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Креативные технологии в иноязычном образовании: метод мозгового штурма. Образовательно-развивающий потенциал метода. Интеллектуальные функции участников штурма. Специфика проведения мозгового штурма.

Brainstorming at the lesson is a powerful technique. Brainstorming creates new ideas, solves problems, motivates and develops student. Brainstorming motivates because it involves members of a team in bigger management issues, and it gets a team working together. However, brainstorming is not simply a random activity. Brainstorming needs to be structured and it follows brainstorming rules. Brainstorming places a significant burden on the facilitator to manage the process, people's involvement and sensitivities, and then to manage the follow up actions. Use Brainstorming well and you will see excellent results in improving the organization, performance, and developing the team. brainstorming process1. Define and agree the objective. 2. Brainstorm ideas and suggestions having agreed a time limit. 3 Categorise/condense/combine/refine. 4. Assess/analyse effects or results. 5. Prioritise options/rank list as appropriate. 6. Agree action and timescale.7. Control and monitor follow-up.

Новая иноязычно-образовательная парадигма и компетентностный подход.

Competence based education is necessary to assure that graduates of all levels are competent to achieve new levels of education and function in the real world of work. Such an approach had been widely adopted by the end of 1970s. According to some Russian academics the competency-based approach is a means for achieving a new level of quality within a new model of education Modern ‘competency-based education’, which is grounded in a humanistic and culturally-orientated methodology, establishes a ‘system of competencies’ which serve as educational aims and learning outcomes. features of ‘competency-based education: - student/personality-centred learning - a developing organizational educational structure; - the development of students’ ability to solve social and personal issues independently; - the development of creative thought; - an orientation towards individual self-development This new paradigm, which is a new way of thinking for a new historical period, serves to correct traditional ideas concerning the aims and content of education, namely: 1.The formation of fundamental competencies: socio-political, communicative, information, sociocultural – should collectively be the main aim of an individual’s education 2. there needs to be a formulation of the principles for their grouping and the classification of the typologies of the components and other elements of competencies 3. Levels of competency should correspond to the degree of ability to use and combine knowledge

Формирование лингвокультурологической компетенции – одной из составляющих межкультурно-коммуникативную компетенцию. Когнитивный (знаниевый) и операционно-деятельностный (навыки, умения) аспекты контента лингвокультурологической компетенции.

the linguoculturological, which forms a language student’s primary conceptualization of the world on the basis of their own culture. It is a linguocultural reflection of one’s national language consciousness and mentality and it is the basis upon which an eventual ‘reconceptualization’ will occur during the transition to a MFL; lingvokulturologicheskij competence is defined as the ability and willingness to adequate understanding and interaction with representatives of other linguocultural society based on the mastery of knowledge about the world, as reflected in the language units and forming a cognitive foundation of communication. Lingvokulturologicheskij competence is one of the basic components of the intercultural communicative competence, the formation of which is the main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​in the modern etape.Soderzhanie lingvokulturologicheskoj competence is a bi-component structure, including cognitive-conceptual and communicative-activity components. A set of structural and functional components ensures detail-substantial and potsessualno-activity aspects of the model, focused on the achievement of the programmed end result - the formation of the level of competence that allows the subject to actively cooperate on cross-cultural level. structurally fuktsionalnye lingvokulturologicheskoj competence model as the final stage of modeling product contains in its composition related, focused on the achievement of the final result the components, which are called "cognitive-communicative lingvokulturologicheskie unity", namely: · (CUC) cognitive-conceptual, · Conceptual-accumulate (PAE) · Lingvokulturnaja-integrative (Leah) · Communicative-actualized · Creative-modeling.

Тестирование как метод научного исследования. Виды тестирования. Задачи, решаемые посредством метода тестирования в организации и проведении методического эксперимента. Достоинства и недостатки метода тестирования.

Testing - study method, providing for the implementation of the subjects of special tasks, tests by which to assess the level of language proficiency, defined by the researchers are interested in the subject personality characteristics. Tests are classified for several reasons, including the shape, content, objective testing. The shape of the tests can be individual and group, oral and written, in blank (this is done with pencil and paper), by subject (along with the forms they use a variety of cards, images), hardware (requires special equipment). On the content of distinguished intelligence tests (to determine the abilities of the individual or group to perform a given activity) and training (to test knowledge, skills, skills in the discipline of study). Application testing as a method of research gives valuable information to determine the effectiveness of educational material acquisition and the ability to learn to master this material.


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