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Associations with the ruling class

The role of public schools in preparing pupils for the gentlemanly elite in the period before World War II meant that such education, particularly in its classical focus and social mannerism, became a mark of the ruling class. For three hundred years, the officers and senior administrators of the "empire upon which the sun never set" invariably sent their sons back home to boarding schools for education as English gentlemen, often for uninterrupted periods of a year or more at a time.

The 19th century public school ethos promoted ideas of service to Crown and Empire, understood by the broader public in familiar sentiments such as "it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game" and "the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton". Ex-pupils often had a nostalgic affection for their old schools and a public school tie could be useful in a career, so an "old boy network" of former pupils became important.

The English public school model influenced the nineteenth century development of Scottish private schools, but a tradition of the gentry sharing primary education with their tenants kept Scotland comparatively egalitarian.

Acceptance of social elitism was set back by the two World Wars, but despite portrayals of the products of public schools as "silly asses" and "toffs" the old "system" at its most pervasive continued well into the 1960s, reflected in contemporary popular fiction such as Len Deighton's "The IPCRESS File", with its sub-text of tension between the grammar school educated protagonist and the public school background of his superiors and posh but inept colleague. Postwar social change has however gradually been reflected across Britain's educational system, while at the same time fears of problems with state education have pushed any parents who can afford the fees or qualify for bursaries towards public schools, which now prefer to be known as independent schools.

Labour Party leaders Clement Attlee, Hugh Gaitskell, Michael Foot and Tony Blair were educated at independent schools. The current Conservative leader, David Cameron was educated at Eton, whilst his Shadow Chancellor George Osborne attended St Paul's School.

In 2003 84.5% of senior Judges in England and Wales were educated at independent schools, as surveyed in. [ [http://www.sjberwin.com/media/pdf/publications/survey/surveyresults.pdf Judges education, survey results] ] This is especially significant considering just 7% of all British children are educated at independent schools.

Oldest independent schools in the UK

: "For a fuller listing of public and other independent schools in Britain, see the List of independent schools in the United Kingdom.": "See also the List of the oldest schools in the United Kingdom."

Amongst the oldest independent schools in the UK are (chronologically):Cor Tewdws (College of Theodosius), Llantwit Major (446 - closed down in reign of Henry VIII)
* The King's School, Canterbury (597)
* The King's School, Rochester (604)
* St Peter's School, York (627)
* Sherborne School (early 8th century)
* Wells Cathedral School (909)
* Warwick School (914?)
* St Albans School (948)
* The King's School, Ely (970)
* Bedford School (earliest record 1085, granted Letters patent 1552)
* Norwich School, Norwich (1096)
* High School of Glasgow (1124)
* Bristol Cathedral School (1140)
* Westminster School (1179)
* High School of Dundee (1239)
* Abingdon School (1256) (possibly as old as (1100))
* The former Royal Grammar School Worcester (1291) - now known as RGS Worcester and The Alice Ottley School (2007)
* Ipswich School (1299)
* Hull Grammar School (1330)
* Bablake School (1344)
* New College School (1379)
* Wisbech Grammar School (1379)
* Winchester College (1382)
* Hereford Cathedral School (1384)
* Oswestry School (1407)
* Durham School (1414)
* Sevenoaks School (1432)
* Eton College (1440)
* City of London School (1442)
* St Dunstan's College (earlier than (1446))
* Magdalen College School, Oxford (1480)
* Stockport Grammar School (1487)
* Loughborough Grammar School (1496)
* Giggleswick School (1499)
* St Paul's School (1509)
* Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Blackburn (1509)
* Royal Grammar School, Guildford (1509)
* Wolverhampton Grammar School (1512)
* Nottingham High School (1513)
* Pocklington School (1514)
* Manchester Grammar School (1515)
* Bolton School (1516)
* King's School, Bruton (1519)
* Royal Grammar School, Newcastle (1525)
* Sedbergh School (1525)
* The College of Richard Collyer (1532)
* Bristol Grammar School (1532)
* Stamford School (1532)
* Berkhamsted Collegiate School (1541)
* Christ College, Brecon (1541)
* The King's School, Gloucester (1541) (dates back to the (11th century))
* The King's School, Worcester (1541)
* The King's School, Chester (1541)
* Dauntsey's School (1542)
* King Henry VIII School (1545)
* Bradford Grammar School (1548)
* Kirkham Grammar School (1549)
* King Edward's School, Birmingham (1552)
* King Edward's School, Bath (1552)
* Shrewsbury School (1552)
* Leeds Grammar School (1552)
* Bromsgrove School (1553)
* Christ's Hospital (1553)
* King Edward's School, Witley (1553)
* Tonbridge School (1553)
* King Edward VI School, Southampton (1553)
* Gresham's School (1555)
* Oundle School (1556)
* Hampton School (1556)
* Brentwood School (1557)
* Repton School (1557)
* Solihull School (1560)
* Kingston Grammar School (1561)
* Merchant Taylors' School (1561)
* Elizabeth College, Guernsey (1563)
* Felsted School (1564)
* Highgate School (1565)
* Bedford Modern School (1566)
* Rugby School (1567)
* Colfe's School (1568) (refounded (1652))
* St Edmund's College (1568)
* Bury Grammar School (1570)
* Harrow (1572)
* Sutton Valence School (1576)
* Woodbridge School (1577)
* St. Bees School (1583)
* Oakham School (1584)
* Uppingham School (1584)
* Queen Elizabeth's Hospital (1590)
* Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Wakefield (1591)
* Stonyhurst College (1593)
* Emanuel School (1594)
* Wellingborough School (1595)
* Whitgift School (1596)
* Trinity School of John Whitgift (1596)
* Aldenham School (1597)
* Kimbolton School (1600)
* Blundell's School (1604)
* Downside School (1606)
* Charterhouse School (1611)
* Batley Grammar School (1612)
* Monmouth School (1614)
* Haberdashers' Aske's School (1614)
* Douai School (1615)
* Perse School (1615)
* Foyle College (1617) (founded as: The Free School)
* Dulwich College (1619) (founded as: The College of "God's Gift")
* Merchant Taylors' School, Crosby (1620)
* Latymer Upper School (1624)
* George Heriot's School (1628)
* Chigwell School (1629)
* Exeter School (1633)
* Red Maids' School (1634)
* Hutchesons' Grammar School (1641)
* Reading Blue Coat School (1646)
* The Maynard School (1658) (all girls)

