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Exercise2. Find the Russian equivalents.


1. quantity 2. fuel burner 3. volume of air 4. blade 5. (exhaust) nozzle 6. accessories 7. blade tips 8. moving blades 9. discharge gases 10. assembly 1. (выхлопное) сопло 2. агрегат 3. вращающиеся лопатки 4. выхлопные газы 5. законцовки лопасти 6. количество 7. количество воздуха 8. лопатка 9. принадлежности 10. топливная форсунка


1. working fluid 2. velocity 3. efflux 4. rotary air compressor 5. air intake 6. exhaust outlet 7. centrifugal compressor 8. axial flow compressor 9. shaft 10. pressure ratio   1. центробежный компрессор 2. степень сжатия 3. роторный компрессор 4. рабочее тело 5. осевой компрессор 6. истечение 7. выхлопное устройство 8. воздухозаборник 9. вал 10. (векторная) скорость  


1. to accelerate 2. to increase 3. to drive 4. to couple 5. to diffuse 6. to attain 7. to burn 8. to supply 9. to expand 10. to release 11. to extract energy 12. to involve   1. вовлекать, включать в себя 2. выделять энергию 3. выпускать, освобождать 4. достигать 5. жечь, сжигать 6. приводить в движение 7. распространять 8. расширять 9. снабжать, подавать 10. соединять 11. увеличивать 12. ускорять

Exercise 3. Match the verbs with the objects.

1. to accelerate 2. to increase 3. to drive 4. to couple 5. to diffuse 6. to reach 7. to burn 8. to supply 9. to expand 10. to release 11. to extract 12. to provide 1. to the turbine shaft 2. thrust 3. large quantities of fuel 4. the kinetic energy 5. hot gases 6. gases 7. energy 8. the compressors 9. by the compressor 10. the air flow 11. the air 12. velocity


Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the word-combinations in the right column.

1. In order to propel an airplane through the air the force …. 2. The … must be rather intensive and is provided by the propulsion system 3. Every …consists of the fuel and the engine 4. The engine is the … for transforming the energy of the fuel into the …. 5. The total weight of the airplane can be divided among the …, the propulsion system and the …. 6. The payload consists of the …, equipment and …. 7. One of the main problems is receiving the … or thrust for minimum …. 8. The reduction of fuel consumption can be solved when a … is used. 9. The engine is to have a long life with maximum of time between …. 10. Reliability is determined by the length of time the engine can run without …. 1. airframe 2. cargo 3. crew 4. force 5. is required 6. major overhaul 7. maximum possible power 8. mechanical device 9. nuclear reactor 10. overhaul periods 11. payload 12. propulsion system 13. propulsive force 14. weight

Text: The First Jet Engine - A Short History of Early Engines


Exercise 5. After reading this information about famous inventors and their inventions, try to find more and realize it in your own projects.

Sir Isaac Newton in the 18th century was the first to theorize that a rearward-channeled explosion could propel a machine forward at a great rate of speed. This theory was based on his third law of motion. As the hot air blasts backwards through the nozzle the plane moves forward.

Henri Giffard built an airship which was powered by the first aircraft engine, a three-horse power steam engine. It was very heavy, too heavy to fly.

In 1874, Felix de Temple, built a monoplane that flew just a short hop down a hill with the help of a coal fired steam engine.

Otto Daimler, in the late 1800's invented the first gasoline engine.

In 1894, American Hiram Maxim tried to power his triple biplane with two coal fired steam engines. It only flew for a few seconds.

The early steam engines were powered by heated coal and were generally much too heavy for flight.

American Samuel Langley made a model airplanes that were powered by steam engines. In 1896, he was successful in flying an unmanned airplane with a steam-powered engine, called the Aerodrome. It flew about 1 mile before it ran out of steam. He then tried to build a full sized plane, the Aerodrome A, with a gas powered engine. In 1903, it crashed immediately after being launched from a house boat.

In 1903, the Wright Brothers flew, The Flyer, with a 12 horse power gas powered engine.

From 1903, the year of the Wright Brothers first flight, to the late 1930s the gas powered reciprocating internal-combustion engine with a propeller was the sole means used to propel aircraft.

It was Frank Whittle, a British pilot, who designed the first turbo jet engine in 1930. The first Whittle engine successfully flew in April, 1937. This engine featured a multistage compressor, and a combustion chamber, a single stage turbine and a nozzle.

The first jet airplane to successfully use this type of engine was the German Heinkel He 178. It was the world's first turbojet powered flight. General Electric for the US Army Air Force built the first American jet plane. It was the XP-59A experimental aircraft.


Exercise 6. Do you know the history of the aircraft engine construction in Russia? Complete the dialogue.


a. …?

b. The aircraft engine construction began in Russia at the end of the 19th century with Mozhaisky’s steam engine and the steam turbine of the Russian engineer Kuzminsky.

a. …?

b. As far as I know Kuzminsky’s engine consisted of an air compressor, a combustion chamber and a multistage turbine.

a. …?

b. Such Russian scientists as V.Tatarinov, A.Ufimtsev, S.Grizodubov, B.Lutsky worked at the development of aircraft piston engines.

a. …?

b. The first piston engines had from 3 to 8 cylinders and produced 20-80 horse powers.

a. …?

b. In 1924 the M-11 air-cooled engine designed by Shvetsov went into serial production. It had high reliability, small size and weight and low coast.

a. …?

b. The U-2 (Po-2) training aircraft were powered by the M-11 engines for a long time.

a. …?

b. Such names as V.Klimov, A.Kuznetsov, A.Mikulin, A.Shvetsov, A.Lulka have become famous in our country as well as abroad.

a. …?

b. They constructed powerful and reliable turbojet and turboprop engines.

a. …?

b. The PS-90 turbofan engine designed by P.Solovyev is the best aircraft engine in the world.



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