Тексты ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ специальности БУАА
WITHDRAWALS Withdrawals (or leakages) are that part of the circular flow, which are not passed on as spending with UK firms. This is income, which individuals, firms or governments take out of the circular flow with the likely result that the level of economic activity in the economy declines. The three forms that withdrawals can take are: § savings; § imports; § taxation; Savings Both businesses and individual citizens can take the decision not to spend all of the income that they receive. A number of factors are thought to determine the level of savings at any time. Interest rates obviously influence the saver's decision since they represent the return on his or her savings. Many economists believe that decisions to save are taken in response to periods of economic uncertainty: the more people worry about interest rates, job security and so on, the more they are likely to save. Alternatively, there is evidence that when money is losing value quickly, as in a period of inflation, people tend to purchase consumer durable goods such as televisions and washing machines. Another factor is social change. Previous generations placed great store by saving in order to carry out major purchases; this is less common today perhaps due to the ready availability of credit. Imports You will know that expenditure by UK inhabitants on goods and services imported from abroad will remove those funds from the domestic circular flow and will cause a decrease in the level of economic activity. Periodically, the UK has spent too freely on imports and earnings from exports have been insufficient to cover this. Many factors encourage us to purchase imports: some are favourable to the economy in the long term, while others are harmful. If imports of raw materials increase due to the growth of a domestic industry, then this indicates an expanding economy, which should sell more exports in the future in order to pay for the increased expenditure. However, if the imports are the consequence of UK citizens preferring foreign goods on grounds of, for example, price or quality, then the impact may be harmful as jobs are lost in domestic industries. Taxation Funds are withdrawn from the circular flow in the form of taxation by the government. It levies two types of taxes: - direct taxes, such as income tax, corporation tax (on profits) and other taxes on income or wealth; - indirect taxes, such as VAT and customs and excise duties, which are levied on spending by all of us; If the authorities withdraw funds through taxation and then fail to spend this tax revenue, the circular flow will reduce the level of activity in the economy. Taxation policy has been substantially altered by the Conservative government in the 1980s and early 1990s. It has reduced direct taxes because of the belief that taxation of this kind reduces the incentive to work and so dampens the spirit of enterprise in the economy. Indirect taxes, such as value added tax (VAT), have been increased to make up for some of the revenue lost from direct taxes. The government has thus transferred the tax burden from direct to indirect taxes. The total burden of taxation has hardly altered.
Слова и выражения к тексту:
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на русский язык: withdrawals, which are not passed on as spending with UK firms; a number of factors are thought to determine the level of savings; job security; another factor is social change; generations placed great store by saving; will remove those funds from the domestic circular flow and will cause a decrease; direct (indirect, corporation, income) taxes; the tax revenue; taxation of this kind reduces the incentive to work and so dampens the spirit of enterprise; the tax burden.
Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами и выражениями из текста. 1. Interest rates influence the saver's decision since they represent … on his savings.
2. Previous generations … saving in order to carry out major purchases. 3. Expenditures on goods and services imported from abroad … those funds from … and will cause … in the level of economic activity. 4. If imports of raw materials increase due to the growth of …, then this indicates …. 5. Funds are withdrawn from the … by the government, which … two types of tax. 6. Indirect taxes include VAT and …. 7. Direct taxes reduce … to work and so dampen … in the economy. 8. The government has transferred … from direct to indirect taxes.
Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим русским выражениям: доходы от сбережений; очевидно, что; подталкивать (побуждать); в конце концов; это означает рост экономики; на том основании, что; налог на добавленную стоимость; акцизный сбор; восполнять.
Упражнение 4. Найдите английское толкование в тексте следующих выражений: the return on one's savings; taxes (direct, indirect, income, corporation, on wealth, VAT); excise duties; the tax revenue.
Упражнение 5. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What are withdrawals? Name their forms. 2. When do people decide to save? 3. What is the reason for purchasing imports? 4. Why can buying imports be harmful? 5. What are direct and indirect taxes? 6. Why did the Conservative government reduce direct taxes in the 1980s and increase indirect ones?
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