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Applied electrical engineering

Electrical engineering is a broad field. Power engineering deals with problems of efficient generation and distribution of electrical power. Some of the problems of distribution of electrical power concern, for example, the voltage in the transmission lines, the frequency of the current and the power loads. The voltages and the loads in­crease all the time. The frequency should not change; it has a standard value equal to 50 Hertz (60 Hertz in the USA).

Communications, though a part of electrical engineering, is a quite separate and a very important and complex field including also electronics, computers and many new areas such as television, magnetic recording, etc.

The general object of communications is to send messages of various types from one location to another. by telephone, telegraph and by radio. Modulation, channel capacity and waveguides are only a few of the prob­lems that come up.

Though electrical engineering is basic to computers, this branch has grown so tremendously that it is an industry in itself.

Field – область modulation - модуляция, изменение характеристик

applied – прикладной channel capacity - пропускная способность каналов

power engineering – теплоэнергетика waveguide - волновод

efficient – эффективный i s basic to - лежит в основе

distribution – распределение branch - отрасль

transmission line - линия передачи frequency - частота (тока)

to handle - зд. выполнять message - сообщение

power load – нагрузка unbelievably - невероятно

communications – связь decision - решение-

magnetic recording - магнитная запись area - зд. специальность, отрасль

5. Выписать из текста сказуемые в страдательном залоге и определить их временную форму.

6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:


1. What fields is electrical engineering used in?

2. How can messages be sent from one location to another?

7. Напишите данные числа прописью.

385 861: 2 500 039: 102: 8 461; I 005 893.

8. Образуйте множественное число существительных;

a game, a woman, a boy, a book, a flat, a language, an office, a capital, a group, a box.



1. Определите, какой частью речи являются следующие слова и переведите их на русский язык:

dark, darkness;

physics, physical, physicist;

move, movement;

special, specialist, speciality;

month, monthly;

cultural, culture;

nature, natural.

2. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам

1. The student reading a book wants to be a mechanic.

2. Alice said she wasn’t ready for the lesson.

3. We 'II come back in time.

4. Reinforced concrete was made in 1861.

5. He can speak two foreign Languages


3. Выпишите сказуемые и определите их видо-временную форму.

The Open - Hearted Waiter

It was dinner lime. A customer entered a restaurant and sat down at a table. He asked for the menu and said to the waiter:

«Here is sixpence tip for you; tell me what you can recommend me».

The waiter leaned over and whispered: «I shall recommend you to go another restaurant».

4. Прочитайте и сделайте письменный перевод текста:


When an airplane moves through the atmosphere, the air resists its movement. From school mechanics we know that a force (here the resistance to air) can be resolved into three components.

The components are as follows; first, there is the skin friction which is a thin boundary layer of air in contact with the surface of the moving body and produced as the result of the stresses that developed in this layer. The second component of air resistance is the drag; and the third is the lift, also called the induced drag. It is caused by the flow at the upper surface.

The different wings of the airplane guide (he plane and stabilize it. The large wings in the front serve to stabilize the plane against roll, which is rotation around the longitudinal axis of the plane. The smaller wings in the back are horizontal stabilizers to prevent yaw, which is the rise and fall of the plane 's fail or nose. The other structure in the back is a vertical stabilizer to prevent yaw, which is rotation around the vertical axis of the plane.

aerodynamics – аэродинамика wing - крыло

to resolve – разложить to guide - направлять

skin friction - поверхностное трение r oll - вращение относительно продольной оси

boundary layer - пограничный слой drag - лобовое сопротивление

lift - подъем, подъемная сила tail - хвост

induced drag - индуктивное сопротивление yaw - рыскание; скольжение

pitch - наклон (самолета) относительно поперечной оси


5. Выписать из текста сказуемые в страдательном залоге и определить их временную форму.

6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What resists the movement of an airplane in the atmosphere? -

2. What guides the plane and stabilizes it?

7. Напишите данные числа прописью.

395201: 8503200; 409: 25; 24101

8. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

a plan, an exercise, a technician, a text, a street, a wolf, a chair, a family, a dictionary, an apple



1. Определите, какой частью речи являются следующие слова и переведите их на русский язык:

drive, driver:

mechanical, mechanics, mechanic:

electrical, electricity: electrician:

special, speciality, specialist:

chemistry, chemical, chemist:

settle, settlement:

royalist, royal, royalist


2. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам

1. In the evening I switch on the light, sit down at the table and work.

2. Dmitry Mendeleyev was a great Russian chemist.

3. He has just finished his breakfast.

4. Bob went readily to the club.

5. In our country everybody has the right to study.


3. Выпишите сказуемые и определите их видо-временную форму.

Cliff's marks were poor. Father said, «I'll give you my car if you do better». «All right», Cliff said, «1 '// learn better». A month later his father said, «Again no progress? What did you do all this time'!1» «I was learning to drive a car», was the answer.


