A Perspective on the Development of Videotex
1. The twentieth century has seen the emergence of the information age1. The telephone, radio, motion pictures, television, and the computer all have had profound effects upon our life style and all are concerned primarily with the communication or storage of information. Information has become a commodity to be produced and traded. The pace of technological development is quickening. The cost of communications and information storage is rapidly decreasing and the whole structure of the information industry is constantly changing. The only thing that can be depended upon is that change will occur. To help manage this need for creation and dissemination of information a new interactive electronic system, videotex, has evolved. 2. Videotex is a name used internationally to represent a class of home and business information services which disseminate information from public information suppliers into the home or office. In the domestic situation the home television receiver, suitably modified would serve as the consumer's terminal equipment. The system essentially makes use of2 the home television set as a picture display medium in which the consumer has control over what is displayed. An electronics module is added to the home television set to allow us to assemble and display an image made up of characters and graphics drawings. By utilizing the common-carrier telephone line or other interactive network or broadcast system, users of videotex services will be able to retrieve information stored in computer-controlled databases and have it displayed on their augmented TV receivers or video business terminals. They will be able to access textual information or graphic images from centralized public or private data banks. Individuals with slightly more complex terminals will be able to compose their own information to be stored in the data banks for access by others. As mass production reduces the cost of producing electronic components, individuals will be able to communicate with each other and interact by being able to see the same images displayed on their individual television screens. These various capabilities, which bring advanced technologies to the home user, could have a profound effect on communications and in our society. Such systems allow the introduction of many different services for home and business applications. Notes 1. has seen the emergence of the information age – явилось свидетелем возникновения века информации 2. makes use of – использует
III. Say whether the following statements are true or false: 1. The twentieth century has seen the emergence of the information age. 2. The whole structure of the information industry remains unchanged. 3. Videotex is the name representing a class of home and business information services which spread information from public information suppliers into the home or office. 4. The videotex system makes use of the home television set as a picture display medium. 5. Complex terminals will not allow users to compose their own information to be stored in the data banks for access by others. 6. In the future individuals will be able to communicate with each other by seeing the same images displayed on their individual television screens.
IV. Find answers to the following questions: 1. Is the pace of technological development quickening? 2. What has a new interactive electronic system, Videotex, developed for? 3. Does the videotex system make use of the home television set as a picture display medium? 4. Will the users of the videotex system be able to access textual information from centralized public or private data banks? 5. Will the interactive electronic system have a profound effect on our life? V. Find the information about data banks in the text. Say whether the information is new to уоu. VI. Divide the text into logical parts and say what each part is about. VII. Find the main information of paragraph 2. VIII. Read paragraph 2 again and say: a) what Videotex is; b) how the home television set might be used in the videotex system; c) what individuals with complex terminals will be able to do. IX. Summarize the general ideas developed in texts А, В, С. X. Imagine that you are to make a report at a conference about the possible means of communication. While preparing it use the information of texts А, В and C. Make the report in written form.
ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЙ СПРАВОЧНИК ГЛАГОЛ В английском языке различаются личные и неличные формы глагола. Личные формы глагола согласуются с подлежащим в лице и числе и являются в предложении сказуемым. Неличные формы глагола – инфинитив, причастие, герундий – не выражают ни лица, ни числа, ни наклонения и не могут быть в предложении сказуемым, но могут входить в состав сказуемого. К личным формам относятся глаголы во всех временах действительного и страдательного залогов. Основные формы глагола Основными формами глагола в современном английском языке являются: I - инфинитив (Infinitive), II – прошедшее неопределенное время (Past Indefinite), III - причастие П (Participle II) и IV – причастие I (Participle I). Эти формы служат для образования всех остальных глагольных форм.
1. Infinitive – неопределенная форма глагола. Она является исходной при образовании грамматических времен, неличных форм и повелительного наклонения. Признаком инфинитива является частица to. На русский язык переводится неопределенной формой глагола: to work – работать, to help – помогать, to know – знать.
2. Past Indefinite – прошедшее неопределенное время. Признаком формы Past Indefinite стандартных глаголов является суффикс -ed: worked, helped, нестандартные глаголы имеют каждый свою форму: knew, brought и т.п. 3. Past Participle – причастие прошедшего времени. Признаком этой формы также является суффикс -ed у стандартных глаголов, нестандартные имеют каждый свою форму. В русском языке эта форма глагола соответствует причастию страдательного залога с суффиксами -анн, -енн, -янн, -им, -ем, -т: изучаемый, загруженный, ранимый и т.п. 4. Present Participle – причастие настоящего времени. Все глаголы в этой форме имеют суффикс -ing, соответствующий в русском языке суффиксам -ащ, -ящ, -ущ, -ющ: изучающий, ранящий.
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