original research


It is not a requirement in the independent sector, as opposed to the state sector, to be a qualified teacher to teach in schools.

The former classics-based curriculum was also criticised for not providing skills in sciences or engineering. It was Martin Wiener's opposition to this tendency which inspired his 1981 polemic "English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirit: 1850-1980". It became a huge influence on the Thatcher government's opposition to old-school gentlemanly Toryism. This has now been turned on its head. Independent schools provide a disproportionately high number of science, modern foreign language and maths undergraduates.Fact|date=August 2008

Some parents complain that their rights and their children’s are compromised by vague and one-sided contracts which allow Heads to use discretionary powers unfairly, such as in expulsion on non-disciplinary matters. They believe independent schools have not embraced the principles of natural justice as adopted by the state sector, and private law as applied to Higher Education. [ [http://oxcheps.new.ox.ac.uk/MainSite%20pages/LawUpdates/lawupdatenewmatc.html "Phelps...Clark..."and now "Rycotewood"? Disappointment damages for breach of the contract to educate] by David Palfreyman, at the "Oxford Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies" (OxCHEPS), 2003 ]

The exclusivity of independent schools has attracted political antagonism ever since the First World War. Many of the best-known independent schools are prohibitively expensive (Tonbridge School in Kent charges over £27k per annum [ http://www.tonbridge-school.co.uk/admissions/fees.usml ]), despite being based, in many cases, on charitable foundations originally established up to a thousand years ago to provide free education for the talented poor. Going some way to countering the charge of exclusivity, a large number (c. one thirdFact|date=August 2008) of independent school pupils have assistance with fees. The Thatcher government introduced the Assisted Places Scheme in England and Wales in 1980, whereby the state paid the school fees for those students capable of gaining a place but unable to afford the fees. This was essentially a response to the decision of the previous Labour government in the mid-1970s to remove government funding of direct-grant grammar schools, most of which then became private schools; some Assisted Places students went to the former direct-grant schools such as Manchester Grammar School. The scheme was terminated by the Labour government in 1997, and since then the private sector has moved to increase its own means-tested bursaries.

Generally political attacks on private schools have been opposed by concern that there should be no totalitarian state control of education, and undoubtedly by influential 'Old Boys' (former pupils) who tend to be fiercely protective of their Old Schools. A major area of debate in recent years has centred around the continuing charitable status of independent schools, which allows them not to charge VAT on school fees. Following the enactment of the Charities Bill, which was passed by the House of Lords in November 2006, charitable status is based on an organisation providing a 'public benefit' as judged by the Charity Commission. [ [http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/publicbenefit/ Charity Commission website] ] Pending the Charity Commission publishing its definitive guidance on 'public benefit' at the end of 2008, there remains an incentive for independent schools to share their sporting, musical and other facilities with the public or local state schools, and supplement their charitable endowments with an increased number of subsidised scholarships and bursaries.

In 2005, students at fee-paying schools made up 43.9% of those selected for places at Oxford University and 38% of those granted places at Cambridge University, although such students made up only 7% of the school population. [ "The Times", 2 March 2006 ] Independent schools are to some extent selective and may give a better education to their more motivated students than some non-fee-paying schools; opponents argue that notwithstanding the provision of a large number of scholarships and bursaries to allow a number of gifted children from poorer backgrounds to attend independent schools, this disproportionate allocation of Oxbridge places to children from affluent backgrounds is both unfair (since it is not based on merit alone) and inefficient (since it is less likely to lead to the most able individuals performing the most important jobs in society). Research carried out by the University of Warwick in 2002 suggested that a student educated at an independent school has an 8% lower chance of getting a first or an upper second degree than a state school pupil who enters university with the same A-level grades. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/2552523.stm] BBC News ] Defenders of fee-paying schools highlight the fact that the abolition of such schools or the reduction in private school numbers (as would likely result from the removal of charitable status and VAT exemption) would constitute a 'levelling-down' of standards and would therefore lead to a worsening of educational standards overall. The response from opponents of independent schools is that the benefit which would then accrue to children and schools currently outside the fee-paying sector as a result of the abolition of fee-paying schools (via peer-group effects and increased levels of parental concern and scrutiny of the way schools are run) would more than offset the disbenefit to children removed from the fee-paing sector. The Labour Government has brought financial pressure to bear on the universities to admit a higher proportion of state school applicants than would be obtained simply by reference to their A-level grades and interview performance, on the basis that applicants are academically crammed by an independent school education, and receive an undue advantage from the interview system.Fact|date=April 2008


Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. Нет изобразительной техники столь же универсальной, как живопись маслом. Её возможности в передаче цвета, объёма, фактуры предметов, атмосферных и световых эффектов поистине безграничны.

