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Mugabe, Robert 61 Mullins, Eustace 65 multiple sclerosis (MS) 450 Murder of Reality. The (Sabak) 263-85 Murdoch. Rupert 177,515, 526, Muslims 115-16,230 fake terrorists 125-6 mutation, genetic 3S2 Mutwa, Credo 36, 53-5, 194, 207, 207,215.218-20, 228, 231,270, 276,288.293, 294, 295, 310. 312-13,359,418,420-1 Mystery Schools 58-9, 261 Mystic Past, The (Thompson) 80 N Mages, the 217-18, 225-6 Nagy, Dr Sander 79, 81 nanotechnology 470, 549-51 NASA Apollo space missions 303, 317-19 climate change 184-5,187 the Moon 306,312-13, 318-19 Phobos 308 Project Blue Seam 632 National Advancement for the Association of Coloured People (NAACP) 88 National Counterterrorism Center 564 National Endowment for Democracy (NED) 167 National Geographic 49 National Health Service (NHS) 456-7 Native Americans sacred colour 36 serpent worship 233-4 smallpox 348 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 70 Round Table satellite 64 Nazai network 272-3 Nazis, the 99,100-1.124,128, 140-1,218 317, 449, 479, 613 near-death experiences 9, 355, 392,394-5, 403 Necessary Illusions (Chomsky) 117 Neil. William 367 neocons 142,143 Netanyahu, Benjamin 109.134 Neumann, Arthur 289-90 Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NPl) 158. 586 neuromarketing 356 New Age belief system 247-9,252 Newspeak 598-9 Nimrod (god) 232, 239, 240,241 1984 (Orwell) 45, 67, 598-9 Nixon, Richard 260 No-Problem-Reactlon-Solution 131 climate change 170-93 illness 483 Vietnam War 247 Noble, David F122 non-violent resistance 633-41 Nordics 211, 218 North, Oliver 564-5 North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) 563 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 145, 147, 530 North American Union (NAU) 73-5. 530 nudear weapons 221-2 О Obama, Barack 60-1,88,119,143, 155, 155-62,159,160, Э98 carbon tax 74 dimate change 173,188,190 economic crash 145-9,151, 152, 539 financed by pharmaceutical companies 454 Green Revolution 495 healthcare reform 455-6 Iran 167 Israel 107, 111. 113 and news on the Internet 528 on schools 575-6 obelisks 314 see also megalithk structures Oklahoma bombing (1995) 542 Oldspeak 5989 Olmert Ehud 134 Oneness 322-30, 338,380, 388-9, 390 Operation Ajax 163-4 Operation Gladio 137-8 Operation Northwoods 132,133 Ophioneus (god) 232 Oprah Winfrey Show (TV prog) 255. 256, 258 Opus dei 225 bloodlines 59 O'Reilly. Randall 350 organ transplants 358, 359,457 organic food production 448-9 Origin of the Species, The (Darwin) 477 Orszag, Peter 151 Orwell, George 9,14,45, 63,67-8. 68, 78, 120, 130, 477, 529, 598 Orwellian global state see Big Brother state Osiris (god) 219-20, 232,241,265, 270.271 Our Haunted Planet (Keel) 229-30 Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon (Wilson) 300, 306,314-15 out-of-body experiences see neardeath experiences Ovenden. Professor Michael 223 Ovrut, Burt 389 Oxford University 514-16 P Pakistan 134,161 Palestine 101-15 parallel universes 27, 337 Parker-Williams, David 512-13 Parks, Anton 205, 207 past-life regressions 353-4 Paulson, Henry 'Hank' 147,148, 151, 539 Paxman. Jeremy 189.570 peaceful protest 633-41 Peres. Shimon 103.109 Perle, Richard 113, 268 personality 352-9 Peru 33-6, 34, 50-1 pharmaceutical Industy 441-5, 449,452-5, 460,464,466,474, 483
