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Modern industry (mass production)

«A great mass» of something means a great amount. When the new method of manufacturing articles in great number was introduced, a new name was wanted for it «mass production» was the one that came into use.

In what ways does mass production differ from the older methods of manufacture'.'' Formerly a skilled workman often made the whole of an article himself by hand. Articles made in this way could not be mass pro­duced. Each article differed slightly, from the others; in every one there was something of the maker's individual­ity. The finished article was sold at a high price, the price representing the time and the skill of the worker who had made it.

Mass production has reduced the cost of labour to a minimum.

As new method are invented and new manufacturing processes developed, output increases more and more. The aim of every factory is to reduce costs and increase output.

Most of the articles of everyday use are mass produced. The buttons on your coat, your shoe-laces, pens, pencils and exercise books are all very cheap because they are mass produced. Cigarettes are manufactured and sold bv the million. Tobacco and paper are put into one part of a machine and endless cigarettes emerge at an­other. Another machine counts the cigarettes and packs them into boxes. From the time when the tobacco is put into the machine unit the purchaser opens the box, no hand touches the cigarettes.

manufacturing - изготовление cost of labour - стоимость труда

article - изделие output - производительный

mass production - массовое производство purchaser -покупатель
price - цена

6. Выписать из текста сказуемые в страдательном залоге и определить их временную форму.

6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What advantages does mass production have as compared with the method of manufacture7

2. Give examples of mass production.


7. Напишите данные числа прописью.

4 829 402: 38: 201 495: 304; 721 908

. 8. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

an engine, a person, Congress, a match, a house, a battery, a nation, a tragedy, a boy, a university



1. Определите, какой частью речи являются следующие слова и переведите их на русский язык:

real, really

popular, population

price, priceless

colour, colourful

loud, loudly

power, powerful

mix, mixture.

2. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам

1. Mary knew when Johnny came home.

2. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.

3. Translating the text we learn a lot of new words.

4. He has never been to any of these countries.

5. On Sunday they will go out of town.

3. Выпишите сказуемые и определите их видо-временную форму.

Yesterday we had a houseful of children for my son 's sixth birthday party. In the middle of the party, the phone rang, so I had to leave the children alone for a moment. When I came back into the room, most of the chil­dren were still playing together nicely. Rut over in the corner, Bobby was pulling Annie’s hair. I quickly ran over and told Bobby to stop.


4. Прочитайте и сделайте письменный перевод текста:


Machines work for man, replacing his muscles in certain jobs. Can machines also think for man, substi­tuting for his brain?

Machines now do 90 % of the work on a farm in hours instead of days. Utensils, once handmade by skilled craftsmen, come off modern assembly lines by the hundreds of thousands a month. Electric looms annually weave millions of yards of dress fabrics. An electronic computer makes it possible for a mathematician to solve, in a few minutes, a problem which it would have taken him months to work out on paper with a pencil.

Man has developed industrial and mechanical devices so complex that human beings can no longer con­trol production by hand. We have to continue to develop automatic controls for industry, business, education, and scientific research. This is a field of study known as cybernetics, a word which comes from the Greek, meaning «man at the helm», or «governor».

Automatic control is not new. An elementary example is the flyball. Perhaps you have seen a simple fyball governor like the one invented by James Watt in 1788. The flyball was to control the output of a steam engine. If the engine begins to run too fast, the outward swing of the ftyballs closes the steam input valve, cuts off the amount of steam, and slows the engine down. If, on the contrary, the engine slows down too much, the inward swing of the flvball opens the input valve and speeds up the engine.

utensils – утварь by the hundreds of thousands - сотнями тысяч

assembly line - сборочный конвейер a month - зд. в месяц

loom - ткацкий станок to work out - решить

to weave – ткать man at the helm - рулевой, кормчий

fabrics – текстиль electronic computer – ЭВМ

governor – регулятор to cut off- запирать

to control – управлять output - отдача, производительность

input valve - впускной клапан flyball - шаровой регулятор

cybernetics – кибернетика slow... down - замедляет

discovery – открытие outward saving - расхождение

begins to run too fast - начинает работать в разнос;

automatic control - автоматическое регулирование;


5. Выписать из текста сказуемые в страдательном залоге и определить их временную форму.

