Grammar Practice: Gerund (V-ing)
He achieved these results by raising temperature. – Он достиг этих результатов (повышая) при повышении температуры. On returning home he began preparing his report. – Возвратившись (по возвращению) домой, он приступил к подготовке доклада. In preparing the report he used new materials. – При подготовке доклада он использовал новый материал. Exercise 15. Translate the sentences with the Gerund after the prepositions.
1. There can be no progress in science without experimenting. 2. By using the latest data the designer can improve the construction. 3. Before inventing the radio people had less opportunity for communication. 4. The possibility of using a reaction jet had interested aircraft designers for a long time. 5. All metal expand upon heating. 6. On cooling all bodies decrease. 7. Experiments show that all gases expand on heating and decrease on cooling. 8. On taking off from the Earth the rocket must get as much as acceleration as possible to reach the necessary speed. 9. We may get an electric flow by moving an electric conductor in a magnetic field. 10. There are other ways of making an electric current flow along a wire. 11. Flight and navigation instruments serve for aircraft handling and steering in flight. 12. Their principle of operation is based on measuring the atmospheric pressure. 13. Any altitude can be determined by measuring the pressure associated with it at a given moment.
Exercise 16. Translate the sentences. Gerund or Participle I? 1. The airflow is an important factor in determining the amount of thrust. 2. The combustion chamberhas the difficult task of burning large quantities of fuel with extensive volumes of air. 3. The turbine has the task of providing the power to drive the compressor and accessories. 4. It does this by extracting energy from the hot gases released from the combustion system and expanding them to a lower pressure and temperature. 5. The air passing through the engine has to be accelerated. 6. The jet engine although appearing so different from the piston engine- propeller combination applies the same basic principles to effect propulsion. 7. The ramjet engine has no major rotating parts. 8. The resulting expansion of gases causes a rise in pressure forcing the valves to close and the expanding gases are then ejected rearwards. 9. The design of a combustion chamber and the method of adding the fuel may vary considerably. 10. The temperature of the gas entering the exhaust system is between 550 and 850 deg. C.
Exercise 17. Replace the Russian words and word-combinations by the English ones. 1. The gas turbine engine is essentially a тепловой двигатель using air as a рабочего тела to provide thrust. 2. Газотурбинный двигатель consists of a rotary air compressor with an воздухозаборником, one or more камер сгорания, a turbine, and an выхлопного устройства.
3. There are two basic types of роторных компрессора: centrifugal flow and осевой compressors. 4. Both types приводятся в движение by the engine turbine and are coupled direct to the валу турбины 5. The function of the compressor is ускорить the air, распространить it and to produce the required повышение давления. 6. The axial flow compressor расходует far more air than a центробежный компрессор of the same frontal area and can be designed to attain much higher степень повышения давления. 7. Камера сгорания has the difficult task of burning большого количества топлива with огромным количеством воздуха supplied by the compressor. 8. The turbine has the task of создание мощности to drive the compressor and accessories. 9. The turbine may consist of нескольких ступеней. 10. Each stage employs one row of неподвижных направляющих лопаток соплового аппарата and one row of вращающихся лопаток. 11. The exhaust system passes the выхлопные газы турбины to the atmosphere at a velocity and in the required direction чтобы создать тягу. 12. The use of лопаток с воздушным охлаждением in the turbine assembly permits a higher gas temperature and a higher thermal efficiency.
Exercise 18. Answer the questions. 1. What does the gas turbine use to provide thrust? 2. What does the gas turbine consist of? 3. What basic types of rotary air compressors are there? 4. What are they driven by? 5. What is the function of the compressor? 6. What compressor gives more thrust? 7. What is the function of the combustion chamber? 8. What is the function of the turbine? 9. What does each stage of the turbine employ? 10. What systempasses the turbine discharge gases турбины to atmosphere? 11. What permits a higher gas temperature and a higher thermal efficiency?
Exercise 19. True or false? 1. The gas turbine engine is not a heat engine. 2. A gas turbine engine consists of a rotary air compressor with an air intake, one or more combustion chambers, a turbine, and an exhaust system. 3. There are four basic types of rotary air compressors. 4. Both types of compressors are driven by the combustion chambers. 5. The function of the compressor is to burn the air. 6. The centrifugal flow compressor consumes far more air than the axial compressor of the same frontal area. 7. The axial flow compressor can be designed to attain much higher pressure ratios. 8. The combustion chamberhas the difficult task of burning large quantities of fuel with extensive volumes of air supplied by the compressor. 9. The turbine has the task of providing power to drive exhaust system. 10. The turbine consists of one stage. 11. The exhaust systempasses the turbine discharge gases to the aircraft at a velocity and in the required direction to provide thrust. 12. The use of liquid-cooled blades in the turbine assembly permits a higher gas temperature and a higher thermal efficiency.
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