Phillip, Prince 480 Phillips, Trevor 56 Pike, Albert 253, 533-4 Pilger, John 156, 157-6, 160-1. S23 PINDAR facility 568 Pink Floyd 17 Pinkham, Mark Amaru 249 Planned Parenthood 75, 127,459. 479 Plato (427-347 BQ 48,117.283, 330,366, 397,607 Plaut Gunther 100 Pliny the Elder 413 Polanski, Roman 255 police brutality 557-8 Taser guns 559-62 policing by the military 562-4 by the people 534-6 political correctness 5S2-9 Poll Tax, the 31 population control 75-7,106,127, 458-81 Population Council 480 Posse Comitatus Act (1878) 563 power, centralisation of 529-51 predatory algorithms 95 Prescott, John 585 Press, Dr Frank 303 Pribram, Karl 370-1 Priory of Scion 255 privatisation 93 Problem-Reaction-Solution 130-1, 228, 321,617 manipulating other countries 163-70 manufactured viruses 472 and the Reptilian brain 199 September 11 attacks 132-40 and US presidents 142-62 World Wars I & II 140-2 Project Blue Beam 632 Project Indect 557 Project Paperdip 128,317 Project Pegasus 398 Protocols, the 126-9 psychics 25-6, 27-30, 33, 38, 387, 402,406-7, 408, 438, 439, 606 psychoactive drugs 322-30 psychological fascism 101 psychometric testing 587-8 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREPA) 455 Punic Wars (264 BC to 146 BQ 279 pyramids, buitt by Reptilians 239 pyramids-within-pyramids structure 68-9, 228,441,641-2 python worship 231 Q quantum computers 350-1 Quetzacoatl (god) 233, 242 R Ra (god) 241 Rabin. Yitzhak 105 racism 56.106, 117-20,161. 217. 597 Anti-Oefamation League (ADU 117-18, 119-20, 527, 597 anti-Semitism 82,116-17, 126 ethnic cleansing 103 Rapaille, G Clotaire 431-2 Reagan, Ronald 260 Real Global Warming Disaster. The (Booker) 176,180,191 •real-self consciousness' 2 reality altered states 322-30 the body computer 340-60, 417, 545-7 decoding reality 386-404 five-sense reafity 3,5,10,11,13. 26-7, 322, 324. 332.435 imprisonment 337-9 self-awareness 339-40 see a/so virtual reality reason 6-7 Redmond, Patrick 548-9 Rees, John Rawlings 574,586-7 Reid, John 66 reincarnation 353-4,402-3,404 relationships 32 religion. Reptilians and 229-62 see a/so Christian ity; Judaism etc Reptilian Control System 386,393, 401. 402.407, 470, 555, 583. 601 breaking free 602-21 see also Moon Matrix Reptilian hybrids see elite bloodlines Reptilian society 198-201 Reptilian symbols 196.209.220. 220, 226,231-2,235, 237-8, 272, 274-5,432 Reptilian vampires 261-2 Reptilians abductions 218 in ancient languages 263-85 appearance 201, 202, 202.204, 214, 289. 293 causing emotional imbalance 496 creating a slave race 207-9 destroying health 440-57 destruction of the family 573-82 genetics 195-7, 293-4, 317,357, 425-9 global agenda 529-51 human-Reptilian hybrids (see elite bloodlines) infiltration 201-7 and left-brain domination 377, 57Й, 381 location of 286-98, 416 and the media 519-28 microchipping 544-51 mindcontrol 324,326-7 mind-slaves, programming of У? 4-601 and the Moon 299-319 population reduction 458-81 racism 21? and religion 229-62 royalty 224-6 serpent covenant 275-8, 280-1 sex importance of 198,217 shapeshlfters 295-8, 567 and Sumer 204-7 surveillance 552-72 targeting of children 482-90. 571-2 use of the 'law' 503-28 Wars of the Gods 221-4 Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) 175 'Reverb' 341 Rezko, Tony 155-6 Rhodes. Cecil 64. 219. 515 Richardson. Bill 398 Ring of Rre 48-9 Risperdal 482-3. 485-6 Ritalin 482,484, 485-6, 489 Roberts, Paul Craig 165-6 Robinson, William 1120 Robot Radkals614. 616,617 robotics 341 robot army 537-8 Rockefeller family the Bilderberg Group 70 Goldman Sachs 150 and human health 443 microchipping 545 the Nazi connection 141.449 The Population Council 480 Reptilian royalty 224 and the Rothschilds 65, 78-9 Roman Catholic Church see Catholic Church Roman Empire 58-9 Roosevelt, Theodore 260. 478 Rosemary's Baby (movie) 255 Ross, Dennis 146 Roswell, New Mexico 314 Rothschild banking dynasty 64-5,
