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Economic aspects of NPP operation


In 2004 the power industry of Russia enters the period of transition to the competitive market environment - besides the regulated sector, a free trade sector starts to operate, it is being compulsory for the suppliers to sell 15 % of electricity through competi­tive bidding process.

In the conditions of the transitory period, in order to resolve internal issues and to create the prerequisites for fully performing the utility functions and for collecting the required revenues, the following pending administrative issues have to be resolved at different managerial levels:

- development of forecasting and plan­ning system, taking into account the changes expected within 3 - 5 years;

- development of the yearly, quarterly and monthly expense and income planning techniques;

- establishment of the corporate sys­tem for NPP electricity trading, with the functions of short-term and long term electricity supply and exchange purchase for the wholesale market buyers;

- determination of the liability and financial risk insurance mechanism for the activities of the generating company on the market;

- development and implementation of the corporate program for task-ori­ented expense management, includ­ing optimization of the expense man­agement for each individual expense category, such as raising investment funds, depreciation compensatory policy, maintenance costs, wages and special purpose funds.




The international activities of «Rosenergoatom» concern - the world largest nuclear power generating company - covers the following areas: international scien­tific and technical cooperation, interna­tional safety programs, foreign econom­ic relations.

The international activities of Rosenergoatom are aimed at achieving the main utility goals and objectives associated with ensuring safety of nuclear power plants and achieving improved cost efficiency of their opera­tion, development and the corporate level, and compliance with the interna­tional obligations of Russian Federation in the area of nuclear power industry.

The international activities of the util­ity can be characterized by the following attributes:

- large scale(annual turnover of the capitals, invested by Rosenergoatom and its foreign partners is estimated in tens of million US dollars; all the operat­ing NPP of the utility, scientific and tech­nical support organizations, and design institutions of the industry benefit from the international activities);

- versatile(cover practically all forms and types of international relations, access all the major utility goals);

- significant for safety and develop­ment ( the real annual contribution into safety enhancement, renovation, con­struction of new units and lifetime extension activities amounts to 15 - 30 million US dollars. Rosenergoatom cooperates with international organizations in the areas of operation and development of nuclear power plants, lifetime extension, construction of new units, purchase of equipment and technologies that are not available within Russia).

The international activities of the power generating company is centralized with respect to the subsidiaries (NPP and other) and coordinated with the associated and support companies.

International scientific and techni­cal cooperation is carried out in accor­dance with the international treaties and conventions related to nuclear power industry, signed by the Russian Govern­ment and by the Ministry of Atomic Energy, agreements and memorandums between Rosenergoatom and foreign companies and organizations, the activi­ties of which are related to the activities of Rosenergoatom or can be of practical interest for the utility.

The international activities of Rosenergoatom are aimed at fulfilling the existing commitments and obliga­tions, at cooperative solution of scientif­ic and technical safety problems and information exchange; they form the basis for further development of the international contractual relations of the utility. Today there are 10 official part­ners, 28 programs and 136 projects.

In 2003, over 200 international events were organized and attended, including 4 peer reviews by WANO (at Balakovo, Beloyarsk, Kursk and Voigodonsk NPP); the head of the Rosenergoatom concern was elected a president of WANO by the General Assembly in Berlin, 182 experts from Rosenergoatom took part in 40 missions and other undertakings of IAEA.

There was a special development in cooperation of Rosenergoatom with EDF company - a new so-called «Industrial project» with the projected funding of 30 million US dollars was initiated. The project was approved at the meet­ings of the Prime Ministers of Russia and France.

2 Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

1) the competitive market environment;

2) competitive bidding process;

3) collecting the required revenues;

4) at different managerial levels;

5) development of forecasting and planning system;

6) development of expense and income planning techniques;

7) establishment of the corporate sys tem;

8) financial risk insurance mechanism;

9) The international activities of «Rosenergoatom» concern;

10) the world largest nuclear power generating company.

3 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1) энергетика;

2) регулируемый сектор;

3) сектор свободной торговли;

4) переходный период;

5) международное научно-техническое сотрудничество;

6) международная программа безопасности;

7) внешнеэкономическая деятельность;

8) обеспечение безопасности АЭС;

9) значимая для безопасности и развития;

10) международные конвенции и соглашения.

4 Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:

1) prerequisites;

2) to compete;

3) to develop;

4) to manage;

5) to implement;

6) to organize;

7) contract;

8) science;

9) centre;

10) to convent.


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