4. Прочитайте и сделайте письменный перевод текста:


/. The computers or high-speed electronic machines of today have created entirely new technical possibilities in automatic control of industrial processes. First designed for solving mathematical problems, they soon paved the way for a new field of science --cybernetics that studies general principles of control both in live and non-live systems.

2. The importance of cybernetics is particularly great in the sphere of engineering sciences. A newly developed field of knowledge is technical cybernetics. Its objectives are to control automatic industrial processes,to study problems of transmission of information and to develop new principles of automatic control.

3. The development of a control computer begins with the study of the objects or units to be controlled. This is followed by the development of working hypotheses about the character of processes taking place in the units, and finally, elaboration of control algorithms.

4. The quantitative relationships of the process being controlled are described by mathematical equations linking together certain functions, some of which are known and others are to be found.

5. The computing device is inserted into the automatic control circuit and made to find optimum solutions to the above-mentioned equations, and control the process, securing the most efficient operation, on the basis of computed results.

high-speed electronic machines – электронные быстродействующие вычислительные машины to pay the way for - проложить путь чему-либо equation - уравнение

objectives - цели, чадами above - mentioned – вышеуказанные

elaboration - создание


5. Выписать из текста сказуемые в страдательном залоге и определить их временную форму. 6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What made automatic control of industrial processes possible?

2. What are computers made for'/'

7. Напишите данные числа прописью.

2 304 958: 31; 195; 281 492; 10 005.

8. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

a vocabulary, an eye, a text, a plant, a factory, a businessman, a clock, a mistake, a student, a fox.



1. Определите, какой частью речи являются следующие слова и переведите их на русский язык:

resident, residence;

architecture, architectural;

visit, visitor;

commerce, commercial;

magnetism, magnetic;

existence, existent;

mathematical, mathematician, mathematics.


2. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. You will be met at 6 о 'clock.

2. He shows his photographs only when people want to see them.

3. Johnny has broken the window.

4. / knew nothing about it.

5. Mary was busy at that time.

3. Выпишите сказуемые и определите их видовременную форму:

1 have been studying at Moscow University in the historical faculty for a year. The students of our faculty often go on excursions to ancient Russian towns. Recently we went to Novgorod. Our guide was Sergei Vislov. He graduated from our faculty a year ago. Now he is taking a post-graduate course. In a bus one of the students asked me; «Have you been to Novgorod before?» - «No, I haven 't,» I answered.


4. Прочитайте и сделайте письменный перевод текста:


One of the better known branches of engineering is construction engineering that deals with building of all kinds of structures like factories, bridges, dams, etc.

There are many other specialties, as for example, irrigation, water supply and flood control. Another area, not so well known, is sanitary engineering which deals with sewage and disposal of industrial waste. Road building which is also a part of transportation engineering, along with airport design and construction are im­portant fields.

Railway transportation is a separate field with many branches and specialities.

Mechanical engineering is a very wide field which includes a great variety of specialities, one of the oldest being machine design. First we need to known the purpose of a particular machine, whether it is a crane, a lathe or a diesel engine. Then, if we are given the loads and other parameters we can make a modern design with the most efficient use of the materials.

Mechanical engineering includes installations for heating, refrigeration and air-conditioning which re­quire efficient power plants, compressors, fans and other machinery.

There arc thousands of types of machines, used т all branches of industry, agriculture, transport and for domestic needs.

civil engineering - гражданское строительство; construction engineering - строительство; factory - фабрика; dam - плотина; irrigation - ирригация; water supply - водоснабжение; flood control - борьба с наводнением; sanitary engineering - сантехника; to deal with - иметь дело с; sewage - сточные воды, канализация; road building - дорожное строительство; transportation engineering - транспортное строительство; airport construction - строительство аэропортов;   railway construction - железнодорожное строительство mechanical engineering - машиностроение; machine design - станкостроение; crane - кран; lathe - токарный станок; diesel engine - дизель; loads - (рабочие) нагрузки; parameters - параметры; heating - отопление; refrigeration - охлаждение; air-conditioning - кондиционирование воздуха; fan - вентилятор


5. Выписать из текста сказуемые в страдательном залоге и определить их временную форму.

6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1 What does construction engineering deal with?'

3. Where does mechanical engineering find its application?

7. Напишите данные числа прописью:

41, 204. 5803, 10 954 321, 605394.

8. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

a laboratory, an exam, a club, a meeting, class, a TV set, a place, a watch, a businessman, a talk.



1. Определите, какой частью речи являются следующие слова, переведите их на русский язык:

popular, popularly:

effect, effective;

develop, development;

examine, exam;

organize, organization; organizational;

practice, practical;

success, successfully.

2. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам

1. Women have equal right with men.

1. Westminster Abbey is famous for its architecture.

3. In the past Great Britain had many colonies.

4. He will learn history at the university.

5. They play hockey very well.


3. Выпишите сказуемые и определите их видо-временную форму.

Last Monday while we were watching an exciting game on TV. The electricity went out. So we went outside, got into the car. turned on (he radio, and listened to the rest of the game. The next day the car battery was dead and we had to buy a new one.

4. Прочитайте и сделайте письменный перевод текста:


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