69, 70, 317 climate change 170-93 destroying diversity 596 the gold market 307 history of 78-97 human-Reptilian hybrids 185, 144.224,433 manipulating other countries 163—70 and the media 526-7 and the Nazis 140-1 politics 142-62, 519 September 11 attacks 134-40 serpent worship 235, 255,256-8 symbol 331 Zionism 98-129 Rothschilds, The (Morton) 79 Round Table, the 64-5.101-2, 144. 570 Royal family, UK see Windsors Royal Institute of International Affairs, Lonoon 64 Rubin, Robert E 307 Rudd, Kevin 531 rule book mentality 608-11 Rumsfeld, Donald 137, 398, 454 rune stones 53, 55 Russell. Bernard 66. 191. 452. 477. 486-7. 578, 599-600 Russia 87-8 Saakashvili. Mikheil 164-5 Sabak, Pierre 263-85,311,418 Sachar, Howard 88 sacrifices, human 253-4.255-6, 260, 274, 278-80, 298 Sagan, Carl 196, 217, 303, 406-7, 408, 428 Saluzzi, Joe 95 San people 231.344 Sand, Professor Shiomo 83, 84-5 Sanger, Margaret 478-9 Santer, Ben 187 Sarkozy, Nicolas 115,174.473, 537 Satanism 253-60, 273-5, 297-8, 360, 659-74 Saturn 240 Saudi Arabia 115-16 Sceptics Society 9 Schism, the 419-20. 622, 624,625 schizophrenia 8,40,433 Schneider, Phil 288 Schnellnhuber, Joachim 174 schools 575-7 Health & Safety 593-4 Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)466 Scientific Outlook, The (Russell) 191,599^600 Scientism 331-2 Secret Government, The: The Origin. Identity and Purpose of the MJ-12 (Cooper) 213 secret societies 58-60, 63, 225, 266 African 213 Fabian Society 65-8. 147. 271, 477-8, 532. S86 Freemasons 22, 59.103. 225, 235,253. 415 Round Table 64-5,101-2, 144, 570 Thule Order 101 see also elite bloodlines Seeds of Destruction (Ergdahl) 491-2 self-awareness 5, 339-40 Semiramis (goddess) 235, 235, 236, 237, 239. 240 see also Lilith worship senior citizens, health care 456-7 Sephardic Jews 85 September 11 attacks 43. 132-40, 321, 522, 523, 541-2 serpent covenant 275-8 serpent gods 229-62 Set (god) 232 sex. importance to Reptilians 198, 217 sexual identity 356-7 Shabbetal Zvl (1626-76) 100 Shadow People 4,61, 64 Shainberg, David 7 Shakedown (Levant) 121 Shamir, Yitzhak 103,104,105 Shannon, Dr James R 458 shapeshifters 295-8, 567 Shapiro, Irwin 300 Sharon. Ariel 104,105-6.111-12. 134 Sharpton, Al 88 Shaw, George Bernard 66,67, 299, 477 Shcherbakov, Alexander 304-6 Shelley, Percy 645 Shen Clinic 448,483, 50C Shlovsky, Dr Iosif 307,422 Shministim movement 640-1 'shoe bomber/ the 139 Short, Clare 66 Silent Voice 9-10,32-3, 44 Silverstein, Larry 134-5,135 Simon Weisenthal Center 124 Simondni, Tullio 445-6,447-8, 449-50 Singer, Dr S Fred 307-8,422 Sissons, Peter 189 Skull and Bones Society, Yale University 272 slave trade, the Rothschilds and 36-7 Snyder, Professor Allan 377, 378 Social and Religious History of the Jews, A (Baron) 82 Social Order of Tomorrow, The {Hamburg) 23в Socrates (469-399 BO 27. 361 Sodalists. the 271-2 Sol Invictus (god) 239-40 Solomon, Dr Sean С 303 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 88 'Son of God' 37-8 Soros, George 143,143,165 soul the 392 Space Research Institute, Bulgaria 201,631 space weaponry 537-8 specialisation 76 speed cameras 554 Stalking the Wild Pendulum (Bentov) 39-40 Star of David 87. 87.103, 220, 381 'star people' 201 Star Wan movies 24», 308-9. 437 Statewatch 556-7 Statute Law 507-8 509, 510-11 sterilization, forced 461, 478, 479 Stern, Todd 1B8 Stem Gang, the 103,104 Stem Review, the 177-9 Stock dale, James 247 store circles 57,302,416 stone structures 50-1, 51,416 Stott, Professor Philip 176 Straw, Jack 66, 114, 5S8, S79,615, 616
