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British and American Schools


Task 1. Give the sketch of English schooling.

English Schools

English children must go to school when they are five. First they go to infant schools, where they learn the first steps in reading, writing and using numbers.

When children leave the infant school, at the age of seven, they go to junior schools until they are about eleven years of age. Their school subjects are English, arithmetic, history, geography, nature study, swimming, music, art, religious instruction and organised games.

Towards the end of their fourth year in the junior school English schoolchildren have to write their Eleven Plus Examinations, on the result of which they will go the following September to a secondary school of a certain type. About 40% of elementary school leavers in Britain go to secondary modem schools. Modem schools are the most popular secondary schools, but they do not provide complete secondary education, because study programmes are rather limited in comparison with other secondary schools.

The secondary technical school, in spite of its name, is not a specialised school. It teaches many general subjects. The grammar school is a secondary school which offers a full theoretical secondary education including foreign languages, and students can choose which subjects and languages they wish to study. They leave the school after taking a five-year course. Then they may take the General Certificate of Education at the ordinary level. The others continue their studies for another two or three years to obtain the General Certificate of Education at the advanced level, which allows them to enter university. The comprehensive school combines in one school the courses of all types of secondary schools. There are many schools in Britain which are not controlled financially by the state. They are private schools, separate for boys and girls, and the biggest and the most important of them are public schools. They charge high fees and train young people for political, diplomatic, military and religious service. Other non-state schools which charge fees are independent and preparatory schools. Many of the independent schools belong to the churches. Schools of this type prepare their pupils for public schools.

Перевод текста: English Schools

Английские дети должны пойти в школу, когда им пять. Сначала они идут к детским садам, где они изучают первые шаги в чтении, письме и использовании чисел.

Когда дети оставляют детский сад, в возрасте семи лет, они идут к начальным школам, пока они не приблизительно одиннадцать лет возраста. Их школьные предметы являются английскими, арифметическими, история, география, изучение природы, плавание, музыка, художественная, религиозная инструкция и организованные игры.

К концу их четвертого года на английском языке начальной школы школьники должны написать их Одиннадцать Плюс Экспертизы, на результате которых они пойдут в следующем сентябре к средней школе определенного типа. Приблизительно 40 % начальной школы leavers в Великобритании идут к вторичным школам модема. Школы модема - самые популярные средние школы, но они не обеспечивают полное среднее образование, потому что программы исследования скорее ограничены по сравнению с другими средними школами.

Вторичная техническая школа, несмотря на ее название, не специализированная школа. Это преподает много общих предметов. Средняя школа - средняя школа, которая предлагает полное теоретическое среднее образование, включая иностранные языки, и студенты могут выбрать, который подвергает и языки, которые они желают изучить. Они оставляют школу после взятия пятилетнего курса. Тогда они могут взять общее Свидетельство об Образовании на обычном уровне. Другие продолжают их исследования в течение еще двух или трех лет, чтобы получить общее Свидетельство об Образовании на передовом уровне, который позволяет им входить в университет. Единая средняя школа комбинирует в одной школе курсы всех типов средних школ. Есть много школ в Великобритании, которыми не управляют материально государством. Они - частные школы, отдельные для мальчиков и девочек, и самое большое и самые важные из них - общественные школы. Они взыскивают высокие платы и обучают молодых людей для политического, дипломатического, военного и религиозного обслуживания. Другие негосударственные школы, которые взыскивают платы, - независимые и предварительные школы. Многие из независимых школ принадлежат церквям. Школы этого типа готовят их учеников к общественным школам.

British and American Schools

In America, all children from six to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in "elementary" school, and four or six years in "secondary" or "high" school. School education is free.

At the end of every school year, the children take a test. If a child does well, he goes into next class ("grade"). If he doesn't do well, he has to repeat the grade.

Some schools have modern teaching equipment. like computers and closed circuit television, but there are small country schools, with just one classroom.

At the end of their time at school, most students get a high school diploma. If they want to ^o on to college, they take college admission tests.

In Britain all children from five to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in "primary" school, and then go on to "secondary" school.

In Britain there are "state" schools, which are free, and private schools for which parents pay, Many British private schools are "boarding" schools. The children stay at school all the time, and only come home in the holidays. They usually wear uniforms.

