Переведите сочетания существительных на русский язык.
1. Substance explanation; process study; proton charge; sea level; power plant; nucleus energy release; atom mass theory; atom energy application; nuclear physics progress; power supply increase. 2. Energy production; energy production limit; energy production limit measure; electricity transmission; electricity transmission line breakage; surface tension; surface tension minimum; liquid surface tension minimum. 9. Переведите слова с интернациональными корнями, не прибегая к помощи словаря: Существительные: radium, uranium, problem, form, period, system, turbine, metal, element, method, mass. Прилагательные: interesting, atomic, radioactive, electric, practical. Глаголы: to disintegrate, to accelerate, to produce, to contain. UNIT 3 Text A The Physics and Chemistry of Welding Welding follows all of the physical laws of nature and a good understanding of physics and chemistry will help you better understand how welds are made. The science of sound is important to welding since one welding process and one weld nondestructive examination technique is based on the use of sound. Sound is transmitted through most materials: metals, gases, liquids, etc., but it will not pass through a vacuum. The science of light also involves welding. The laser beam welding process utilizes light energy at very high concentrations to create heat sufficient to cause melting, which can be used for welding or cutting. Light is a by-product of the arc welding processes. Light is given off by the arc and by heated electrodes and base metals. The science of friction also involves welding. Here we are interested in dynamic friction, better known as sliding friction. This is the force between two moving bodies and if sufficient force is available heat will be generated. This is the basis for the friction-welding process. Several chemical definitions relate to welding. One is known as burning or oxidation. This takes place when any substance combines with oxygen usually at high temperatures. An example of this is the combining of acetylene with oxygen. This produces carbon dioxide plus water plus a large amount of heat. We use the heat produced by the burning of acetylene in the flame of the oxyacetylene torch to make welds. In all oxidation reactions heat is given off. Oxidation can occur very slowly as in the case of rusting. If iron is exposed to oxygen at high temperature rapid oxidation or burning will occur with the liberation of more heat. Rapid oxidation or burning does not occur until the kindling temperature of the material is reached. In the case of a liquid this term is called the flash point. Oxidation is very important in welding operations since oxygen of the air is usually present as well as heat.
Прочитайте слова и словосочетания, выучите их.
2. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Why is the science of sound important to welding? 2. Can Sound be transmitted through a vacuum? 3. What does the laser beam welding process utilize to create heat sufficient to cause melting? 4. What is the by-product of the arc welding processes? 5. What is the basis for the friction-welding process? 6. What chemical definitions relate to welding? 7. When does rapid oxidation or burning take place? What is the flash point? 8. Why is oxidation very important in welding operations? Составьте аннотацию текста А. 4. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на чтение буквосочетания "th". Проверьте себя по словарю. [ð] this, that, than, they, another, weather, without [θ] thing, third, earth, think, mathematics, arithmetic Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на то, что некоторые буквы в них не произносятся. Проверьте себя по словарю. Hour, which, what, while, could, guide, flight, design, modern. Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык. Information flow, ocean surface, manufacturing process, control equipment, human supervision, human life, human activities, research planning, engineering problem, aircraft flight, bank account, weather forecast. Найдите в словаре синонимы следующих слов и переведите их. Application, data, to assemble, researcher, man, to observe, to make, plant, production, to input, important, foundation, investigation, to decide, special, aim, to construct, exact, up-to-date, to keep, different. Образуйте слова, однокоренные данным и переведите их. Science, person, to list, probable, to inform, to create, to assemble. Сгруппируйте слова из списков А и В в синонимичные пары и переведите их.
Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова как глаголы и как существительные.
Process, order, store, display, output, input, form, interest, study, work, program, use, exercise, return, contact. Выпишите из словаря все возможные значения следующих слов. To store, to operate, training, to develop, class, examination, instruction. Text B Forces The word “force” is a general term for any push or pull. A force is always exerted on a body by another body or on a part of a body by another part. A force may act through a contact, or it may act from a distance like gravitational or magnetic attraction. It may act on a point of a body or be distributed over a considerable area. But whether exerted through a contact or from a distance a force is always exerted on something and by something. The force acts along the line. The line of action of any force is a line of indefinite length parallel to the direction of the force and containing its point of application. To specify a force, it is necessary to know its direction, magnitude and sense. Hence, forces are vector quantities. They must be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided vectorially. The ordinary arithmetic rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division used for scalar quantities cannot be applied, except in special cases. Forces can be represented by straight lines. The length of the line represents the magnitude of the force. The direction of the line is that of force. The head of the arrow of the line shows whether the force acts up of down, to the right or to the left, etc. If a force acts on a body that is free to move, the body moves in the direction of the force. When two forces are applied in opposite directions, the body moves in the direction of the greater force. The force tending to move the body in this case is the difference between the two forces. When the forces act in the same direction, the equivalent force known as the resultant is the sum of the two forces.
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