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The justification documents were prepared for the lifetime extension of the NPP.

6 Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: формы и функции инфинитива, инфинитивные конструкции (сложное дополнение, подлежащее), существительное в роли определения, функции слов one (ones), that (those), условные предложения:

1) In all the operating power units of the VVER plants a comprehensive assessment of the plant compliance with the current nuclear safety codes, standards and regulations were continued with the purpose of implementation of the measures incorporated in the VVER Plant Safety Improvement Concepts.

2) Following the operating NPP safety improvement concepts, the high-priority measures were developed and are being implemented to improve the operational quality and safety culture, to minimize the accident probability, and to eliminate and/or compensate the existing non-compliance with the current codes, standards and regulations.

3) The implementation of these measures will allow improving the reliability of the existing barriers and in-depth protection against radioactive releases.

4) The measures reflected in the safety improvement concepts are aimed at resolution of the following basic, safety-relevant challenge.

5) The obtained results demonstrate that at all the operating VVER-type NPPs an acceptable safety level is maintained, and measures aimed at their continued reliability and safety improvement are taken.

7 Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1) What does the management of the concern "Rosenergoatom" declare?

2) When were extensive activities carried out to improve the safety level?

3) What are the major priorities in plant operation?

4) What are basic, safety-relevant challenges?

5) How are the safety improvement concepts implemented?

6) What is stipulated by the Nuclear Safety Convention?

7) What is the situation at all the operating VVER-type NPPs?

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WER-type plant safety


One of the high-priority tasks of the concern «Rosenergoatom» is to im­prove the NPP availability factor which means increase of the plants economical efficiency and competitiveness.

The concern «Rosenergoatom» developed and is now implementing the oper­ating NPP availability factor improve­ment program for the period up to the year of 2005 with the following major areas of activities:

- improvement of the NPP unit mainte­nance and repairs;

- optimization of the NPP operational modes;

- improvement of the NPP operations availability;

- implementation of the fuel cycle improvements;

- optimization of the activities or upgradings' organization and implementation.

Implementation of the measures within the above program resulted in increase of the VVER-type plant availability factor in 2003 by 1,8 %. The factor reached 79,6 %, which corresponds to the mean world's average.

Findings of inspections and tests per­formed at the Russian plants, including those with involvement of the interna­tional experts, confirm compliance of the safety level in the VVER-type operating plants with the national and internation­al standards.

All this proves that at present the safety of the VVER-type operating units meets the current requirements.


RBMK-1000 Plant Safety


In all the operating RBMK-1 plants a set of technical and organi­zational measures was completed where these measures significantly improve plant safety and prevent recurrence of the accidents of Chernobyl type.

To ensure maximum compliance of the RBMK-1000 reactor safety level with the current requirements, the activ­ities are now being continued for their upgrading and technical renovation.

At all Kursk, Leningrad and Smo­lensk NPP power units, the reactor pressure channels are being replaced, the emergency cooling, control and pro­tection, and centralized monitoring sys­tems are being upgraded, and advanced diagnostic facilities are being implemented.

With completion of the upgrade of the plant steam/gas release systems at the Kursk-4 in 2003, the program for increase of steam discharge capacity from the reactor cavity in emergency, in case of rupture of the pressure chan­nels, was completely implemented for all RBMK-1000 reactors.

As of 01.01.2004, replacement of the pressure channels are completed at the Kursk-1 and Leningrad-1 and 2.

The second stage upgrading activi­ties were continued at the Kursk-2 and Leningrad-3.

In the year of 2003, at the Kursk-1 the special systems and mathematical software «PRIZMA-M» were put into commercial operation.

During the year of 2003, according to regulatory licenses (Gosatomnadzor of Russia) and work plans, all the RBMK-1 ООО cores were transferring to uranium-erbium fuel, including full load­ing with 2,В % - enriched uranium- erbium fuel.

The licenses of Gosatomnadzor of Russia were obtained, and the partial load of 2,8 % enriched uranium-erbium fuel was started in the Leningrad-2 and 3.

Implementation of the cluster control rods within the Control and Protection System in the RBMK-1 ООО reactors was continued. According to the GAN licenses, pilot controls rods were installed at Kursk-1, 3 and 4, Leningrad-2 and 3, and Smolensk-1 and 2.

2 Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

1) economical efficiency and competitiveness;

2) safety of operating units meets the current requirements;

3) improvement of the NPP unit maintenance and repairs;

4) optimization of the NPP operational modes;

5) improvement of the NPP operations availability;

6) implementation of the fuel cycle improvements;

7) optimization of the activities;

8) mean world's average;

9) control and protection system;

10) compliance of the safety level with the national and international standards.


3 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1) первоочередная задача;

2) международные эксперты;

3) уровень безопасности;

4) комплекс технических и организационных мероприятий;

5) аварии типа чернобыльской;

6) модернизация и техническое перевооружение;

7) система аварийного охлаждения;

8) система централизованного контроля;

9) технические и организационные меры;

10) разрыв технологических каналов.


4 Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:


1) to improve;

2) available;

3) to implement;

4) to optimize;

5) national;

6) to require;

7) to replace;

8) complete;

9) to charge;

10) place.


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