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Finalize Interrogation Plan

As a result of the planning and preparation phase, the interrogator develops a plan for conducting his assigned interrogation. He must review this plan with the senior interrogator when possible. Whether written or oral, the interrogation plan must contain at least the following items of information:

· Identity of the source.

· Interrogation serial number.

· Topics, in sequence, that will be covered.

· Reasons why the interrogator selected only specific topics from the basic questioning sequence.

· Approach strategy selected.

· Means selected for recording the information obtained.

The senior interrogator reviews each plan and makes any changes that he feels necessary based on the commander's PIR and IR. After the plan is approved, the holding compound is notified to have a guard bring the source to the interrogation site. The interrogator collects all available interrogation aids needed (maps, charts, writing tools, reference materials, and so forth) and proceeds to the interrogation site.


3. Answer the following questions:

a) What ties of information do the quards provide?

b) Why does each interrogator observe the sorce to confirm his identity?

c) What does the interrogator usually do after collecting all information?


These sentences are not true. Correct them.

a) Analyzing information is one of the types of information.

b) After the interrogator has looked for indicators, he analyzes it.


5. Complete the following sentences:

a) The quards are in constant…

b) The interrogator looks for…

c) The major topics that…

6. Give English equivalents for:



постоянный контакт


физическое состояние

электронные данные


проводить анализ

уровень знаний


качество допроса


Text 3

1. Translate these words and word-combinations:

approach phase



maintain comfort


successful application








2. Read and translate the text:


The approach phase actually begins when the interrogator first comes in contact with the source and continues until the prisoner begins answering questions pertinent to the objective of the interrogation effort. Interrogators do not "run" an approach by following a set pattern or routine. Each interrogation is different, but all approaches in interrogations have the following purposes in common:

· Establish and maintain control over the source and the interrogation.

· Establish and maintain rapport between the interrogator and the source.

· Manipulate the source's emotions and weaknesses to gain his willing cooperation.

The successful application of approach techniques eventually induces the source to willingly provide accurate intelligence information to the interrogator. The term "willingly" refers to the source answering the interrogator's questions, not necessarily his cooperation. The source may or may not be aware that he is actually providing the interrogator with information about enemy forces. Some approaches mау bе complete when the source begins to answer questions. Others mау have to bе constantly maintained оr reinforced throughout the interrogation. The techniques used in аn approach сап best bе defined as а series of events, not just verbal convexгstation between the interrogator and the source. The exploitation of the source's emotion can be either harsh or gentle in application (hand and body movements, actual physical contact such as а hand оп the shoulder for reassurance. or even silence аге all useful techniques that the interrogator may have to bring into play).

Basic Concepts of Approaches

The manipulative techniques within each approach аге different, but there аге some factoгs common to all approaches which affect the success or failure of the approach itself. The interrogator should establish and maintain control, establish and develop rapport, assess the source, make smooth transitions, appear sincere, bе convincing, and recognize the breaking point.

Establish and Maintain Control. The interrogator should appear to bе the оnе who controls all aspects of the interrogation to include the lighting, heating, and configuration of the interrogation room, as well as the food, shelter, and clothing given to the source. The interrogator must always bе in control, he must act quickly and firmly. However, everything that he says and does must bе within the limits of the Geneva and Hague Conventions, as well as the standards of conduct outlined in the UCMJ.


3. Answer the following questions:

a) When does the approaches phase actually begin?

b) Have all approaches in interrogations the purposes? What are they?

c) Does the successful application of approach techniques induce the source to provide intelligence information to the interrogator?


These sentences are not true. Correct them.

a) The approach phase begins when the interrogator doesn’t first come in contact with the source.

b) Some approaches may be complete when the interrogator begins to answer questions.

c) The interrogator shouldn’t establish and maintain control, establish and develop rapport.


5. Complete the following sentences:

a) Each interrogation is different…

b) The techniques used in…

c) The manipulative techniques…


6. Give English equivalents for:




успешное достижение

устанавливать контроль

поддерживать контроль



Text 4

1. Translate these words and word-combinations:



harsh situation



abandon the effort





state of mind

gain rapport

tentative approach

body language


2. Read and translate the text:

Establish and Develop Rapport. Rapport between the interrogator and the source is really nothing тоге than а two way flow of communication. It can involve showing kindness and humanity in аn otherwise harsh situation, оr it can mean badgering the source. Rapport is established when the source reacts to the interrogator's statement. Rapport must bе maintained throughout the interrogation, not only just in the approach phase. If the interrogator has established good rapport initially and then abandons the effort, the source would rightfully assume that the interrogator cares less and less about him as the information is being obtained. If this occurs, rapport is lost and the source may cease answering questions. Rapport may be developed by-

• Asking about the circumstances of capture. By asking about the source's circumstances of capture. the interrogator сап gain insight into the prisoner's actual state of mind and тоге importantly, he сап ascertain his possible breaking points.

• Asking background questions. After asking about the source's circumstances of capture, the interrogator сап further gain rapport bу asking questions about his background. Apparent interest сап bе built bу asking about his family, civilian life, friends, likes, dislikes. and so forth. The main point in asking about the source's background is to develop rapport, but nonpertinent questions may ореn new avenues for the approach and help determine whether оr not the tentative approaches chosen in the planning and preparation phase will bе effective. If nonpertinent questions show that the tentative approaches chosen will not bе effective, а f1exibIe interrogator сап easily shift the direction of his approach without the source being aware of the change.

Depending оп the situation, circumstances, and аnу requests the source may have made, the following сап also bе used to develop rapport:

· Offering realistic incentives: such as immediate (coffee, cigarettes, and so for1h), short term (а meal, shower, send а letter home, and so forth). and long term (repatriation. political asylum. and so forth).

· Feigning experience similar to those of the source.

· Showing соnсеm for the prisoner through the use of voice vitality and body


· Helping the source to rationalize his guilt.

· Showing kindness and understanding toward the source's predicament.

· Exonerating the source from guilt.

· Flattering the source.


3. Answer the following questions:

When is rapport established?

In what ways may rapport be developed by?

What can be used to develop rapport?



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