Teaching in both countries is usually quite in formal. Students often work together in groups? and go to the teacher only when they need help.

At school pupils spend the most important of their lives. It is here that their characters and views are formed. The word "school" always reminds us of our childhood and youth, of close and dear people in our life.

Перевод текста: British and American Schools

В Америке, идут в школу все дети от шесть до шестнадцать. Они проводят шесть лет в "элементарной" школе, и четырех или шести годах во "вторичной" или "высокой" школе. Школьное образование свободно.

В конце каждого учебного года, дети берут тест. Если ребенок преуспевает, он входит в следующий класс ("сорт"). Если он не преуспевает, он должен повторить сорт.

Некоторые школы имеют современное обучающее оборудование. как компьютеры и кабельное телевидение, но есть маленькие школы страны, только с одной классной комнатой.

В конце их времени в школе, большинство студентов получает диплом средней школы. Если они хотят к ^o на колледже, они берут тесты входной платы колледжа.

В Великобритании идут в школу все дети от пять до шестнадцать. Они проводят шесть лет в "первичной" школе, и затем продолжают к "вторичной" школе.

В Великобритании есть "государственные" школы, которые являются свободными, и частными школами, за которые платят родители, Много британских частных школ "садятся" на школы. Дети остаются в школе все время, и только приходят домой в отпуске. Они обычно носят униформы.

Обучение в обеих странах - обычно весьма в формальном. Студенты часто сотрудничают в группах? и пойдите к преподавателю только, когда они нуждаются в помощи.

В школьных учениках тратят самые важные из их жизней. Именно здесь их характеры и представления сформированы. Слово "школа" всегда напоминает нам о нашем детстве и молодежи, о близких и дорогих людях в нашей жизни.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. На голландской ярмарке изобразительного искусства в Маастрихте, которая открывается для первых посетителей 14 марта, на продажу выставили картину Диего Веласкеса.

2. 72-летняя жительница Индии каждым движением руки и каждым мазком кисти доказывает: мечты сбываются, даже самые давние! Своё сокровенное желание – обучиться живописи, она пронесла через всю жизнь. И вот сейчас, казалось бы, на закате лет, для неё всё только начинается.

3. Профессор Хомский – крупнейший ученый. Для нашего университета большая честь, что он приехал к нам.

4. «Не злись на меня. Или хотя бы не демонстрируй своё настроение прилюдно. Это просто неприлично».

5. Нет изобразительной техники столь же универсальной, как живопись маслом. Её возможности в передаче цвета, объёма, фактуры предметов, атмосферных и световых эффектов поистине безграничны.

6. Работая клерком в Ларкинсе, Марк всегда прилично зарабатывал, а это всё, что Беки требовалось от мужчины.

7. Нет ничего приятнее для актёров и режиссёра, накануне премьеры, увидеть в театральной кассе табличку «все билеты проданы».



  1. On Dutch Art Fair in Maastricht, which opened to visitors on March 14, on sale now put Diego Velazquez.
    2. 72-year old resident of India, every gesture and every brush stroke proves that dreams do come true, even the old! His heart's desire - to learn painting, she has carried throughout his life. And now, apparently, in the twilight years, for it is only a beginning.
    3. Professor Chomsky - the greatest scientist. For our university, an honor that he came to us.
    4. "Do not be mad at me. Or at least not publicly demonstrate their mood. It's just not right. "
    5. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless.
    6. While working as a clerk in Larkins, Mark always earn decently, and that's all that was required of men Becky.
    7. There is nothing better for the actors and the director, the day before the premiere, see the box office sign "all sold out."




Task 1. Tell about Primary and Secondary Education in England.


In England, the Department of Education and Science is responsible for all levels of education. Universities, however, are self-governing and depend on the government only for financial grants. Education is compulsory between the ages of five and sixteen.

About one-third of primary and secondary schools in England are administered by Anglican or Roman Catholic voluntary organisations. More than 90 per cent of the secondary-school population (children aged eleven through eighteen) attend state-funded comprehensive schools, in which admission is not based on aptitude alone, and the remainder attend either grammar or secondary modern schools.