6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What is an elementary example of automatic control?

2. How does the flyball control the work of a steam engine?

7. Напишите данные числа прописью.

25210861: 104: 39: 84335: 1091

8. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

a course, a hobby, a cup, an expert, an office, an address, a camera, a photo, an Englishman, a pen.




1. Определите, какой частью речи являются следующие слова и переведите их на русский язык:

substance, substantial, substantially:

write, writer:

use, useful, useless:

political policy, politician:

party, partial, participant:

change, changeable:

break, breakable.


2. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам

1 We study the chemical and physical properties of metals.

2. I made most of the work myself.

3. They were listening to the teacher.

4. Mary will be busy at that time.

5. Molecules of matter are composed of atoms.

3. Выпишите сказуемые и определите их видо-временную форму.

A friend of mine, Judith Nelson, is presently working in the international sales division at an electronics firm. She's just returned from a trip to Japan. She was asked to go to Japan because she can speak Japanese. When she was a business student at Boston University, she studied Japanese. She had never had the opportunity to use her Japanese until she went to Tokyo last month. While she was there, she spoke Japanese every day and en­joyed every minute of it. She 's anxious to return.


4. Прочитайте и сделайте письменный перевод текста:


What is a computer? It is a complex instrument made up of hundreds of electronic devices, miles of elec­tric wire. At a panel desk connected to the instrument, an operator feeds facts, figures, and symbols into the ma­chine, to be stored on magnetic tape or on cards. The electronic system of a computer is too complex for its to at­tempt to describe in full detail here. More than 100,000 pieces of information can be stored in one machine, and when the operator wants answers, he asks the machine in a special language to process the information taken from storage.

How is your arithmetic? Will you stop a minute and work a multiplication problem? You will need a large piece of paper to do your multiplying of 827,394,015,656,841 by 312,993, 751.048.520. Each of these is a 15-digit number. How long did it take you to multiply the two?

If you did the experiment, you now appreciate a computer's speed. In one third of a second, it can multiply two 127-digil numbers. In one whole second, it can add 4,000 five-digit numbers: in two seconds it can complete 320 long-division problems.

The same machine does the work of thousand of trained mathematicians in any given time period, and without the mistakes which human beings are bound to make. The machine can flash its answers on a screen, can print them on paper, store them away on magnetic tapes or cards. The electronic machine can give any answer or combination of possible answers from the information fed to it for storage.

to feed facts - ввести данные (в машину)

in full detail - детально

to store away - вложить в память, накопить информацию

are bound to make - обычно делают

to flash answers on a screen - дать изображениe ответов на экране


5. Выписать из текста сказуемые в страдательном залоге и определить их временную форму. 6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

/. How many pieces of information can be stored in one machine?

2. Can machines think?

7. Напишите данные числа прописью.

61804: 81: 30150891: 223: 3492

8 Образуйте множественное число существительных:

on engineer, a degree, a circle, a lamp, a potter, a company, a country, a toy, a region, a woman



1. Определите, какой частью речи являются следующие слова и переведите их на русский язык

compete, competitive, competition:

actual, actually:

exist, existence, existent:

graduate, graduation:

quick, quickly:

shy, shyness.

2. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. Не published his first scientific paper while a student.

2. The wireless was broken by the boy.

3. She is going to study mathematics at the University.

4. / can not hear a sound.

5 He came late because of rain.

3. Выпишите сказуемые и определите их видовременную форму:

Тот had a hard time finding a job. He had been trying to get a new job for six months before he finally found a position at a local community college. Now he has a two-year contract. He has been teaching there for only a few weeks, hut he likes his job very much.