2. Глухой шум дождя, барабанившего по крыше заглушал их шаги. «Ecли мы найдем раненого в доме, я поверю, что старик честен и говорил правду – он так твёрдо стоял на своём! Раненый слишком слаб, чтобы ехать куда-нибудь: он не перенесёт поездки.

3. 72-летняя жительница Индии каждым движением руки и каждым мазком кисти доказывает: мечты сбываются, даже самые давние! Своё сокровенное желание – обучиться живописи, она пронесла через всю жизнь. И вот сейчас, казалось бы, на закате лет, для неё всё только начинается

4. Пейзажной живописи присуща широта обобщения, эмоциональная насыщенность, разнообразие изображаемых состояний природы и душевных переживаний.

5. «Продемонстрируй мужество - признай свою ошибку, тем более, что отрицать бессмысленно – это напрасная трата времени и сил. К тому же это просто непорядочно».

6. Немые черно-белые фильмы начала ХХ века, несмотря на отсутствие каких бы то ни было спецэффектов, имели гораздо большую силу воздействия на умы и сознание людей, чем современные картины, напичканные последними достижениями техники и компьютерной графики.

7. Преимущества обучения за рубежом очевидны: даже не смотря на другие требования к студентам и, признаю, подчас, тяжелую работу, этот опыт, в любом случае, идет на пользу.


1. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless.
2. Muffled sound of the rain drumming on the roof drowned out their moves. "If what we found injured in the house, I believe that the old man is honest and telling the truth - he stood his ground! The wounded man was too weak to go anywhere, he will not survive the trip.
3. 72-year old resident of India, every gesture and every brush stroke proves that dreams do come true, even the old! His heart's desire - to learn painting, she has carried throughout his life. And now, apparently, in the twilight years, for it is only a beginning
4. Landscape painting inherent breadth of generalization, emotional richness, diversity describes the state of nature and emotions.
5. "Demonstrate courage - to admit his mistake, especially since denied pointless - a waste of time and effort. Besides, this is just indecent. "
6. Silent black and white movies of the early twentieth century, despite the absence of any effects it had a much larger force of impact on the minds and consciousness of the people than the current picture, stuffed with the latest technology and computer graphics.
7. The advantages of studying abroad are obvious: even though other requirements for students and, I admit, at times, hard work, this experience, in any case, is good.




Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic. Is the ability to perform an inborn gift or is it an acquired skill.

  • Topic 2. Is the ability to perform an inborn gift or is it an acquired skill? Talking points: 1. The artistic potential of a person, his timing. 2. Skilful directors, modern techniques, the possibili­ties of the camera to accentuate. 3. The value of experience, necessity to acquire tech­nique.


  • For me, It's a combination of both. When someone "performs" (what kind of performance are we talking about?) in a excellent way it's because of the function of his experience/acquired skills and his natural talents. If you have a "gift" -thanks to Mother Nature- you should refine it. =)
    But this doesn't mean you can't do everything in your hands to become GOOD at something (by learning, practicing and giving your 100%) even if you think, you don't have the innate talent.

  • If you are talking about a musical performance then I think it is both. Musical ability tends to run in families.


  • Ability will acquire part of the progress...


  • both i believe....
    you may have a beautiful voice or convincing acting as an inborn skill
    or you can practice and work hard to achieve it.


  • The gift itself is inborn. The ability to express it is learnt and trained.


Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. Нет ничего приятнее для актёров и режиссёра, накануне премьеры, чем увидеть в театральной кассе табличку «все билеты проданы».

2. «Тот факт, что ты выработал в себе твердую жизненную позицию, не даёт тебе права презирать или ненавидеть тех, кто не вписывается в твою стройную систему ценностей».

3. Традиционно считается, что дочь похожа на мать, а сын – на отца. У меня на это своя точка зрения: они получают одинаковый набор генов, а значит - шансы равны.

4. Нет изобразительной техники столь же универсальной, как живопись маслом. Её возможности в передаче цвета, объёма, фактуры предметов, атмосферных и световых эффектов поистине безграничны.

5. Полотно известного немецкого художника-импрессиониста Карла Вальтера (Karl Walther, 1905-1981), приобретенное в свое время Адольфом Гитлером (Adolf Hitler) на Большой немецкой художественной выставке (Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung) в Мюнхене, в субботу, 2 марта продается с молотка в тюрингском городе Рудольштадт.

6. Я пробормотал что-то вежливое, что в равной степени могло относится как к её последнему замечанию, так и к собственно саду.

7. Пейзажной живописи присуща широта обобщения, эмоциональная насыщенность, разнообразие изображаемых состояний природы и душевных переживаний.


1. There is nothing better for the actors and the director, the day before the premiere, than to see the box office sign "all sold out."
2. "The fact that you have developed a strong position in life, do not give you the right to despise or hate those who do not fit into a coherent system of your values."
3. Tradition has it that the daughter is like a mother and son - the father. I have it on a point of view: they are given the same set of genes, and thus - the chances are equal.
4. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless.
5. The canvas of the famous German impressionist painter Walter Charles (Karl Walther, 1905-1981), acquired at the time Adolf Hitler (Adolf Hitler) on the Great German Art Exhibition (Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung) in Munich, on Saturday, March 2, sold by auction in the Thuringian in Rudolstadt.
6. I mumbled something polite, that could be equally true for her last remark, and to your own garden.
7. Landscape painting inherent breadth of generalization, emotional richness, diversity describes the state of nature and emotions.



Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic. Should the actor “live” the part or should he just perform?

  • Trickster & Pretender
  • Actor`s business is ACTING!

· actors are people. people are different. they do things there one way.
so actors the same. some live the part; some just perform. the result is of most important.

  • Topic 3. Should the actor "live" the part or should he just perform? Ta1king points: 1. Necessity to look at the character from a distance, to sympathize and criticize, to understand him. 2. Practice in reproduction of the character before the audience. 3. Effect achieved: the less actors feel, the firmer their hold upon their facial and bodily expression. 4. A possibility of reaching such a state of mechanical perfection that one's body is absolutely the slave of one's mind. 5. Necessity for actors to work with their own tools. (Each actor should choose the method he feels is best for him.)


Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. Преимущества обучения за рубежом очевидны: даже не смотря на другие требования к студентам и, признаю, подчас, тяжелую работу, этот опыт, в любом случае, идет на пользу.

2. Я предпочитаю документальное кино и хронику всем остальным жанрам – детективу, триллеру, вестерну, приключенческому, фантастике, трагедии. Я остаюсь совершенно равнодушным ко всем этим новомодным веяниям в кинематографе со всей его мишурой, звёздами и звёздочками-однодневками.

3. Полотно было написано в ранний период творчества мастера, когда он находился под влиянием одного из основателей маньеризма, флорентийского живописца Понтормо. Картину относят к числу первоклассных работ Бронзино.

4. На голландской ярмарке изобразительного искусства в Маастрихте, которая открывается для первых посетителей 14 марта, на продажу выставили картину Диего Веласкеса.

5. «Тот факт, что ты выработал в себе твердую жизненную позицию, не даёт тебе права презирать или ненавидеть тех, кто не вписывается в твою стройную систему ценностей».

6. У одной из самых знаменитых картин Рубенса «Пир Богов на Олимпе», писаной маслом по холсту, долго неизвестной оставалась дата создания. Когда к ней присмотрелись астрономы, оказалось, что персонажи расположились точно так же, как в 1602 году располагались планеты.

7. Пейзажной живописи присуща широта обобщения, эмоциональная насыщенность, разнообразие изображаемых состояний природы и душевных переживаний.


1. The advantages of studying abroad are obvious: even though other requirements for students and, I admit, at times, hard work, this experience, in any case, is good.
2. I like documentaries and chronicle all the other genres - mystery, thriller, westerns, adventure, fantasy, tragedy. I remain completely indifferent to all these newfangled trends in film, with all its tinsel, stars and stars one-day.
3. The canvas was written in the early period of the master, when he was under the influence of one of the founders of the Mannerist painter of the Florentine Pontormo. Painting attributed to the number of first-class works by Bronzino.
4. On Dutch Art Fair in Maastricht, which opened to visitors on March 14, on sale now put Diego Velazquez.
5. "The fact that you have developed a strong position in life, do not give you the right to despise or hate those who do not fit into a coherent system of your values."
6. One of the most famous paintings of Rubens' Feast of the Gods on Olympus, "a written oil on canvas, long remained unknown to the creation date. When she shopped, astronomers found that the characters are located in the same way as in 1602, settled the planet.
7. Landscape painting inherent breadth of generalization, emotional richness, diversity describes the state of nature and emotions.




Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic. Should the actor “live” the part or should he just perform?

  • Trickster & Pretender
  • Actor`s business is ACTING!

· actors are people. people are different. they do things there one way.
so actors the same. some live the part; some just perform. the result is of most important.

  • Topic 3. Should the actor "live" the part or should he just perform? Ta1king points: 1. Necessity to look at the character from a distance, to sympathize and criticize, to understand him. 2. Practice in reproduction of the character before the audience. 3. Effect achieved: the less actors feel, the firmer their hold upon their facial and bodily expression. 4. A possibility of reaching such a state of mechanical perfection that one's body is absolutely the slave of one's mind. 5. Necessity for actors to work with their own tools. (Each actor should choose the method he feels is best for him.)


Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. С Вашей стороны было очень осмотрительно избавить нас от необходимости встречаться с этим неприятным человеком, хотя он при всех хорошо ко мне относится.

2. Талантливый фильм это талантливая совокупная работа всех участвующих в его создании - режиссёра, сценариста, редактора, звукооператора, светотехников, постановщиков, реквизиторов, декораторов, пиротехников, гримёров, костюмеров, видеоинженеров, дублёров, каскадёров, не говоря уже о талантливой работе талантливых актёров.

3. Они находились на высоте километра над уровнем моря и ей сложно было приспособится к темпу их быстрого подъёма – в последнее время она была не в форме.

4. Как известно, древние египтяне изображали своих богов, людей и животных только в профиль. И не потому, что были плохими художниками – всё дело в религиозных воззрениях: рисунок – это не просто «мазня» по любой поверхности, а «дверь» между нашим миром и миром Ка.

5. Джеймс вообще редко проявляет признаки волнения, но на этот раз он даже превзошёл себя, проявив редкое мужество, оставшись ночью в лесу один.

