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_______________А.В. Лагерев

«_____»______________2008 г.




Методические указания по развитию навыков

Чтения, перевода и говорения для студентов 2 курса

Очной формы обучения специальности 150202

«Оборудование и технология сварочного производства»

Часть 2



УДК 42.07


Английский язык: методические указания по развитию навыков чтения, перевода и говорения для студентов 2 курса очной формы обучения специальности 150202 «Оборудование и технология сварочного производства». Часть 2. – Брянск: БГТУ, 2008. – 39 с.



Разработала: Максимова М.В.,



Рекомендовано кафедрой «Иностранные языки» БГТУ

(протокол № 1 от 14. 01.08)



Настоящие методические указания предназначены для студентов II курса дневного отделения специальности «Оборудование и технология сварочного производства».

Основная цель данного подобия - развитие и совершенствование навыков чтения и перевода оригинальной литературы по специальности, а также развитие навыков говорения.

Методические указания состоят из II разделов. Каждый раздел имеет определенную структуру: базовый терминологический и общенаучный словарь-минимум для чтения оригинальной литературы, основной текст, послетекстовые упражнения и задания.

Основные тексты отобраны из англо-американской литературы. Их главная цель - научить читать научно-технические тексты, самостоятельно вести поиск информации, уметь обобщать полученную информацию и углублять профессиональные знания, вести беседу в пределах данной тематики. Система упражнений ориентирована на закрепление лексики и грамматических конструкций, на развитие навыков устной речи, а также на понимание студентами предлагаемого материала и стимулирование самостоятельных суждений и высказываний. В конце каждой части пособия даются тексты, которые могут быть использованы студентами для закрепления навыков перевода научно-технической литературы.




Text A

Thermit Welding

Thermit welding (TW) is a welding process which produces coalescence of metals by heating them with superheated liquid metal from a chemical reaction between a metal oxide and aluminum with or without the application of pressure.

Filler metal is obtained from an exothermic reaction between iron oxide and aluminum. The temperature resulting from this reaction is approximately 2500°C. The superheated steel is contained in a crucible located immediately above the weld joint. The superheated steel runs into a mold which is built around the parts to be welded. Since it is almost twice as hot as the melting temperature of the base metal melting occurs at the edges of the joint and alloys with the molten steel from the crucible. Normal heat losses cause the mass of molten metal to solidify, coalescence occurs, and the weld is completed.

The thermit welding process is applied only in the automatic mode. Once the reaction is started it goes to completion.


Прочитайте слова и словосочетания, выучите их.

thermit welding coalescence liquid metal chemical reaction to obtain exothermic reaction approximately superheated steel crucible immediately weld joint mold edge alloy to solidify automatic mode completion - термитная сварка - слияние; соединение - жидкий металл - химическая реакция - получать; добывать - экзотермическая реакция - приблизительно - перегретая сталь - тигель; кристаллизатор - немедленно - сварной шов - форма || формовать - кромка, край - сплав - затвердевать - автоматический режим - завершение

2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How can you characterize thermit welding process?

2. What is the temperature resulting from an exothermic reaction between iron oxide and aluminum?

3. Where does the superheated steel run into?

4. Why does the base metal melting occur at the edges of the joint?

5. In what mode is the thermit welding process used?

Составьте аннотацию текста А.

4. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на звуки:

[ i: ] means, achievement, receiver, increase, easy, key

[ ai ] microphone, mobile, idea, divide, widely, unified, subscribe, provide, device, line

[ ɔ: ] call, small, for, automobile, born, born

[ ə: ] service, per, search, concern, research, serve, work, were

5. Запомните произношение следующих слов:

message [′mesidʒ] broadcasting [′brɔ:dka:stiɳ]

communication [kə‚mju:ni′keiʃn] facsimile [fæk′simili]

advance [əd′va:ns] phototelegraphy [‚foutəti′legrəfi]

process [′prouses] engineering [‚endʒi′niəriɳ]

apparatus [‚æpə′reitəs] automobile [′ɔ:tɔməbi:l]

telegraph [′teligra:f] mobile [′moubail]

telegraphy [ti′legrəfi] idea [ai′diə]

Прочитайте и переведите группы однокоренных слов. При необходимости воспользуйтесь словарем.

