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Сознательные методы обучения иностранным языкам, их вклад в развитие теории и практики обучения иностранным языкам.

Современная концептуально-методологически базируемая модель иноязычного образования. Предметная сторона содержания модели обучения (КЛК – когнитивно-лингвокультурологический комплекс).

The subject-related aspect of content are represented by new cognito-linguoculturological complexes which reflect the result of the interconnected reflection by methodological principles of the cognito-social, -linguoculturological, -sociocultural, -conceptual, -communicative, personality-centred aspects of new cognitive knowledge/consciousness which allows the individual to gain a cognito-linguoculturological reconceptualization of the world and develop into a ‘intermediator of intercultural communication’. The subject content of the model is organized into new cognito-linguoculturological complexes (CLC) whose set of components includes: (i) a communicative sphere, reflecting the content of this teaching level. Within it, one can identity socio-domestic, socio-cultural, educational-vocational, socio-political, general professional, and specialized professional spheres. (ii) A collection of topics and sub-topics for oral communication corresponding to the above-mentioned spheres. (iii) Typical communication situations/scenarios corresponding to each of the above-mentioned topics.

Процессуальная сторона содержания современной концептуально-методологически базируемой модели общения. Коммуникативные комплексы как система управления формированием коммуникативных умений и компетенций в рамках определенных сфер общения.

The teaching progression aspect of MFL educational content is provided by the development, in stages, of intercultural-communicative skills (sub-competencies) within the context of the thematic-textual unity (usually relating to the context of a future profession) by the so-called production phase. (i) The production phase actually consists of three stages which correspond to the three essential stages required for verbal communication: (a) reception stage; (b) reproduction stage; (c) production stage; (ii) the context-based phase of communication – i.e. the intercultural communicative competency with a given context (in this case, within a profession) Within this three-stage progression aspect of content, the highlighted stages of the subject-related aspects of content are allocated the following functional-content purposes: the conceptual-cognitive TTU and stage is realized at the reproductions stage of speech activity; the information-accumulation TTU and stage is, naturally, realized at all levels but particularly at the reception stage of speech activity; the pragmatic-representative level and stage is realized at the production stage of speech and communication; the context-communicative stage of TTU provides the level of fluent communication. the ‘communicative complexes’ (CC) constitute a system for managing the development of communicative skills and competencies within the parameters of particular spheres of communication

Значения понятия «метод» в современной методике иноязычного образования. Методы как направления в обучении иностранным языкам – прямые методы обучения, их вклад в развитие теории и практики обучения иностранным языкам.

In foreign language teaching methodology historically ambivalent method definition: a) a method as in the direction of training and b) the method as a way of learning. Signs of the method in the direction of learning: -the presence of the leading go defining ways and means to achieve the goal -direction method to achieve a certain goal - Independence of the method from the conditions and stages of learning directions methods: direct, conscious, combined and intense. Direct methods took shape in the late 19th and early 20th century. The basis of the direct methods of the following provisions were laid: the practical orientation of training, intuitive, wide application visibility. Direct methods: natural, direct, oral. The main merit of the representatives of this method lies in the appeal to the living spoken language, to develop methods of teaching oral speech, to establish a system of phonetic exercises to use visualization as a learning tool. Disadvantages of direct methods: - on intuition as a primary method of language acquisition -escaping the native language of the education system - Grammar assigned a secondary role

Сознательные методы обучения иностранным языкам, их вклад в развитие теории и практики обучения иностранным языкам.

Conscious learning methods - a group of teaching methods IYA, aimed at students of language comprehension of facts and methods of their application in speech activity. Consciously-comparative method of training - training is based on the comparison of the target language with native language. It involves: - Awareness of the importance of linguistic phenomena; - Awareness of the uses of language phenomena in speech activity; - Support in their native language. Consciously and practical method of learning - is learning, combines conscious and practical training. This method is focused: - An awareness of linguistic forms necessary for communication; - The active practice of speech in a foreign language; Under this method stand out: a) three learning objectives - practical, education, educational b) the three objects of study - language, it (the practical use of linguistic information), speech activity The basic principles of education in the framework of this method: - Overcoming interference - Training on the syntactic basis - Concentric features in the supply of lexical and grammatical material The most famous among conscious methods to teach grammar-translation, consciously practice consciously-comparative, reproductive and creative


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