6. Полотно было написано в ранний период творчества мастера, когда он находился под влиянием одного из основателей маньеризма, флорентийского живописца Понтормо. Картину относят к числу первоклассных работ Бронзино.

7. «Не злись на меня. Или хотя бы не демонстрируй своё настроение прилюдно. Это просто неприлично».


1. Your part was very cautious to deliver us from the need to meet this unpleasant person, although he at all good to me.
2. Talented film is a talented collection of works of all involved in its creation - director, screenwriter, editor, sound engineer, lighting technicians, directors, prop, decorators, pyrotechnics, make-up, costume, Video, double, stunt, not to mention the talented work of talented actors.
3. They were at the height of meters above sea level, and it was difficult to adapt to the pace of their rapid ascent - the last time she was out of shape.
4. As you know, the ancient Egyptians depicted their gods, humans and animals only in profile. And not because they were poor artists - all a matter of religious beliefs: picture - it's not just a "scribble" on any surface, and the "door" between our world and the Ka.
5. James rarely shows signs of unrest, but this time he even outdid himself, showing rare courage, staying one night in the woods.
6. The canvas was written in the early period of the master, when he was under the influence of one of the founders of the Mannerist painter of the Florentine Pontormo. Painting attributed to the number of first-class works by Bronzino.
7. "Do not be mad at me. Or at least not publicly demonstrate their mood. It's just not right. "





Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic. What is the place of cinema among the other arts in your opinion? What kind of entertainment is nowadays rivaling cinema?

The movies are truly an art of our time. It is the greatest aesthetic and educational force in the world today.

The invention of the photography in 1828 played a very important role in the development of the cinema. 1895 became the year when the cinema was born. After the brothers Lumier had invented the cinematography, the cinema widely spread all over the world. The first movie theatres appeared in 1904. And in 1907 the literature works started to be widely used for the movie scripts. Now different movie versions of novels and stories of famous writers are still very popular.

The movies are a powerful force in contemporary life. Cinema is also used for educational purposes. Video classes are useful when studying geography, foreign languages and many other subjects. They are also the means of getting acquainted with the world. With the help of documentary and science films one can get much information about the world around. The news on TV helps to know what happens in the world each day. It also helps to attract the attention of people to different important problems, such as hunger, earthquakes, water pollution and so on.

The cinema is also the means of entertainment. After a working day one can relax watching some good movie. Nowadays people can’t just imagine their life without the art of cinema.

Кино в нашей жизни.

Кино- действительно искусство нашего времени. Оно является самой большой эстетической и образовательной силой в современном мире.

Изобретение фотографии в 1828 году сыграло очень важную роль в развитии кино. 1895 год стал годом, когда кино было рождено. После того, как братья Люмьер изобрели кинематограф, кино распространилось во всем мире. Первые кинотеатры появились в 1904 году. А в 1907 литературные произведения начали широко использоваться для киносценариев. Сейчас различные киноверсии романов и рассказов известных писателей очень популярны.

Фильмы являются мощной силой в современной жизни. Кино также используется для образовательных целей. Видеоклассы полезны при изучении географии, иностранных языков и многих других предметов. Они также являются средством ознакомления со всем миром. С помощью документальных фильмов и научнопопулярных, можно получить более подробную информацию об окружающем мире. Новости по телевизору помогают узнать, что происходит в мире каждый день. Оно также помогает привлечь внимание людей к таким важным проблемам как голод, землетрясения, загрязнение воды и так далее.

Кино также является средством развлечения. После рабочего дня можно спокойно посмотреть хороший фильм. В наше время люди не могут просто представить свою жизнь без искусства кино.

Entertainment is a kind of activity which people do to relieve themselves from stress and the burden from their daily life. Entertainment may be of different types. It can be done by watching TV or going for a movie. People entertain themselves by going for mountaineering while some people get entertained by Bungee jumping. Kids entertain themselves by watching cartoon or playing games on computer. Women have a quite unique way of entertaining themselves. Some go for shopping while middle class women go for window shopping. Women who are homemakers do their entertainment by watching family soap operas while women who work get entertained by sitting front of their Laptops and chatting with their friends. There is a new kind of entertainment has emerged nowadays.


This is mobile entertainment. Internet and GPrS technology has turned mobiles into a perfect entertainment gadget. Now people surf internet, Chat on facebook and watch movies on their mobiles. They can play online games and can watch TV on their mobiles. Many people still follow the old rules to get entertainment. Some read books, while some go out with their friends. Some play board games like Chess and Backgammon. Every person has his own way to entertain himself.


Some old entertainment types are still preserved. Flying kites and playing pebbles are still alive. Some go for searching for gold on the beaches while some go for hunting treasures on lonely islands. Each person’s personality gives him freedom to the kind of entertainment he wants to choose.252Many people just like to talk over the phone to their friends, this is also an entertainment for them. Some people go for discos and pubs where they can have good time with their friends and the people they like to be with. The main motto to get entertained is to find ourselves in the free time. Each and every person on this earth loves to be entertained. God has given this beautiful nature to every creature he has created. Amen! We live on this planet and have the right to entertain us.

