Future career. Vocabulary and ideas
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Под редакцией профессора Н.А.Голиковой
Утверждено советом университета в качестве учебного пособия Санкт-Петербург 2013
ББК 81.2 Англ. УДК 802.0
Рецензенты: кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Л.В.Семенова кандидат филологических наук, доцент Т. А. Строгая
Колышкина Л.Л., Вихарева Г.А., Воскресенская Н.Е., Ершова Н.Э., Захарова С.А., Зачиняева О.В., Маковецкая И.А., Силина Е.К. Английский язык для студентов бакалавриата:учебное пособие / Под ред. проф. Н.А.Голиковой. – СПб: СПбГМТУ, 2012. – 104 с.
Учебное пособие предназначено для обучения речевой деятельности на английском языке студентов всех направлений подготовки по программам бакалавриата. Пособие состоит из шести разделов, охватывающих следующие темы: «Семья», «Высшее образование», «Россия», «Мировая культура», «Спорт и фитнес», «Моя будущая профессия».Каждый раздел содержит тексты для изучающего и ознакомительного чтения, лексико-грамматические и коммуникативно-речевые упражнения, тематический словарь и тестовые задания. В пособии имеются приложения, включающие образцы деловой корреспонденции, примеры разговорных клише, таблицы грамматических и словообразовательных моделей.
ББК 81.2 Англ. УДК 802.0
Ó СПбГМТУ, 2012
Phonetic Symbols
CONTENTS Unit 1. Family…………………………………………….........5 Unit 2. Higher Education………………….…………….........21 Unit 3. Russia……………………………….………………...40 Unit 4. The World of Culture…………….…………………...54 Unit 5. Sport and Fitness……………………………………...69 Unit 6. My Future Profession…………………………………78 Appendix 1. Irregular Verbs…………………………………..90 Appendix 2. English Tenses…………………………………..92 Appendix 3. Wordbuilding………………………….………...94 Appendix 4. Business Letters…………………………………96 Appendix 5. Speech Patterns………………………...............102
ACADEMIC AND TECHNICAL ENGLISH Knowledge is power. There is no knowledge which is not valuable. If you want to be on top, don’t let education stop. General and Academic English are different in a number of ways. In Academic English – sentences are longer sometimes much longer: 1 If to take an extreme, fanciful but, it is hoped, not unfair example, the situation [ that ] we faced was either to kill a rare wild flower or a (plentiful) human being, and if the flower, as a “team member”, would contribute more to the “integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community” than the human, then presumably we would not be doing wrong if we killed the human and saved the flower. (70) 2 It is perhaps surprising that contrary to the theory of Freud, the well-know psychologist, who believed the children of violent parents become non-violent adults, a significant number of children, brought up by violent parents, become violent adults. (37) – word order in sentences is fixed. Study the examples a,b and explain why: a) 1. Go up. (adv) 2. He is up the hill. (prep) 3. She is up. (adj) 4. He is on an up. (n) 5. They would like to up their offer by 5%. (v) 6. He helped her up. (v) b) 1. Police police police. 2. Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 3. Too good is not good too. 4. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. – 80% of words in sentences are nouns. In particular, it is because of noun chains in which the number of words can be up to eight. A noun chain often starts with an article, preposition, pronoun and ends in a noun. The words between them have a role of the adjective, i.e. describe the noun: 1. the University student(s) conference protocol 2. an exhibition visitor ticket
3. high-quality cylinder head components 4. power dissipation figures 5. a bicycle factory pay cut strike 6 a city center reconstruction project So, an academic English sentences is analytical by nature and the role of the verb group is crucial. As a result, to understand such a sentence, we should analyse its structure i.e. identify its parts such as the verb (Active or Passive), the full subject, the full object, noun chains, linkers and others. This helps us to divide a long sentence into simpler shorter parts: 1. Several of the chaps | looked in | in the evening. 2. These two methods | remain | the only commonly used anti-pollutant devices | available | for at sea incidents. 3. Thus, | a series of movable and fixed discs | provided with blades | which change | the direction of the steam | each time it strikes a blade | causes the stream | to impart energy | to the rotating arrangement several times | before it leaves the turbine. (41)
1.1 Learn the words and expressions and use them when speaking about your education and career. A). Higher Education
B). Postgraduate Education
1.2 Match English phrases with their Russian equivalents. 1 look through a обдумывать 2 take exams b посещать лекцию 3 give a report c проводить исследования 4 pass exams d не сдать экзамены 5 fail exams e изучать физику в университете 6 think over f конспектировать 7 applicant g сдавать экзамены 8 do research h сделать доклад 9 do a degree in physics i просматривать 10 employ j кандидат, абитуриент 11 attend a lecture k сдать экзамены 12 take notes l нанимать на работу
1.3 Choose the correct option in each sentence. 1. I graduated from / finished University last year. 2. I’m studying for a Master diploma / degree. 3. We have to read a lot of special / specialist literature. 4. I hope I’ll be awarded / given a Master degree next year. 5. I am going to get married when I’ve done / made my course. 6. We are to take qualification / final exams in Philosophy and English in June. 7. I’d like to get a higher degree in / on science. 8. He asked for / applied to the university to take a further degree course involving both exams and research.
FUTURE CAREER. VOCABULARY AND IDEAS 1.4 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
1.5 Using prompts in the exercise and the language below, talk about your career preferences.
Language to use 1). I’d like to work – in the field of research…. – as a … – as part of a team
and have – a 9-5 job – a lot of responsibility – a rewarding job 2). When I complete my University Master course (programme), I will work…. – in industry – as a… – for…/with… (a company) 3). I’m interested in… – varied / interesting / challenging work – helping people – large salary / a well-paid job – security – a job useful to society / a creative job – rapid promotion because…. 4). My work will…. – involve a lot of traveling – start early in the morning – …
5). What personal qualities do you find important for your career? You may choose from the list. business-like, critical, observant, initiative, flexible, decisive, energetic, responsible, hard-working, well-educated 6). Factors important for me in a job are the following: … IDIOMS 1.6 Complete the sentences with idioms: jack-of-all-trades bring home the bacon in the same boat follow in her footsteps 1).My aunt is a pilot and I’d really like to _________________. 2).The man in that shop can do anything. He’s a ________________. 3).Everyone worries about finding a job when they leave school, but we’re all ______________. 4).I really admire my parents. They work very hard to _________________.
1.7 Read the advertisement and tell us why you chose to take the post-graduate course at this University.
WELCOME TO THE MTU The St.Petersburg State Marine Technical University is a well-known highly ranked institution providing education in a wide spectrum of marine-related subjects and also in up-to-date branches of general engineering, business and social studies. It is offering a choice BSc and MSc degree programmes in engineering as well as over 30 vocational courses leading to the degrees in Economics, Management, Sociology. With over five thousand full-time students the University is currently expanding a number of new courses and programmes within and beyond engineering. The high standards of teaching at the MTU are confirmed by accreditation of five engineering courses by the Institute of Marine Engineers (UK). The students from eighteen countries are an integral part of our community and we invite new applicants to join our full-time and short-term courses covering sciences, engineering, language and social studies. MTU maintains effective collaboration with many overseas institutions, public organizations and companies participating in research programmes and international projects.
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