stress, effects on the body 497-8 String Theory 389 Strong, Maurice 191-2 Strossen, Nadine 571 sugar, refined 500-1 Sullivan. Walter 300 Sumer 46-7, 52-3, 54, 56-7. 79-82 Sumerian Etymological Dictionary and Comparative Grammar (Gosztorvy) 82 Sumerians 204-8, 211-12,226, 242, 302, 307,413-14 Summers, Larry 147,148, 151, 307 Sunstein, Cass 457, 543 superstate 70-2, S30 surveillance 552-72 microchipping 440, 470-1, 485, 544-Si, 552 Sustainable Development 191-3 Swerdiow, Stewart 84, 194-5 swine flu 454.461-76 symbols, Reptilian 196, 209,220, 220, 226, 231, 231-2, 235, 237-8, 272, 274-5,432 synchronlcity41.45, 386 T Tagore, Rabindranath 163 Taibbi, Matt 152 Talbot, Michael 370-1, 372 Tales From the Time Loop (Icke) 113,396 Taliban, the 144.168,169 Tamiflu 454 Tammet, Daniel 378 Tammuz 239,240 Tarabin tribe 110 tarot cards 53, 55 Taser guns 559-62 Tavistock Institute 574, 585-6 taxation 89-90, 110 Taylor, Charles 634.635, 636 Taylor, Dr Mitchell 187-8 Taylor, Dr S Ross 305 Taylor, Jill Bolte 373-6 Taylor, Michael 492-4 telepathy 207 teleportation 397-8 Tenet, George 137 Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) 468 terrorism 169 Counter-Terrorism Act S57 the 'crotch bomber 138,139 fake Muslim terrorists 125-6 Israeli groups 103,104 London bombings (2005) 139 National Counterterrorism Center 564 Oklahoma bombing (1995) 542 Operation Gladio 137-8 September 11 attacks 43, 132-40, 321, 522, 523, 541-2 the 'shoe bomber' 139 Thalidomide 483 Thatcher, Margaret 31 Theon, Dr John S 185, 188 They Live (movie) 437-8 third eye, the 433-6 Third World Debt 93 Thirteenth Tribe, The (Koestler) 80-1,83 Thom, Professor Alexander 302 Thomas. Helen 159 Thomas. Richard 552 Thompson. Richard 152,366-7 Thompson, Thomas 80 Thoreau, Henry David 386 Thule Order, the 101 Thyssen, Fritz 140 Tiahuanaco 313-14 Tibetan mystics 200 time illusion 393-6, 413-14 Time Loops 323, 323. 325. 329. 396-401, 424-5, 624 time travel 397-8, 400 Time Warner 523-5 Timmerman, Kenneth 166-7 Titius-Bode Law 223 Totalitarian Tiptoe 65. 130, 193, 228, 530, 553 transformation of consciousness 30 transhumanism 480-1 transplanting organs 358. 359. 457 Transport Security Administration (TSA) 138 travel restrictions 557 'treaty- technique 71 Trilateral Commission 64, 65 Truman Show (movie) 423 Truth About Vaccines, The (Halvorsen) 460 Truth Vibrations 39, 407,439, 622-3, 623, 624, 625-6, 627 Truth Vibrations (Icke) 32, 36, 43 Turing, Alan 340 turquoise, power of 36-7 TV presenting 20-2, 30-2 Twain, Mark 197 2001: A Space Odyssey (movie) 318 Typhon (god) 232 u Ubaid people 214 Ubell, Earl 301 Ukraine, viral outbreak 474-5 Uktena (god) 233-4 underground Reptilian colonies 288-96, 416 Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) 507-8 uniqueness 38. 44 United Kingdom 276, 416-17 climate change 176-81,183, 185-7,189-91 Common Purpose 584-92 government and law 504, 505-9, 518 health in 456-7, 459-61 involvement in Israel 113-1S manipulating other countries 163-70 military coup in S68 political correctness 592-5 removal of children 579-81 surveillance 553-5, 556, 557-8 United Kingdom Commercial Corporation 509 United Nations 70. 107, 180, 183, 532, 574, 588 Round Table satellite 64 United States 142-62, 275 assassination of Kennedy 92, assassination of Lincoln 91-2 climate change 171-6,180-1, 183-93 the Constitution 512-13 the Federal Reserve 87 government 503-6, 507-8, 512-13 health in 445, 456, 461-2, 466-7, 490