Развлечение это вид деятельности которых люди сделать, чтобы облегчить себя от стресса и нагрузки от их повседневной жизни. Развлечения могут быть разных типов. Это может быть сделано путем просмотра телевизора или собирается для фильма. Люди развлечь себя, выбрав для альпинизма в то время как некоторые люди развлекали банджи-джампинг. Детей развлекают себя просмотром мультфильма или игры на компьютере. Женщины имеют совершенно уникальный способ развлекательных себя. Некоторые идут за покупками в то время как женщин среднего класса пойти на окне магазина. Женщин-домохозяек делать свои развлечения, наблюдая опер семьи мыло в то время как женщины, которые работают развлекаться, сидя перед своими ноутбуками и общаться в чате с друзьями. Существует новый вид развлечений стал в наши дни.

Это мобильных развлечений. Интернет и GPRS технологий превратилась в мобильных идеальный гаджет развлечений. Теперь люди серфинга в Интернет, Чат на facebook и смотреть фильмы на своих мобильных телефонах. Они могут играть в онлайн игры и можете смотреть ТВ на своих мобильных телефонах. Многие люди все еще следуют старым правилам, чтобы получить развлечений. Некоторые читают книги, а некоторые выходят со своими друзьями. Некоторые играть в настольные игры, как шахматы и нарды. Каждый человек имеет свой собственный способ развлечь себя.

Некоторые старые типы развлечений до сих пор сохранились. Полеты воздушных змеев и играть камешками еще живы. Некоторые идут на поиски золота на пляжах а некоторые идут на охоту на одиноких сокровища острова. Личности каждого человека дает ему свободу вид развлечения он хочет choose.252Many люди просто хотел поговорить по телефону со своими друзьями, это тоже развлечение для них. Некоторые люди идут на дискотеки и пабы, где они могут хорошо провести время со своими друзьями и людей, которых они хотели бы быть. Главный девиз, чтобы получить развлекали, чтобы найти себя в свободное время. Каждый человек на этой земле любит развлекаться. Бог дал эту красивую природу каждого существа он создал. Аминь! Мы живем на этой планете, и имеют право, чтобы развлечь нас.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:

1. Линда смертельно побледнела от злости и разочарования, а Самюэлю удалось полностью справится со своим негодованием.

2. «Когда ты пишешь большую картину, ты находишься внутри своего переживания», - писал Ротко, гипнотизируя зрителя парящими прямоугольниками, отсутствием чётких границ, подвижной живописью, трепещущими красками.

3. «Что означает твоя лучезарная улыбка? Должно быть, Джон, наконец-то, сделал тебе предложение?» – Отец ласково потрепал дочь по волосам. – «Да, и я счастлива. Этого ни за какие деньги не купишь! А помнишь, я ведь влюбилась в него с первого взгляда!»

4. «Продемонстрируй мужество - признай свою ошибку, тем более, что отрицать бессмысленно – это напрасная трата времени и сил. К тому же это просто непорядочно».

5. Результаты новых исследований швейцарской «Моны Лизы», известной как «Айзелуортская Мона Лиза», стоит рассматривать как доказательство того, что эта картина не является поздней копией «Джоконды» (1503-1505), а была написана самим Леонардо да Винчи.

6. Нет изобразительной техники столь же универсальной, как живопись маслом. Её возможности в передаче цвета, объёма, фактуры предметов, атмосферных и световых эффектов поистине безграничны.

7. Немые черно-белые фильмы начала ХХ века, несмотря на отсутствие каких бы то ни было спецэффектов, имели гораздо большую силу воздействия на умы и сознание людей, чем современные картины, напичканные последними достижениями техники и компьютерной графики.


1. Линда смертельно побледнела от злости и разочарования, а Самюэлю удалось полностью справится со своим негодованием.
2. «Когда ты пишешь большую картину, ты находишься внутри своего переживания», - писал Ротко, гипнотизируя зрителя парящими прямоугольниками, отсутствием чётких границ, подвижной живописью, трепещущими красками.
3. «Что означает твоя лучезарная улыбка? Должно быть, Джон, наконец-то, сделал тебе предложение»- Отец ласково потрепал дочь по волосам. - «Да, и я счастлива. Этого ни за какие деньги не купишь! А помнишь, я ведь влюбилась в него с первого взгляда!»
4. «Продемонстрируй мужество - признай свою ошибку, тем более, что отрицать бессмысленно - это напрасная трата времени и сил. К тому же это просто непорядочно».
5. Результаты новых исследований швейцарской «Моны Лизы», известной как «Айзелуортская Мона Лиза», стоит рассматривать как доказательство того, что эта картина не является поздней копией «Джоконды» (1503-1505), а была написана самим Леонардо да Винчи.
6. Нет изобразительной техники столь же универсальной, как живопись маслом. Её возможности в передаче цвета, объёма, фактуры предметов, атмосферных и световых эффектов поистине безграничны.
7. Немые черно-белые фильмы начала ХХ века, несмотря на отсутствие каких бы то ни было спецэффектов, имели гораздо большую силу воздействия на умы и сознание людей, чем современные картины, напичканные последними достижениями техники и компьютерной графики.




Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic:

Do you think movies should be all fun or rather a thought-provoking and earnest art?

