Дистанционное обучение как одна из технологий иноязычного образования.
The strongest argument for distance education is its potential to provide instruction to students who, because of distance, time, or financial constraints, do not have access to traditional learning opportunities or specialized courses. The objective is to provide courses in foreign languages to schools where it would not otherwise be possible for students to study them. The success of distance learning in developing students' foreign language skills depends on the ability of the instructional program to provide language learning in face-to-face settings. 1) Interactivity. 2) Active learning. 3) Visual imagery. Strategies for teaching at a distance include: - differences about distant teaching - purpose of teaching at a distance - improving plans and organization- meeting student needs - effective usage of teaching skills- improving interaction and feedback. The challenges in distance education today are: to move away from paper to digital delivery; appropriately encompass learner-centered education; overcome the problems posed by the intrinsic separation of teaching from learning; bridge physical, social and cultural ‘distance’; meet the demands of the post-industrial society Контекстно-интегрированное обучение ИЯ, его характеристика. We should distinguish and separate the notions of “Content-based instruction” and “Context-based teaching”. Content-based instruction is teaching a subject as geography, natural science history, literature, physics, mathematics through English to learners whose first language is not English. It is also known as content and language integrated learning (CLIL). It belongs firmly to the tradition of the strong form of the communicative approach. Context-based teaching by its effectiveness can be regarded as an active method because It Intensifies the process of FLT and the communicative activity of the learners; It makes the process creative and stimulates pupils’ interest; It Forms students cognitive and professional motives; It Introduces pupils to their future specialty; It Teaches pupils to do cooperative, interactive activities. So, according to the context-based teaching the FLT process is organized as the Model of pupils’ future professional activity with its non-standard problem situations which occur in professional communication. Context-based technology is at the very heart of professional-oriented teaching which is based on the interpretation of learning science and profession. The learners are involved into the context of their future profession with the help of case studies and pragma-professional tasks. The founder of context-based technology is Verbitsky A. A. He distinguishes 3 basic forms of students’ activities of academic type: learning activity with lectures and seminars as domineering forms of activities; quazi professional activity (role plays and other game like activities); learning professional (teaching practice, project works, problem solving tasks).
Инновационные технологии. Методика работы с видеоматериалами в обучении иностранным языкам. The use of video technologies in FLT makes it possible to increase the effectiveness or efficiency in FLT. Using VT counts us to create real communicative situations, implement personality oriented approach. Reasons to use VT: seeing the language in use. Students do not only hear the language, they can see gestures and other features. VT gives valuable meaning, keys, provides better understanding. Students become culturally aware. Functions of VT: 1. Emotive 2.Cognitive 3. Educational 4. Teaching 5. Developing 6. Stimulating 7. Communicative Requirements of VT and materials: Authentic/ original Interesting Accessable Not too time- consuming Теория и технология контекстного обучения. Главные преимущества и техника использования контекстно-базируемой технологии в иноязычном образовании. Context-based learning, CBL, refers to the use of real-life and fictitious examples in teaching environments in order to learn through the actual, practical experience with a subject rather than just its mere theoretical parts. The advantages facilitates the internalization of knowledge and facts because they are connected to the reality of learners’ lived experience. Learners are involved in the production of the knowledge. Furthermore, learners are motivated to acquire the knowledge and see it as valuable because it solves a specific problem or engages a distinct reality. As a pedagogical method, it implicitly builds upon the knowledge that learners already possess and so increases. The advantage is obvious: through learning, the leaner is also learning to learn and progresses from a dependent student to an independent subject. Types -social-matter -subject-matter Characteristics • Gaining knowledge from working on a certain situation. • It is student-centered • It involves work with a small group of peers where every student also takes on different group roles • The instructor is a guide, and partner in each course. " Contextual teaching and learning strategies: • emphasize problem-solving; • teach students to monitor and direct their own learning so they become self-regulated learners;• anchor teaching in students diverse life-contexts; • uses teams or interdependent group structures to encourage students to learn from each other and together; • employ authentic assessment."
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