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34. Determine the meaning of the past indefinite, present perfect and past perfect in the following sentences. Account for the choice of the forms.

34. Determine the meaning of the past indefinite, present perfect and past perfect in the following sentences. Account for the choice of the forms.

1. " You have been abroad? " asked Martin. 2. It was six months since she had been in the room. 3. The children at­tempted to go in with her and only left her when she had given them each a penny. 4. Let me see. It is over ten years since we saw each other. 5. Mr. Gordon has telegraphed from New York that he will be here tonight. 6. Things have changed a lot since my young days. 7. He will not come here after the words you have spoken. 8. I have come to offer my con­gratulations. 9. I merely came back to water the roses. I thought you were with Uncle Jack. 10. He went upstairs, and we were sewing, just as usual, and we never heard anything. 11. I have always said you are a wonderful man. 12. It was all very quiet and still. The storm had already died away. 13. When he had recovered from the shock his sense of humour returned.

35. Use the verb in brackets in the past indefinite, present perfect or past perfect. Account for the choice of the form.

1. Professor Brown (to arrive) on Monday, but I (not to see) him yet. 2. The doctor (to examine) six patients by ten o'clock. 3. You (to find) your pen, the one you (to lose) yes­terday? 4. I (not to see) the exhibition yet: it (to open) on Sunday, but I (to be) very busy this week. 5. George (to be) in Moscow for about two weeks now. You (to see) him? 6. We (to be) only three minutes late but the performance (to start) already. 7. The travellers (to reach) the village when it (to begin) to rain. 8. The commission (not to come to a conclu­sion) though they (to hold) three meetings. So far as I know they (to have) heated discussions and (not to reach) any decisions at the meetings. 9. " You (to be) to Tbilisi? " " Yes, I (to be) there last autumn. I (to attend) a scientific confer­ence and (to work) as an interpreter. " 10. The mother (to cook) dinner and was waiting for the children. 11. I (to finish) my work and am ready to go. And what about you? You (to do) your homework and are you free to go?

36. Paraphrase the following statements using the present perfect or the past indefinite with time indicators introduced by " for", " since", " it is... since".

Example: I last met him in May 1990. — I have not met him since 1990. I have not met

                  him for ten years.

       They came to Moscow in 1991. — They have lived there since. It is nine years

             since they have been living in Moscow.

1. I last went to the dentist two months ago. 2. The girls told us about their plans for the summer in spring but I don't know what they are really doing now. 3. When I last met George, he was a boy of eighteen. 4. The lesson started ten minutes ago. 5. I know him quite well. I made his acquaint­ance three years ago. 6. We moved to our new flat in Sep­tember. 7. Ann fell ill in April. She is getting better now. 8. I am not sure I'll recognize him after these five years.

37. Complete the following sentences adding a principal or a subordinate clause with a suitable form of the verb.

1. It was some time since... 2. They were still waiting when... 3. ... after the teacher left (had left). 4. We hadn't been there for ten minutes before... 5. The doctor had scarcely examined the patient when... 6. ... since he returned from his expedition. 7. ... since we have been talking. Let's go home. 8. ... while we were discussing the matter. 9. ... as he sat think­ing it over again and again. 10. ... when the train arrived. 11. He will answer your letter after... 12. ... till the lesson is over. 13. ... before you ask such silly questions. 13. ... as long as you can. 14. ... as soon as he comes to Moscow. 15. ... before he (had) told her the news. 16. ... until the car passed. 17. ... when the plane had already taken off.

 38. Translate the following sentences into English paying special attention to the use of the present perfect, past perfect and past indefinite.

1. Вы купили тетради? — Да. После занятий я зашла в магазин и купила тетради. 2. Сколько раз ты была в этом году в театре? — Только два. 3. Я плохо себя чувствую, так как плохо спала ночь. 4. Мы были рады видеть твою сестру, мы не видели ее с прошлого лета. Она очень изменилась. 5. Мальчики еще не вернулись из школы. Вчера они тоже вернулись очень поздно. У них дополнительные занятия всю неделю. 6. Мы не могли войти в дом, так как отец запер дверь, а у нас не было ключей. 7. Вы уже писали контроль­ную по грамматике? — Да, мы писали ее вчера. 8. Я уже выучил стихотворение и только повторяю его. 9. Сколько времени вы знакомы с Джоном? — Недолго. Я знаю его только полгода. 10. Мы послали ему письмо, но ответа еще не получили. 11. К шести часам они уже вернулись из кино. 12. Когдавы последний раз ездили в Крым? — Я вообще никогда не была в Крыму. 13. Дождь кончился и снова светило солнце. 14. Вчера я встретил своего приятеля, который только что вернулся из полярной экспедиции. 15. Он позвонил мне по телефону, как только я пришла домой. 16. Вы очень хорошо говорите по-английски. Это правда, что вы знаете английский с детства? 17. Он приехал в наш город три года назад, после того как окончил институт. Уже три года, как он работает учителем. 18. Мы пригласи­ли двух наших друзей обедать, но еще ничего не приготови­ли на обед. 19. Я давно о вас не слышала. Где вы были все это время? 20. Анна больна уже три дня. Она простудилась в воскресенье, когда мы ездили за город и попали под дождь.


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