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Computer. Staying at home. Training. High school. Old topics in 2017. Mirror. Musical instruments. Television. Robots


Do people often use computers these days?

Will people continue to use computers in the future?

Do you use computer?

What do you use it for?

Did you use computer when you were little?


Staying at home

Do you spend more time at home or outside?

How long do you usually stay at home?

Do you like staying at home?

What do you usually do when you stay at home?

Did you always stay at home when you were little?



When do you usually eat meal?

Do you prefer eating at home or outside?

Do you like ordering food delivery?

Who do you eat it with?

Do you eat meals differently now compared with when you were little?



Is it important to have trainings during work?

What kind of training have you had during your work?

Have you had any training that makes you familiar with the company?

What have you learnt from those trainings?

How do you use what you have learnt in your work?


High school

Who’s your favorite teacher in high school?

What’s your favorite subject in high school?

Do you still remember what happened on your first day of high school?

Do you still keep in touch with your friends from high school?

Do you miss your life in high school?



How do you feel about birds?
Are there any birds near your home?
Have you seen many different kinds of birds?

==> Sample Answer



Old topics in 2017


What do you think is patience?
Do you think patience is important?
Do you think you are an patient person?
Have you ever lost your patience?

==> Sample Answer


Are you a polite person?
Who taught you to be polite?
Is it important to be polite?
What would you do if others are not polite to you?

==> Sample Answer


1. Do you often look at yourself in the mirror?
Yes very often, at least three times a day. Every morning after finishing personal hygiene, I always look at the mirror to check my hair and clothes for the last time before I go out.

2. Do you often buy mirror?
Well I’m a boy so as you can guess I barely buy mirrors. However I can always go with my mom or sister to give them advices on choosing kinds of mirror.

3. Do you think mirrors are necessary ornaments?
Absolutely yes. Mirror is one of the most indispensable/important things in houses. Besides personal purpose, mirrors are also used for decorations. For example, in some architectural designs like churches, they use mirror to make church mysterious and ancient.

4. Do you often buy clothes without looking in mirror?
Never. I always go to fitting room to put the clothes on and check carefully if it fits me and looks good on me. I just wanna make sure I pay for the right things.


Musical instruments

1. Do you play any kind of instruments?
Unfortunately, I had not learned to play any type of musical instrument when I was a little boy. I remembered that in schools, teachers always told us to put all energy into studying and preparing exams. The music lessons, along with physical exercises and paintings, were not so important as the schools claimed to be. I really felt pity when I grew up.

2. What can children benefit by learning a musical instrument at school?
I think playing musical instrument would be beneficial for children’s mental health. Moreover, it could stimulate the capability of creativity and concentration. A research showed that children listened to music before the exam got higher scores than others.


1. Did you often watch television when you were a child?
oh yes, I was really a couch potato when i was a little boy. On weekends, when my parents went out to do other things, I was left alone at home with TV all day long. So i was deeply obsessed with various TV programs. It’s still fresh in my mind that Tom and Jerry is my favourite cartoon which went along through my childhood.

2. Do you often watch TV recently?
Very often. I turn on the TV to watch Hollywood movies. I’m a big fan of Star Movies and HBO channels. So I check them like once few hours to catch the good films to watch. It’s awesome to see Hollywood stars with spectacular scenes.

3. What kind of TV programmes do you like most?
I really enjoy watching reality shows like The Voice or America’s Next Top Model. In those fierce competitions, I can see my idols who have acquired an established reputation as supermodels. Moreover, I can witness the maturity of each contestant through each episode.


1. Are you interested in robots? Why?
Yes, sure. I’m a big fan of Transformers. That movie is about robots from another planet. I like robots because personally, they represent the technological advancements.

2. Do you like robots to work at home? / What kind of robots do you like to have?
Yes, why not. Robots would help the elderly and retired people with their daily life activities like cooking and cleaning. Moreover, robots could do normal jobs quickly unlike human beings with 24 hours a day.

3. Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver?
Well, it’s a bit scary but i would trust them completely. I think human would program them well and exactly with many tests before releasing them.

4. Will robots replace human being in the workplace completely?
I’m afraid that we will see the replacement of human teachers by artificial intelligence. However, there are some specific jobs that they can never replace human. For example, as a decision maker, we are capable to analyze the risks and predict the consequences while robots don’t have ability to do this.


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