4. Прочитайте и сделайте письменный перевод текста:


This radio instrument finds the position and distance of objects which the human eye may not be able to see: it also records the direction and speed of moving objects, such as ships and airplanes. Radar can pick out objects more than a hundred miles away in the worst weather conditions, when we can see perhaps no farther than a hun­dred yards.

Radar works in this way. Powerful transmitters send out a stream of radio-waves, called «pulses», at the rate of perhaps one thousand every second. These pulses shoo/ through the air at a speed of one hundred and eighty-six thousand miles a second till they hit an object, perhaps a ship, an airplane, an iceberg or a hill. These pulses can­not go though the object: and so they immediately shoot back at the same speed, in the opposite direction, and hit the aerial of the radar. The moment this happens, a spot or line of light appears on the radar screen, showing the position and distance of the object.

Today radar is used for many peaceful purposes all over the world. Modern ships of all nations carry radar to help them sail in had weather, when it is possible to see for a distance of perhaps only a few hundred yards.

Radar also helps to guide airplanes across the world. Radio signals sent beams are transmitted in to the sky from land radio stations at a number of points along their course. The pilots can hear these signals on their radio and see them on their radar screen. The beams are like sign-posts in the sky. A pilot guides his airplane towards one beam, and then flies on to next beam. At the end of his journey, he will land his airplane with the help of ra­dar. Trained men at the airport watch the airplane on their radar screens and tell the pilot by radio the course to follow, they tell him when and by how much to reduce height, and give any other orders that may be necessary.

In many countries radar controls the speed of cars on roads where there is a speed limit. They hope that radar will help them reduce the number of accidents on the roads. Thousands of people all over the world lose their lives in road accidents every year. The police can now watch the speed of the cars on their radar screens and stop mo­torists from driving too fast.

Radar is used to forecast the weather, and to study the moon and stars. Powerful radar telescopes are used to study the stars. They are also used to study scientific experiments in space.

Almost every year some new use is found for radar. Radar is one of the most important scientific discoveries in the field of engineering of our time.

to pack out - рассмотреть radar screen - экран радара

in this way - работает следующим образом e xplosion - взрыв,

a stream of radio-waves - серия радиоволн submarine - подводная лодка

hit an object - поражают объект engine-room - машинное отделение

pulses - импульсы transmitter - передатчик

at the rate of- со скоростью aerial - антенна

sign-posts - сигнальные мачты

to land an airplane - посадить самолет

shoot hack - отражаются от предмета и устремляются обратно

the course to follow - каким курсом следовать


5. Выпишите из текста сказуемые в страдательном залоге и определить их временную форму.

6 Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. Where is radar used today?

2. Why is radar one of the most important scientific discoveries in the field of engineering?

Напишите данные числа прописью:

1972: 23408; 35804115; 14; 420364.

8. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

abeam; a battery; an engine; oil; a scientist; a child; a technician; a fox; a process; a type.



1. Определите, какой частью речи являются следующие слова и переведите их на русский язык:

translate, translater, translation;

think, thinker, thinkable;

rest, restless;

busy, business, businessman;

colour, colourful;

drive, driver;

speed, speedy, speedily.

2. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам

1. We stayed at home because it was raining.

2. The first electric lamp was invented in 1873.

3. / study many interesting subjects in college.

4. They have just moved into а new flat.

5. The students can use word processors.


3. Выпишите сказуемые и определите их видо-временную форму.

On June 20:th 1 returned home. I have been away from home for two years. My family met me at the airport with kisses and tears. They had missed me as much as I had missed them. 1 was happy to see them again. When I got the chance, I took a long look at them. My little brother was no longer little. He had grown at least a foot. My mother looked a little older, but not much. I am so happy to be with them again.


3. Прочитайте и сделайте письменный перевод текста:



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