Cinematograph is truly an art of our time. It's as complicated and multi-facet as the twentieth century itself. Everyone can find something to his liking in the broad variety of its genres. Those who seek pure entertainment and rest to the mind prefer musical comedies, detective films, thrillers, horror films and westerns. Other people consider that movies should be rather a thought provoking and earnest art than all fun. Personally I am for entertaining both the heart and mind at the same time. Lately I've seen a feature film that was a hit with the public. I, myself, can praise it unreservedly. It was an Eldar Ryazanov film "The Promised Heavens" released by the Mosfilm studio. If my memory doesn't fail me, Ryazanov also wrote the script. The action takes place in Moscow of our days. Such famous actors and actresses as Basilashvily, Kartzev, Pashutin, Gaft are co-starring in the film. Their characters are bums and beggars, people of different biographies but of the same tragic fate. It's hard to judge who is to blame for their present poverty and despair. But it's obvious that the former painter, now a beggar, as well as the ex-convict and the ex-politician and the former cook for some party boss have preserved more humanity than all those, respectable citizens on whom they now depend. They are deprived of everything and in the end even their slums in the city dump are being taken away from them. Tanks are used against harmless paupers and no wonder that they may only hope for the help from the space. I've enjoyed every minute of this film. I couldn't help laughing and crying following the development of the action. I think the acting was superb which is quite natural with such a cast: I believe there's no one like Eldar Ryazanov in revealing the inner world of a humble person. That's the reason why I do admire his films.

Кинематограф действительно искусство нашего времени. Это как сложный и многогранный, как сама ХХ века. Каждый может найти что-то по своему вкусу в широком разнообразии ее жанров. Те, кто ищет чистое развлечение и отдых для ума предпочитают музыкальные комедии, детективные фильмы, триллеры, фильмы ужасов и вестерна. Другие люди считают, что фильмы должны быть достаточно вдумчивого и серьезным искусством, чем все весело. Лично я для развлечения и сердце и ум в то же время. В последнее время я видел, что фильм стал хитом с общественностью. Я сам могу похвалить его безоговорочно. Это был фильм Эльдара Рязанова "Небеса обетованные", выпущенного на Мосфильме. Если моя память мне не изменяет, Рязанов также написал сценарий. Действие происходит в Москве в наши дни. Такие известные актеры и актрисы, как Basilashvily, Kartzev, Пашутин, Гафт являются ролей второго плана в фильме. Их символами являются бомжи и нищие, люди разных биографий, но того же трагическая судьба. Трудно судить, кто виноват в их нынешней бедности и отчаяния. Но очевидно, что бывший художник, а ныне нищего, а также бывший уголовник и экс-политик и бывший повар для некоторых партийный босс сохранилось больше человечности, чем все те, добропорядочных граждан, на которых они теперь зависят. Они лишены все, и в конце концов даже их трущобы на городской свалке уводят от них. Танки используются против безвредных нищих и не удивительно, что они могут надеяться только на помощь из космоса. Я наслаждался каждой минутой этого фильма. Я не мог удержаться от смеха и плача следит за развитием действия. Я думаю, что действия были превосходны что вполне естественно при таком составе: я считаю, что нет никого, как Эльдар Рязанов в раскрытии внутреннего мира скромным человеком. Вот причина, почему я восхищаюсь его фильмами.

Task 3. Translate the following sentences:


1. 72-летняя жительница Индии каждым движением руки и каждым мазком кисти доказывает: мечты сбываются, даже самые давние! Своё сокровенное желание – обучиться живописи, она пронесла через всю жизнь. И вот сейчас, казалось бы, на закате лет, для неё всё только начинается.

2. Немые черно-белые фильмы начала ХХ века, несмотря на отсутствие каких бы то ни было спецэффектов, имели гораздо большую силу воздействия на умы и сознание людей, чем современные картины, напичканные последними достижениями техники и компьютерной графики.

3. «Продемонстрируй мужество - признай свою ошибку, тем более, что отрицать бессмысленно – это напрасная трата времени и сил. К тому же это просто непорядочно».

4. Никогда бы не подумала, что этот робкий с виду человек будет так рьяно отстаивать свои права. Само собой разумеется, что всё вернётся к старому порядку, когда наш руководитель вернется и возобновит свою работу.

5. Преимущество их дачи в том, что она стоит в лесу, в стороне от дороги и мы можем полюбоваться вон той красивой сосной на фоне вечернего неба.

6. Я пробормотал что-то вежливое, что в равной степени могло относится как к её последнему замечанию, так и к собственно саду.

7. Нет изобразительной техники столь же универсальной, как живопись маслом. Её возможности в передаче цвета, объёма, фактуры предметов, атмосферных и световых эффектов поистине безграничны.


  1. 72-year old resident of India, every gesture and every brush stroke proves that dreams do come true, even the old! His heart's desire - to learn painting, she has carried throughout his life. And now, apparently, in the twilight years, for it is only a beginning.
    2. Silent black and white movies of the early twentieth century, despite the absence of any effects it had a much larger force of impact on the minds and consciousness of the people than the current picture, stuffed with the latest technology and computer graphics.
    3. "Demonstrate courage - to admit his mistake, especially since denied pointless - a waste of time and effort. Besides, this is just indecent. "
    4. I never thought that this timid-looking man would be so eager to defend their rights. It goes without saying that everything will return to the old order, when our head back and resumes.
    5. Giving them an advantage in the fact that it is in the forest, away from the road and we can enjoy the beautiful pine yonder against the evening sky.
    6. I mumbled something polite, that could be equally true for her last remark, and to your own garden.
    7. No visual equipment as versatile as an oil painting. Its ability to communicate color, size, texture objects, weather and lighting effects are endless.




Task 1. Comment upon the suggested topic:

Literary works should not be adopted for the screen as people simply stop reading fiction: “seeing” a film is easier than reading a book.

