These sentences are not true. Correct them.
a) The State Auto-Inspection is reponsible for collecting sufficient evidence to bring gang leaders to justice. b) To fulfil the tasks the organs of internal affairs are composed of two departments. c) The main aim of the officer of the Criminal Detection Department is in presentation of evidence in court.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) The main aim of militia has always been … b) The final test of a criminal investigation is… c) The responsibility of the officers of the ECID is…
6. Give English equivalents for: защищать права граждан проявлять мужество годы мирных преобразований поддерживать общественный порядок предупреждение преступности уголовный розыск отдел по борьбе с экономическими преступлениями регулирование дорожного движения безопасность на дорогах совершать мошенничество рост подростковой преступности беззаботные родители взяточничество насилие служба по борьбе с организованной преступностью собрать достаточно улик
Text 2 1. Translate these words and word-combinations: to be established to deal with law enforcement preventive work patrol service traffic safety juvenile delinquency to increase sense of security to combat modern crime spread of drugs to reconstruct the happening offender to commit the crime
2. Read and translate the text: The Russian Militia was established on November 10th, 1917. Our Militia is to deal with many problems and all of them are of great importance. It is effective law enforcement, educational and preventive work that are to be in the center of activities of militia agencies at our time. Militia stations are in continuous operation of crime prevention; crime investigation and crime solution, day and night patrol service, traffic safety and problems of juvenile delinquency, organized crime and racketeering. One of the main tasks of our Militia is to improve militia-public relations; to increase public’s trust and sense of security. Another problem of our Militia now is to combat modern crime, i.e. spread of drugs, drug-related crimes, crimes relating to money and terrorism. The service in the Militia is difficult and dangerous, but it is necessary and honorable, because all the militia officers are to protest life, work and rest of our people. Quite a lot of people work as investigators in the organs of the Militia or of the Prosecutor’s Office. That’s why the duty of an investigator is to search for the truth, for the offender, for witnesses who help to reconstruct the happening and will present evidence of it in court. The investigator must be able to make a searching inquiry into the facts surrounding the commission of the crime or economic offence, i.e. what it is, where it was, who the offender was, when, why and how he was committing the crime.
3. Answer the following questions: a) When was the russian militia established? b) What are the main tasks of our militia? c) What are the duties of an investigator? These sentences are not true. Correct them. a) The Russian militia was established on December 10th, 1918 b) The main task of our militia is to rehabilitate offenders. c) The medical expert must be able to make a searching inquiry into the facts surrounding the commission of the crime.
5. Complete the following sentences: a) Our militia is to deal with… b) Militia stations are in continuous … c) Another problem of our militia…
6. Give English equivalents for: быть установленным большая значимость предупреждение преступности организованная преступность увеличивать доверие общества защищать жизнь правонарушитель свидетель воссоздать случившееся вещественные доказательства совершить преступление
Text 3 1. Translate these words and word-combinations: field-criminalist protect evidence footprints patient persistent sympathetic firm investigative aptitudes CID man personal efforts decision-making judgements exert
2. Read and translate the text: The duties of the investigator together with the field-criminalist are to find, to collect and to protect evidence, such as fingerprints, footprints, and other traces of the criminal act. Every good investigator should be intelligent, competent, patient, tactful, composed, persistent and sympathetic, but he should be firm if it is necessary. He must also possess special investigative aptitudes and professional instinct. In English an operative may be called a “detective”, a “plain-clothes man”, a “sleuth”, a “CID man”. The main task of an operative is to prevent crimes and to solve them by using special means, methods and forms of fighting crimes. The quick and accurate solution of crime depends largely on the personal efforts. It also depends on his education, his intelligence and his decision-making judgements. He tries to function effectively in combating crime and to act properly under operative conditions. After graduating from the Law Academy some of our students are going to be a field-criminalists. It means that they should know Criminalistics very well because quick and accurate solution of crime will depend on their education and practical skills that is why they exert every effort to study well. The most interesting work is the work in fingerprinting.
3. Answer the following questions: a) What are the duties of the investigator together with the field-criminalist? b) What are the investigative aptitudes of every good investigator? c) What does the quick and accurate solution of crime depend on?
These sentences are not true. Correct them. a) In English an operative may be called an "investigator"
b) The quick and accurate solution of crime doesn’t depend on the personal efforts, education and decision-making judgement. c) After graduating from the law Academy some of our students are going to be a medical expert
5. Complete the following sentences: a) Every good investigator should be… b) In English an operative… c) The main task of an operative is…
6. Give English equivalents for: эксперт-криминалист отпечатки пальцев следы на терпеливый настойчивый умение правильно принимать решение оперативные условия находить улики собирать улики профессиональный инстинкт Text 4 1. Translate these words and word-combinations: event attitude interrogation to be afraid representative law enforcement body underworld fear inhabitants lawlessness wrongful actions exist legal proceedings
2. Read and translate the text: The Attitude(Relation) of the population to militia in figures. Per 2007 right after events in Blagoveshchensk interrogation, according to(agree) which [5] has been lead: 41% of Russians are afraid of representatives of law enforcement bodies more, than representatives of underworld; In Moscow the fear before militia is tested more than half of inhabitants (56%); More than 80% of Russians consider(count) very serious a problem of an arbitrariness and lawlessness of militia; 3% interrogated have declared, that the problem of wrongful actions of law enforcement bodies in modern Russia does not exist; 59,4% of participants of interrogation have declared, that do not hope for the Russian legal proceedings.
3. Answer the following questions: a) How many percent of Russians are afraid of representatives of law enforcement bodies? b) Have 3% interrogated declared that the problem of wrongful actions of militia in modern Russia does not exist? c) How many % of people don’t hope for the Russian legal proceedings?
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