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==> Band 9.0 Sample Answers

==> Band 9. 0 Sample Answers


Wild Animal

What’s your favourite wild animal?
Do you like to see animals in the zoo?
Do you keep a pet?
Do you think it’s important to let kids know about animals?


Outdoor activities

1. Do you like outdoor activities?
Sadly I must say no. Since getting outdoor involves choosing clothes, meeting people and sometimes standing the weather, so most of the times I’d prefer staying inside. If I’m free I can invite some friends to come over. We can still have fun without going out.
2. What outdoor activities do you like to do?
The outdoor activity I like to do best is my photography tour, especially when the weather is perfectly fine. I would walk around campus to find inspiration. It could be a flower, a sunshine or the road I walk everyday.
3. How often do you do that?
For the past few weeks I’m too busy that I hardly have time to go on my photography tour. Previously I get outside three times a week and depending on the weather condition that I could go out more or less often than that.
4. What outdoor sports do you like? (Why? )
Definitely swimming, especially during the summer. Not only is swimming good for my health, it also helps me get in shape. Besides, I sometimes go jogging to enjoy fresh air.
5. How much time do you spend outdoors every week?
As I’ve already mentioned, I’m quite busy these days for any physical exercises. If going to the supermarket or go window-shopping are also considered as ‘getting outdoors’ then yeah, I guess I get outdoor once a week.
6. How often do you do outdoor activities?
I’m afraid not too often. I mean it’s not in my favor now. These days I’m so busy that most of the time I get outdoor is to go to school. Although I still hang out with friends, but basically we prefer having drink and a little chit chat instead of doing some sports.
7. What (types of) outdoor activities are popular in your country?
I think sports is particularly popular nowadays, as keeping fit is becoming more demanding. Or other street activities such as skateboarding, street-performing also are growing more and more popular among the young generation.

Other questions:
Do people in your country prefer to spend time indoors or outdoors?
Do you like to watch sports on TV?
What’s the most popular sport in your country?
What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?
Have you ever tried any dangerous sports?

==> Band 9 Sample Answers



Do you use dictionary?
How often do you use dictionary?
Do you prefer paper or electronic dictionary? What are the differences?
Do you think the dictionary is useful?
Will you like it if someone give you a dictionary as a gift?


Ideal job

What kinds of job did you want to do in your childhood?
What’s your ideal job now?

==> Sample Answer



How much sleep do you think people need to stay healthy?
Do old people sleep more or less than young people?
Have you done anything to improve your sleep quality?
How long do you sleep every day?


Leisure time

What’s your favorite way to relax?
Do the old like to do the same activities?
Do you have enough time to relax?
Do you think it’s important to have leisure time?



What apps do you often use?
Do you want to develop an app yourself?
Do you often use apps on mobile phones?
Do you want to make your own app?
What kinds of apps do you expect in the future?


What’s your full name?

How should I call you?

What does your name mean?

Who gave you the name?

Why did they give you this name?

Is it a common name in your country?

==> Sample Answer


Work /Job

Do you work or are you a student?

What work do you do?

What specific things do you do on your job?

Why did you choose that job?

What do you like most about your job?

Would you recommend that job to others?

What did you do on the first day of your job?

Do you think this job has a bright future?

What are the most interesting and the difficult part of your job?

==> Sample Answer



Have you ever taken a ride on a boat?

Do you like traveling by boat?

What are the advantages of travelling by boat?

Do people in your country like to travel by boat?

Will it get more popular in the future?



Do you spend a lot of time with teenagers?

What do teenagers like to do in your country?

Do boy teenagers and girl teenagers like different things?

Do they like to stay with people of their own age?

What’s the best part of being a teenager?



What’s your major?

Do you like it?

How do you like your courses?

(if you do not have a major yet) Which major do you want to choose in college? Why?

Will you change it if you have the chance?

Which major will you change it to?

Is it different from what you had in mind?

Why did you choose that major?



Do you like watching advertisements?

Will you buy something because of the advertisement?

How do you feel when you see pop-up advertisement on the internet?

Do you like funny or serious advertisements?

What makes a good advertisement?


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