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Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with the word-combinations in the right column.

1. The heart of the power plant is the…. 2. Jet engines fall into…. 3. The jet is produced by the… in the compressed air. 4. Jet engines fall into two main classes: … engines and …engines. 5. When used a… produces high pressure and high temperature gas. 6. Rocket engines are used as… for missiles and research rockets, and as… of guided missiles. 7. The rocket engine carries the complete supply of… or …(oxidizer and fuel). 8. There are two basic types of rocket engines: … and …rocket engines. 9. The … is more complicated than the ramjet. 10. Turbojet, turboprop and turbofan engines belong to the family of ….. 11. The majority of modern turbojets are equipped with … compressors. 12. The turboprop engine uses propeller to provide most of its …. 1. working fluid 2. thrust 3. solid propellant 4. rocket 5. pulsejet engine 6. propellant 7. main power plants 8. liquid propellant 9. jet engine 10. two main classes 11. gas turbine engines 12. engine 13. combustion of the fuel 14. boosters 15. axial 16. air-breathing


Grammar Practice

That (those)


1. that (those)+ noun – указательные местоимения тот, та, то (те) That engine produced great noise during its operation. – Тот двигатель создавал …
2.that (those) + of + noun – слова – заместители существительного The work of a new device is much more efficient than that of the old one. -…чем работа старого.
2. that – союз: a. что b. то что c. который (относительное местоимение)   He said that he would come back in 10 minutes.– Он сказал, что вернется... That he is a good driver is a well-known fact.- То что он хороший…   Windows is a software program that makes your PC easy to use. - … программа, которая делает …


Exercise 8. Translate the sentences with that (those) which are used instead of nouns.

1. The working cycle of the gas turbine engine is similar to that of the four-stroke piston engine.

2. The diameter of Mars is 4,200 miles about half that of the Earth.

3. Hydrogen atoms are the lightest of those of any other elements.

4. The elements of which the Sun and stars consist are almost the same as those of the Earth.

5. The radio waves come back from an object in the same way as those of a light.

6. Chemical properties of phosphorus are like those of nitrogen.

7. The proton has a mass of 1,837 times that of the electron.

8. Theproperties of the metal are very close to those of aluminium.

9. Navigation by radio is much more efficient than that by any other means.


Exercise 9. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the functions of that and those.


1. Newton’s third law of motion states that “for every force acting on a body there is an opposite and equal reaction”.

2. Both engine cycles show that in each engine instance there is induction, compression, combustion and exhaust.

3. It must be noted that controlled atomic energy has already produced electric power and marine propulsion power.

4. An axial flow compressor consists of one or more rotor assemblies that carry blades of airfoil section.

5. It must be stated that engines present one of the most interesting groups of problems considered in the engineering field.

6. Although a rocket engine is a jet engine, it has one major difference in that it does not use atmospheric air as the propulsive fluid stream.

7. The power of the jet engine is much higher than that of the diesel engine.

8. The engine of the aircraft must be lighter than that of any ground vehicle.

9. The turbo-rocket engine has one major difference in that it carries its own oxygen to provide combustion.

10. The flexibility of a diesel engine is higher than that of a gasoline engine.

11. The speed of the car is less than that of a plane.

12. The weight of diesel engines is heavier than that of gasoline engines.

13. This vehicle requires longer overhaul than that vehicle.

14. The speed of jet engines is much more than that of piston engines.

15. The pressure in the jet engine is higher than that in the diesel engine.

16. The payload of an aircraft is usually higher than that of a tank.



Exercise10. Replace the Russian words by the English ones.


1. In order to propel an airplane through the air the требуется сила.

2. This force must be rather intensive and is provided by the двигательной системой.

3. Every propulsion system consists of топлива и двигателя.

4. The engine is the механический агрегат by which the energy of the fuel is transformed into движущую силу.

5. Any aircraft propulsion system must meet certain требованиям: low weight, высокой надежностью, low cost.

6. The total weight of the airplane can be divided among the airframe, двигательной системой и полезной нагрузкой.

7. One of the main problems is получение the maximum possible power or тяги for minimum весе.

8. Both in the past and today the desig­ners work at the problem of getting более низкого удельного расхода топлива.

9. Всережимность is the ability of the engine плавно работать and perform properly atвсех скоростях and through all variations of atmo­spheric conditions.

10. The engine is to have a long life, with maximum of time between периодами капитального ремонта.

11. Overall propulsion system reliability увеличивается by using more than one engine.

12. Reliability is determined by the length of time the engine can run без капитального ремонта.

13. Any engine must легко запускаться and carry its full load in a few minutes.


Exercise 11. True or false?

1. In order to propel an airplane through the air the force is not required.

2. The force must be rather intensive and is provided by the propulsion system.

3. Every aircraft consists of the fuel and the engine.

4. The engine is the chemical device for transforming the energy of the fuel into the propulsive force.

5. The total weight of the airplane can be divided among the wing and the propulsion system.

6. The payload consists of the crew, equipment and cargo.

7. One of the main problems is receiving the minimum possible power for maximum weight.

8. The reduction of fuel consumption can be solved when a nuclear reactor is used.

9. The engine is to have a long life with minimum of time between overhaul periods.

10. Reliability is determined by the length of time the engine can run without major overhaul.



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