Painting/art/pictures. Cities. On time/ Punctuality. Colors. Daily routine. Emails & Letters. Hometown. Plants. Part 1 Topics (may to august 2018)
Painting/Art/Pictures Do you like painting? What kinds of things do you like to draw? Did you enjoy doing art lessons when you were a child? Do you ever draw or paint pictures now? When was the last time you went to an art gallery or exhibition? What kind of pictures do you like having in your home? What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?
Cities Do you like the city you are living in now? Which city have you been to recently? Do you prefer the city or the countryside? What kinds of city do you like? Which city do you want to go to?
On time/ Punctuality How to you check the time? Is it important to be on time? What do you do when you arrive early? Has people’s the sense of time gotten weaker now? Is it less or more important to be on time today than in the past?
Colors What colors do you like? What’s the most popular color in your country? Do you like to wear dark or bright colors? What’s the different between men and women’s preference on colors? Do colors affect your mood?
Daily Routine When do you usually get up and go to bed? Are your weekdays and weekends different? What is your favorite part of a day? What is your worst part of a day? When do you do most of your study? Would you like to change your daily routine? How much time do you think people should spend on working per week?
Films Do you like watching films? Emails & Letters Do you think emails are useful? Do you think it is a good thing that companies send out spam email for advertising purposes? Do you think email can replace handwriting? Do you often write something by hand? Who do you usually write to and what do you write about? What are the differences between handwriting and email? What kind of letter is the hardest to write? What kind of email do you receive and make you happy? What do you usually use email for? Do you like using email or making a phone call? Do you think email will still be popular in the future?
Hometown Where’s your hometown? Do you like it? Is it a good place for children? Good and bad points of it? Are there any changes in your hometown in recent years? Will you work in your hometown in the future? Is transportation convenient in your hometown? Will you find a boyfriend/girlfriend in your hometown?
Why do young people like to go to big cities? What problems do big cities have besides bad traffic? What do people take with them when they go out in big cities besides umbrellas? What kind of customs do you have in your hometown? ==> Sample Answer
Plants Do you like plants? What plants do you like? Have you ever grown any plants? Did you grow any plant when you were a child? Do you think plant is a good gift? / Do people in your country send plants as gift? Do you keep plants at home? Do you know anything about growing a plant?
PART 1 TOPICS (MAY TO AUGUST 2018) Transportation 1. What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown? 2. Is it easy to catch a bus in your country? 3. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains? 4. Is driving to work popular in your country? 5. Do you think people will drive more in the future? 6. Would you ride bikes to work in the future? 7. Do you think what will become the most popular means of transportation in your country? 8. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation? Other questions: ==> Band 8. 0+ Sample Answer
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