1. to communicate – communication – communicative – communicable – communicator – communicant

2. to transmit – transmission – transmittance – transmitter – transmitting

3. to develop – development – developed

4. to manufacture – manufacturer – manufactory – manufacturing

5. to produce – producer – product – production – productive – productivity – productively

6. to invent – inventor – invention – inventive – inventively – inventiveness – inventory

7. to generate – generator – generation

Text B

Physics as a Science

Physics is the science of matter, motion and energy. Newton was the first physicist in the modern sense. As he stated the three laws of motion in 1687, physics has advanced at a rapid pace along a broad road which may be divided into three stages.

The first consists in gaining quantitative knowledge about some particular phenomena.

The next stage involves theoretical study, including, mathematical proof of theories.

The last stage is experimental proof of the most important theories. Until quite recently physicists were in favour of mechanical explanation. The physicists today deal with mathematics to a large extent.

Electricity and magnetism, and electromagnetic radiation of all kinds, from wireless waves to X-rays, were based on Maxwell’s theory. It resolves the world into electric charges and electric and magnetic waves.

Physics originally developed, and is still taught today, along several different lines: mechanics, heat, light, electricity and magnetism, and sound.

When it was shown that light had the characteristics of a wave motion, heat may be converted into mechanical work, and electricity and magnetism can be generated by mechanical means, physics got a proof of the unity of nature.

Перескажите текст B.

2. Напишите и произнесите следующие количественные числительные:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 25, 28, 30, 52, 48, 67, 74, 83, 99, 100, 245, 533, 816, 3562, 7324.

3. Напишите и произнесите следующие годы:

1345, 1567, 1799, 1823, 1945, 2000, 2005.

4. Обратите внимание на произношение дат:

Образец: Lomonosov was born on November 19, 1711.

November nineteen seventeen eleven или on the nineteenth of November.

Напишите и произнесите следующие даты правильно:

1. She was born on April 21, 1978.

2. He was born on May 2, 1999.

3. They left for Moscow on June 17, 2000.

4. We returned home on August 12, 2006.

5. They saw her last on December 31, 1997.

6. She sent him the letter on September 8, 2001.

5. Прочитайте следующие предложения с усилительной конструкцией. It is (was)... that (who).. и переведите их:

Например: It was Lomonosov who discovered this law.

Именно Ломоносов открыл этот закон.

1. It was Shakespeare who wrote Hamlet.

2. It was Popov who discovered the radio.

3. It was in Russia that electric energy was turned into light.

4. It was he who worked there.

5. It is you who are responsible.

6. It was she who gave them the book.

7. It was his brother who met you there.


Text A

Welding Procedures

As welding becomes a modern engineering technology it requires that the various elements involved be identified in a standardized way. This is accomplished by writing a procedure which is simply a "manner of doing" or "the detailed elements (with prescribed values or range of values) of a process or method used to produce a specific result." The AWS definition for a welding procedure is "the detailed methods and practices including all joint welding procedures involved in the production of a weldment." The joint welding procedure mentioned includes "the materials, detailed methods and practices employed in the welding of a particular joint."

A welding procedure is used to make a record of all of the different elements, variables, and factors that are involved in producing a specific weld or weldment. Welding procedures should be written whenever it is necessary to:

· Maintain dimensions by controlling distortion

· Reduce residual or locked up stresses

· Minimize detrimental metallurgical changes

· Consistently build a weldment the same way

· Comply with certain specifications and codes.

Welding procedures must be tested or qualified and they must be communicated to those who need to know. This includes the designer, the welding inspector, the welding supervisor, and last but not least, the welder.

When welding codes or high-quality work is involved this can become a welding procedure specification, which lists in detail the various factors or variables involved. Different codes and specifications have somewhat different requirements for a welding procedure, but in general a welding procedure consists of three parts as follows:

· A detailed written explanation of how the weld is to be made

· A drawing or sketch showing the weld joint design and the conditions for making each pass or bead

· A record of the test results of the resulting weld.

If the weld meets the requirements of the code or specification and if the written procedure is properly executed and signed it becomes a qualified welding procedure.