Tertiary colleges offer a full range of vocational and academic courses to students aged sixteen and older. Independent schools provide both primary and secondary education but charge tuition. In large cities, a number of independent schools are run by various ethnic and religious communities.

So-called public schools, which actually are private, are often categorized as independent schools. Most public schools are residential, are privately financed, and provide education to children aged eleven through nineteen.

Important public schools for boys include Eton (the oldest; established 1440-1441), Harrow, Winchester and Westminster; famous public schools for girls include Cheltenham.

There are also private, mostly residential, preparatory schools, which prepare students aged seven through thirteen for the Common Entrance Examination required to enter senior secondary schools. At the completion of secondary education, students receive the General Certificate of Secondary Education.

More than a third of England's young adults receive some form of postsecondary education through colleges, polytechnics and universities. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the 12th and 13th centuries, and both have university presses that are among the oldest printing and publishing houses in the world.

There are about 35 universities in England, some of which are referred to as "red brick" universities. These universities were founded in the late 19th or early 20th century in the industrial cities of Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham, Sheffield and Bristol and were constructed of red brick, as contrasted with the stone construction of the buildings of Oxford and Cambridge.

A continuing education program through the Open University (1969), in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, offers education through correspondence courses and the electronic media.


В Англии Министерство образования и науки отвечает за все уровни образования. Однако университетам дается право на самоуправление, и они зависят от центрального правительства только в финансовом отношении. Образование является обязательным с пяти до шестнадцати лет.

Около трети начальных и средних школ в Англии управляются добровольными организациями англиканской или римско-католической церквей. Более 90 процентов учеников средней школы (дети в возрасте от одиннадцати до восемнадцати лет) посещают финансируемые государством общеобразовательные школы, куда принимают независимо от способностей, а другие посещают или специализированные школы, или средние современные школы.

Училища предлагают студентам в возрасте от шестнадцати лет полный спектр профессионально-технических и академических курсов. Независимые школы дают начальное и среднее образование, но по другой системе. В больших городах некоторое количество независимых школ управляется разными этническими и религиозными общинами.

Так называемые публичные школы, которые на самом деле являются частными, часто классифицируют как независимые школы. В большинстве публичных школ предусмотрено проживание, они финансируются из частных средств и предоставляют образование детям в возрасте от одиннадцати до девятнадцати лет.

В числе наиболее значительных школ для мальчиков — Итонский колледж (самый старый; основанный в 1440-1441 гг.), колледжи в Харроу, Винчестере и Вестминстере; среди известных привилегированных школ для девочек — школа в Челтенхеме.

Существуют также частные, в основном — с предусмотренным проживанием, подготовительные школы, которые занимаются подготовкой учеников семи-тринадцати лет к сдаче общего вступительного экзамена, необходимого для того, чтобы попасть в старшие классы средней школы. По окончании среднего образования студенты получают аттестат об общем среднем образовании.

Более трети молодых людей Англии получает дополнительное образование в колледжах, институтах и университетах. Университеты в Оксфорде и Кембридже известны с XII и XIII в., в обоих заведениях издается университетская пресса, они входят в число самых старых издательских домов в мире.

В Англии около 35 университетов, некоторые из них называют «краснокирпичными» университетами. Эти университеты были основаны в конце Х1Х-начале XX в. в промышленных городах, таких как Манчестер, Ливерпуль, Лидс, Бирмингем, Шеффилд и Бристоль, и были построены из красного кирпича, в отличие от каменных зданий Оксфорда и Кембриджа.

Действующая образовательная программа заочного университета (1969), в Милтон Кейнис, Букингемшире, предлагает получить образование заочно через переписку и электронные средства информации.


Education in England may differ from the system used elsewhere in the United Kingdom.

Basically, there are two systems: one covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland and one covering Scotland. The two education systems have different emphases. Traditionally the English, Welsh and Northern Irish system has emphasised depth of education whereas the Scottish system has emphasised breadth. Thus English, Welsh and Northern Irish students tend to sit a small number of more advanced examinations and Scottish students tend to sit a larger number of less advanced examinations. It should be noted that local English practice can vary from this general picture although Scottish practice is well nigh universal.

