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St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University.



Words to be learned and memorized

according to согласно чему-либо
at present в настоящее время
cover v зд. охватывать, составлять
design v проектировать; предназначать
device n устройство, прибор
develop v разрабатывать; развивать
environment n окружающая среда
establish v устанавливать, создавать
enterprise n предприятие, организация
investigate v исследовать
in honour of в честь кого-либо
naval adj военно-морской, морской
offer v предлагать
train v готовить (специалистов)


1.8 Learn to read the words on the texts.

techn o logy, res our ce, en vir onment, v eh icle, m an u fa cture, in it iative, sc ie nce, e nterprise, os cill at ion, engin eer, g ra duate, re cei ve, mech an ics, conc ern, rese ar ch, app ly, m ic roeco no mics, cont rol, id ea, h on our, f or eign, a cadem ic ian, car eer, de sign, co ur se, mar in e, eq ui valent


1.9 Do you like history? Do you know the history of your University? Read the following texts and you will learn more about your University.



1.10 Give the names of scientific degrees from the text and remember them.


History of the University


The history of St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University goes back to 1902 when a special department for professional education in naval architecture was established in St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. The first twenty seven graduates of this department received the degree of naval engineers and were trained to “construct any ships and ship machines”.

In 1918 all the departments of the Polytechnic Institute grew into faculties and since that time instruction of naval engineers is continuous in Russia. In 1930 the Shipbuilding Faculty of the Polytechnic Institute gave birth to the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute which became the leading educational institution of marine engineering and ocean technology in the country. In 1992 it was renamed the Marine Technical University (MTU).

At present the MTU offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs leading to degrees of a specialist, Bachelor of Science (BSc), Master of Science (MSc), candidate and doctoral degrees, equivalents to Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (DSc).

Within the MTU there are many faculties. They are as follows: the Faculty of Shipbuilding and Ocean Technology, the Faculty of Marine Engineering and Automation, the Faculty of Designing Marine Devices, the Faculty of Economics and others.

Normally a full-time course leading to a BSc degree takes four years, to a MSc – a further two years; to PhD and DSc – additional three years. Master of Science and Engineering degree holders are allowed to enter doctorate programmes without testing; applicants having Bachelor of Science degree are expected to pass entrance examinations or offered preliminary training to meet the doctoral programmes admission requirements.

MTU offers a wide range of educational programmes leading to Master Degree in such fields of studies as Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering, Information Science and Computer Engineering, and Applied Mechanics. Master Degree holders can be employed in Business, Research and Design Agencies, Educational Institutions, etc. 


1.11 What new things have you learned from the text? What faculty did you enter? Why? Talking about your choice, use these expressions: I like the sea; I would like to build ships; this University is not far from my home; I attended preparatory courses, there I learned much about specialities at the University; I am good at maths; I would like to go into research (industry, business, teaching); I will have fundamental knowledge of many sciences; etc.



1.12 Read the text and write an abstract on it (see the Appendix tips).


Scientific Schools and Directions.

Scientists and Ships


Beginning with 1902 when the Shipbuilding Department of the Polytechnic Institute was organized and later the scientists and professors of the Shipbuilding Institute began to create new programs and scientific directions to be studied and developed in the field of shipbuilding. Professor K.P.Boklevsky (1861-1928) was the first to found the theory of ship design. He also offered to apply aluminium in shipbuilding and to install diesels as power plants aboard the ships. The academician A.N.Krylov (1863-1945) developed the ship oscillation theory and together with admiral S.O.Makarov they calculated the first tables of unsinkability.

Professor S.I.Druzhinin (1872-1935) was at the head of materials strength school. The Russian school of acoustics was founded by prof. L.L.Myasnikov (1905-1972), he investigated fist of all ultrasound and infrasound oscillations. Professors S.N.Blagovetschensky (1903-1985) and V.V.Semyonov-Tan-Shansky (1893-1973) greatly contributed to the theory of stability and unsinkability. Professor V.P.Vologdin (1883-1970) initiated the application of welding in shipbuilding. Prof. N.E.Putov (1890-1980) developed the theory of ship construction.

New scientific schools were founded by professors V.A.Vansheid (1890-1982) and A.A.Moiseev (1896-1979) in the fields of internal combustion engines and steam turbines respectively.

All these ideas and scientific directions were further developed at our laboratories and departments by the scientists and professors of the MTU, graduates of the University. Professors N.N.Gorokhov, P.A.Doroshenko, P.A.Istomin, A.V.Bronnikov and many others made their great contribution to the theory of shipbuilding and education of shipbuilders. Professors A.N.Kholodilin and A.L.Vasilyev published books about the history of our University.

Many graduates had successful careers – B.E.Butoma was Minister of Shipbuilding, E.V.Tovstykh, D.M.Rostovsev were Rectors of the University; L.A.Maslov, D.S.Skobov, V.A.Postnov, V.N.Kvasnikov – prorectors; B.I.Shtafinsky, V.V.Rozhdestvensky, I.B.Ikonnikov, B.V.Rakitsky and others were deans of the faculties.

About thirty vessels were named in honour of the scientists and professors of the Shipbuilding Institute – MTU. Among them there are the motoship “Akademik Krylov” (1937) and the research vessel “Akademik Krylov” (1982), the tanker “I.Bubnov” (1975), the motoships “Akademik Pozdynin” (1984), “Professor Parkovich” (1985), “Professor Tovstykh” (1985) and others.


1.13 Project. Collect information about your faculty/department and write about it. Use the helping hints below.

Being accurate is veryimportant in academic and professional writing. Check your project for:

· sentence length. Are your sentences too long or short?

· word order, linking words

· words left out, e.g. articles, prepositions, and auxiliary verbs

· using tenses


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