The variables involved in most specifications are considered to be essential variables. In some codes the term nonessential variables may also be used. Essential variables are those factors which must be recorded and if they are changed in any way, the procedure must be retested and requalified. Nonessential variables are usually of less importance and may be changed within prescribed limits and the procedure need not be requalified.

Essential variables involved in the procedure usually include the following:

· The welding process and its variation

· The method of applying the process

· The base metal type, specification, or composition

· The base metal geometry, normally thickness

· The base metal need for preheat or postheat

· The welding position

· The filler metal and other materials consumed in making the weld

· The weld joint, that is, the joint type and the weld

· Electrical or operational parameters involved

· Welding technique

Some specifications also include nonessential variables and these are usually the following:

· The travel progression (uphill or downhill)

· The size of the electrode or filler wire

· Certain details of the weld joint design

· The use and type of weld backing

· The polarity of the welding current.

The procedure write-up must include each of the listed variables and describe in detail how it is to be done. The second portion of the welding procedure is the joint detail sketch and table or schedule of welding conditions.

Tests are performed to determine if the weld made to the procedure specification meets certain standards as established by the code or specification.

In certain codes, welding procedures are prequalified. By using data provided in the code individual qualified procedure specifications are not required, for the standard joints on common base materials using the shielded metal arc welding process.

The factors included in a procedure should be considered in approaching any new welding job. By means of knowledge and experience establish the optimum factors or variables in order to make the best and most economical weld on the material to be welded and in the position that must be welded.

Welding procedures take on added significance based on the quality requirements that can be involved. When exact reproducibility and perfect quality are required, the procedures will become much more technical with added requirements, particularly in testing. Tests will become more complex to determine that the weld joint has the necessary properties to withstand the service for which the weld is designed.

Procedures are written to produce the highest-quality weld required for the service involved, but at the least possible cost and to provide weld consistency. It may be necessary to try different processes, different joint details, and so on, to arrive at the lowest-cost weld which will satisfy the service requirements of the weldment.

Прочитайте слова и словосочетания, выучите их.

to require to accomplish prescribed values range of values AWS (American Welding Society) definition welding procedure to involve weldment joint welding to mention to employ variable to maintain dimension distortion residual stress detrimental consistently to comply welding inspector supervisor requirement drawing sketch condition pass bead   to meet the requirements to execute essential variable term to retest to requalify prescribed limit composition thickness preheat postheat welding position consumed filler wire weld backing welding current write-up schedule to perform to determine to establish prequalified   shielded metal arc welding   significance exact reproducibility to withstand consistency service requirements - требовать - выполнять; достигать - заданное значение - область значений - Американское общество специалистов по сварке - определение - технология сварки - втягивать, вовлекать - сварная деталь - соединительная сварка - упоминать - применять, использовать - переменная - поддерживать, содержать - измерение, размеры, величина - искажение; искривление - остаточное напряжение - пагубный, губительный - последовательно - выполнять, осуществлять - приёмщик сварочных изделий - контролер - требование - чертеж - эскиз, набросок - условие - наложение (наплавка) валика - металл, наплавленный за один проход; узкий шов - удовлетворять требованиям - существлять, выполнять - существенная переменная - термин - производить повторное испытаниеe - восстанавливать - заданный предел - состав - толщина, плотность - предварительный нагрев - последующий нагрев - положение шва при сварке - расходуемый, потребляемый - присадочная проволока - подкладка под шов - сварочный ток - описание (события) - расписание; график, - выполнять - решать - устанавливать - предварительно оцененный на соответствие техническим условиям - дуговая сварка металлическим покрытым электродом - значение, смысл - точный - воспроизводимость; повторяемость - выдержать; противостоять - целостность плотность - эксплуатационные требования

2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What is the AWS definition for a welding procedure?

2. What does the joint welding procedure include?

3. What are the requirements for a welding procedure? What does a welding procedure consists of?

4. When does the weld become a qualified welding procedure?

5. Give the definition to essential variables.

6. What do you know about nonessential variables?

7. What do essential variables involved in the procedure usually include?

8. What must the procedure write-up include?

9. What are the tests performed for?

10. What happens when exact reproducibility and perfect quality are required?

11. What are the procedures written for?


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