sorry I went to that place at all.

3. Complete the text. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets:

Humans and chimps: a comparison

Chimpanzees live in the forests of central Africa. They are much _________________ (good) than humans at climbing trees, but on the ground, humans are __________________ (fast). Chimps walk on their hands and feet. Their arms are _________________ (long) than their legs. Humans are _________________ (big) and __________________ (heavy) than chimps and they are ________________ (tall) too. But chimps are much ________________ (strong) than humans. They hunt __________________ (small) animals for food. Chimps are intelligent animals, but humans are _____________________________ (intelligent).

4. Look at the photos and compare the places. Use the comparative form of adjectives from the box, or your own ideas:

beautiful busy cold exciting hot interesting

The beach is quieter than the ski resort.







5. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Анна – лучшая студентка в группе (good). 2. Москва больше, чем Ростов (big). 3. Русская грамматика труднее, чем английская (difficult). 4. Книга интереснее, чем фильм (interesting). 4. Его бабушка моложе дедушки (young). 5. «Двойка» - это самая плохая отметка (bad). 6. В декабре дни самые короткие (short). 7. Этот день – самый счастливый в моей жизни (happy). 8. Москва – крупнейший город в России (big). 9. Волга длиннее Дона (long). 10. Он выше меня (tall). 11. Июль – самый жаркий месяц в году (hot). 12. Золото дороже серебра (expensive).

6. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple:


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