Primary education

Primary or elementary education is the first years of formal, structured education that occurs during childhood. In most Western countries, it is compulsory for children to receive primary education (though in many jurisdictions it is permissible for parents to provide it).

Primary education generally begins when children are four to seven years of age. The division between primary and secondary education is somewhat arbitrary, but it generally occurs at about twelve years of age (adolescence); some educational systems have separate middle schools for that period. Primary and secondary education together are sometimes (in particular, in Canada and the United States) referred to as " K-12 " education, (K is for kindergarten, 12 is for twelfth grade).

Typically, primary education is provided in schools, where (in the absence of parental movement or other intervening factors) the child will stay, in steadily advancing classes, until they complete it and move on to secondary schooling. Children are usually placed in classes with one teacher who will be primarily responsible for their education and welfare for that year. This teacher may be assisted to varying degrees by specialist teachers in certain subject areas, often music or physical education. The continuity with a single teacher and the opportunity to build up a close relationship with the class is a notable feature of the primary education system. Over the past few decades, schools have been testing various arrangements which break from the one-teacher, one-class mold.

The major goals of primary education are achieving basic literacy and numeracy amongst all their students, as well as establishing foundations in science, geography, history and other social sciences. The relative priority of various areas, and the methods used to teach them, are an area of considerable political debate.

Traditionally, various forms of corporal punishment were an integral part of early education in the UK. This practice has now been outlawed in the UK.


The German expression kindergarten usually refers to the first level of official education, according to the K-12 educational system. Kindergarten is usually administered in an elementary school.

The equivalent in England and Wales is reception. The Australian equivalent of this is the preparatory grade (commonly called 'grade prep' or 'prep'), which is the year before the first grade. In the state of New South Wales, however, it is called kindergarten. At least in Victoria, kindergarten (distinct from grade prep) is a form of, and used interchangeably with, pre-school.

The first kindergarten was opened in 1837 in Bad Blankenburg, Germany by Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel.

The first kindergarten in the United States was established by Margarethe (Margaretta) Meyer Schurz (wife of activist/statesman Carl Schurz), in Watertown, Dodge County, Wisconsin.

Youngsters, usually aged 4-6 attend kindergarten to learn the finer points of meeting friends (and enemies), professional authority (in the form of a teacher), playtime, naptime, drawing, music, sometimes the basics of reading and writing, and various other activities. For children who previously have spent most of their time at home, kindergarten often serves the purpose of training them to be apart from their parents without anxiety.

The youngster continues to Grade 1 after kindergarten.

The actual word "kindergarten", as one may guess, translates to "children's garden". Many private businesses in the USA name their day-care businesses 'Kindergarten' or 'Kindergarden'. Kindergarten establishment (day-care) in Germany are for pre-school children of all ages and are often run by churches, city or town administrations. Kindergartens (German plural Kindergärten) in Germany are not a part of the actual school system, such as in the USA.

Kindergartens often last only for half a day (morning or afternoon), though in many locations there are full-day kindergartens.

Elementary school

The elementary school consists of the first seven years of school, that is, grades 1 through 5 or 6, as well as kindergarten, a preliminary year of school before grade 1 (known in England and Wales as ' Reception '). Originally, however, it was studied after primary school in the 19th century, (some schools that have only the youngest students are called primary schools to this day). Also known as grammar school in the United States it is a major segment of compulsory education. Until the latter third of the 20th century, however, grammar school (or elementary school) was grades 1 through 8. After grammar school, one usually attends high school. (In many districts, grades 5-8 or 5-9 were called " middle school ", or further separated into " intermediate school ", "middle school", and/or " junior high school ".)

Secondary education

Secondary education, or secondary school, is a period of education which follows directly after primary education (such as intermediate school or elementary school), and which may be followed by tertiary or "post-secondary" education. The purpose of a secondary education can be to prepare for either higher education or vocational training. The exact boundary between primary and secondary education varies from country to country and even within them, but is generally around the seventh to the tenth year of education, with middle school covering any gaps. Secondary education occurs mainly during the teenage years. Primary and secondary education together are sometimes (in particular, in Canada and the United States) referred to as " K-12 " education, (K is for kindergarten, 12 is for twelfth grade).


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