involvement in Israel 107, 109, 110-13 manipulating other countries 163-70 military coup in 564-7, 569 policing by the military S62-4 removal of children 581-2 Round Table satellites 64 September 11 attacks 43, 132- 40, 321, 522, 523, 541-2 serpent worship 233-4, 240, 254-6 Shadow People 61 surveillance 555, 557, 558-9 taxation 89-90,110 underground Reptilian colonies 288-9,292 Universal Unconscious 352-3 Universe, the 325, 337, 405-7 universities 513-16 Urey, Dr Harold 305 US see United States V vaccines 348, 446, 459-70, 575 anthrax vaccine 468-9 MMR vaccine, autism link 450-2, 460 for swine flu 461-70 vampires. Reptilian 261-2.440 Van Dyke, Henry 320 Vanunu, Mordiehai 112-13 Vasin, Mikhail 304-6 Vavilov, Nikolai 48 Vedic astrology 413 VeriChip Corporation 544, 547-8 Vietnam War 247 virtual reality 1-2, 26-7,332-60, 361-85 the Matrix 406-39 time illusion 393-6 viruses 347-8 see also swine flu visible light 26, 383 Vlad the Impaler 261 Void, the 387-90 Vblcker, Paul Adolph 147, 153 w Waco. Texas 538-9 Waddicor. Charles 460-1 Wahhabism 116 Wakefield, Dr Andrew 450-2 Walker, Justin 29 Wallas, Graham 66 Walt, Stephen M 111 Walters, Guy 124 Walton, Bruce Alan 291-2 War is a Racket (Smedley) 141-2 Warburg, James Paul 126-7 Warfare Testing Range Complex Expansions 495-6 Warren, Elizabeth 148 wars engineered by Shadow People 61 Punic Wars (264 BC to 146 BQ 279 Vietnam War 247 World War I & 11140-2 World War III 533-4 Wars of the Gods 221-4 Watchers, the 201,263 water, as a conduit 418 Watts, Alan 394 wavelength worlds 26-7 Waxman, Henry 175, 505 Webb, Sidney and Beatrice 66,477 Weidner, Jay 318 Weishaupt Adam 100 Weizmann, Chaim 105 Wells. H G 66. 478 WeTip scheme 558-9 When the Earth Nearly Died (Allan & Delair) 48 Who Built the Moon? (Knight & Butler) 299-300, 301-2. 303 Wilde, Oscar 25. 182 Wilkins, H P 314 Williams, Robin 12 Wilson. Don 300. 306. 314-15 Wilson. Harold 66 Wilson, Woodrow 88, 102 Wilson Jr. Raymond H 308, 422 Wiltshire. Stephen 377-8 Windsors, the bloodlines 56, 58 Reptilian-hybrids 224,262 serpent worship 259 wisdom, from Consciousness 5-6 Wise, Yaakov 114 Wogan, Terry 36, 37 Wolf, Sergeant Karl 315-16 Wolfowitz, Paul 113, 268. 570 Women in Peacebuilding Network (W1PNET) 635 Woolf. Virginia 66 World Federation for Mental Health 574 World Health Organization (WHO) 74, 444, 449, 464, 465, 466, 468 World Jewish Congress 124 world lines 398-9 World Trade Centre, attack on see September 11 attacks World Trade Organization (WTO) 75,449 World War I & I1140-2 World War III 533-4 Worship of the Serpent The (Deane) 231, 245 Wright Tony 376-7, 378, 380-1 Y Yeutter, Clayton К 491 Yushchenko. Viktor 165 z Zakheim, Dov 113, 136-7. 268 Zamboni, Paolo 450 Zelikow, Philip 137 Zimbabwe 61 Zimecki, Dr Michael 412-13 Zionism 86, 88, 98-129 see also Rothschild banking dynasty Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews (Hart) 113
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