Last year’s news that Stretch Armstrong (the stretchy-muscleman children’s toy from the ’70s) and Battleship the strategy game were both headed for big-screen film adaptations finally, conclusively proved what malcontents have been saying for decades: Hollywood is officially out of ideas. Further proof has come in recent years via a renewed rash of sequelitis, and endless adaptations of literary works that have already been wrung through the Hollywood grinder, in some cases dozens of times. Honestly, Hollywood, it’s time to knock it off and quit returning to the same old wells over and over. The world doesn’t need a fifth Indiana Jones movie, or any more big-screen retreads of ’80s cartoons that weren’t that great to begin with. And it especially doesn’t need yet another weak reconceptualization of Romeo And Juliet, or yet another stuffy screen version of Pride And Prejudice to join the wave of them that started back in 1938. In fact, here’s a list of just a few of the literary works that have officially been done to death—and some recommendations for where to find newer, fresher stories just waiting on the page.


Book: Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland and Through The Looking-Glass


Adaptations to date: More than three dozen, notably including the 1951 animated Disney musical version and big-event 1985 and 1999 TV miniseries. Other countries have released their own versions as well; there’s a 24-episode Japanese animated adaptation, an Argentinean mime version, and nationalist versions like 1966’s Alice Of Wonderland In Paris and 1979’s Alice In Spanish Wonderland. Plus, of course, the upcoming Tim Burton sequel to Carroll’s original stories.


Definitive version: The Disney version is probably best known. While it has its own charms, though, it liberally diverges from Carroll’s text, like most Disney adaptations.


Why steer clear? The Alice books are simultaneously two of the most-adapted novels in history, and among the most habitually worst-adapted. Film and TV versions necessarily tend to elide over the original books’ densely packed puns and references, and instead concentrate on spectacle or on drearily plodding through a series of events that should be sprightly and disorienting, yet somehow not manic. It’s a difficult balance, and one that directors rarely seem to get right. What’s left behind is a bunch of creative, fun ideas that have had the creativity and fun leached out through repetition. How many times can we watch Alice grow, shrink, and boggle at it all?


What to adapt instead? Other Carroll works, including his novel Sylvie And Bruno and his poem “The Hunting Of The Snark,” bring in as much clever nonsense, wordplay, and episodic adventure, but are less line-by-line familiar.


Book: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories


Adaptations to date: Versions of Holmes first appeared onstage in 1899 and on film in 1900, and the character has continued to inspire plays, TV shows, and movies, right up to Guy Ritchie’s outsized, manic 2009 hit Sherlock Holmes. There have also been more than a few back-door adaptations, including the medical mystery series House, about a drug-addled doctor with a stoic best friend, abominable social skills, and a gift for noticing clues that other miss.


Definitive version: The image of Holmes as a refined gentleman with a deerstalker hat and a calabash pipe dates back to the early 20th century, but was popularized worldwide by actor Basil Rathbone in a 14-film series that ran between 1939 and 1946. The later Rathbone films modernize Holmes in an ill-advised attempt to serve as wartime propaganda, but the first two—The Hound Of The Baskervilles and The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes—stay reasonably true to Doyle.


Why steer clear? Because Holmes is so damned hard to get right. He’s a prickly character, difficult to make likeable, and Doyle’s original stories tend to be too detailed to render onscreen without becoming either tedious or simplistic. Even the Rathbone films pale in comparison to the source material, and though there have been some entertaining uses of Holmes in non-canonical ways over the years, attempts to make a straightforward Holmes movie or TV series nearly always disappoint.


What to adapt instead? For 20 years now, Hollywood has been trying to return to making movies about Gregory Mcdonald’s offbeat reporter/detective Fletch, having already made one great one and one lousy one. It’d be nice if that could get worked out. Barring a Fletch reboot, how about a series based on Mcdonald’s other major creation, police detective Flynn?


Book: The Bible


Adaptations to date: Wikipedia’s list of films based on the Bible contains 161 titles, and that isn’t even close to definitive. There have been many films about the Ten Commandments, including two by Cecil B. DeMille (from 1923 and 1956); several Salomes; two big Ben Hurs (including the 1959 winner of the Best Picture Oscar); acres of Christs ranging from Ted Neeley’s hippie turn in Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) to Jim Caviezel’s bloody one in Mel Gibson’s The Passion Of The Christ (2004); and all manner of apocalypses. That’s (mostly) not counting allegories—and leaving Christmas out of it. (God was most memorably played by George Burns in 1977’s Oh God!, but that film was not, strictly speaking, adapted from the Bible.)


Definitive version: Depends on which book and/or parable. But for the sake of simplicity, let’s go with Martin Scorsese’s The Last Temptation Of Christ (1988), which caused a ruckus, but in hindsight looks smartly unsensationalistic, thanks in part to Willem Dafoe’s very human performance as Jesus.


Why steer clear? Sure, these stories have been the bedrock of Western civilization for centuries. But the last couple of times a big name has tackled Jesus’ persecution—the above-named Scorsese and Gibson films—they’ve been greeted with loud protests from religious organizers. That doesn’t mean people shouldn’t make the movies they want to make, but so many Bible movies exist already, it’s worth wondering whether the trouble is worthwhile.


What to adapt instead? We’ve seen movies about the Dalai Lama (1997’s Kundun, another Scorsese), but we’re still waiting for that modern blockbuster epic about the Buddha. How abou


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