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Тексты ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ специальности УИ


Text 1

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте текст и скажите, какая основная проблема обсуждается руководством компании, какие вопросы рассмотрят старшие менеджеры в ходе заседания.



A highly specialized car component manufacturer has a technical success on its hands but lacks the means or size to exploit it. The company has to devise the best strategy to bring a top-of-the-market, special product to a wider volume market. The problem is complicated by a mass market competitor which suddenly announces its own version of the product and threatens to take over the market completely. If Autotech decides to expand it will have to plan a financial strategy for expansion. To get a loan from a bank means to give the bank a picture of the company's recent performance and overall financial health.

Autotech's directors have to solve a complicated problem or, to be more exact, a number of problems: to identify and discuss the arguments for and against remaining a producer of expensive, special products in a market which seems to be moving towards volume production, to identify the implications of major expansion for their company, to analyze various methods of achieving rapid expansion of production and marketing activities, to devise the best strategy for a small company to maintain its hi-tech market leader position in the face of a major competitive attack in a rapidly expanding market.




The agenda which arrived on the desks of Autotech’s senior managers was short and to the point. At the meeting sketched out before them they had to decide a completely new direction for Autotech.


1. The potential market for Automap MK 2.

2. Outlet options:

– Standard equipment via car manufacturers.

– Optional extra via manufacturers.

– Accessories via parts dealers.

– Direct to fleet users.

3. Production options:

– Own production.

– License production via other producers.

– Joint venture with car manufacturer.

– Sub-contracted production either in UK or abroad.

4. Present weaknesses and strengths of Autotech.

5. Potential partners on marketing side.

6. The question of expansion.

7. Other business.

The meeting should decide a plan of action to ensure the best future for everyone at Autotech.


Упражнение 2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What does Autotech produce?

2. What is the reason of Autotech’s expansion?

3. What will the company have to do if it decides to expand?

4. What complicated problems are Autotech’s directors going to solve?

5. What is the main aim of senior managers’ meeting?

Упражнение 3. Задайте все типы вопросов к предложению.

Ten days later John Lyle and his financial director at Autotech arrived at Hunter-Benson's plush London offices to present the Automap MK 2 and to answer questions about their present financial situation and their future needs.


Упражнение 4. Постройте предложения в пассивном залоге.

Например: to plan the flows of cash The flows of cash are planned.

1) to reinvest all the money into business;

2) to obtain funds from outside the firm;

3) to manage carefully the company’s assets;

4) to attain the long-term goals;

5) to prepare a budget for a year.


Упражнение 5. Ролевая игра: Представьте себе, что вы являетесь руководителем компании. Ответьте на вопросы, от которых зависят пути развития вашей компании. Обсудите в группе возникшие разногласия.

1. Should Autotech go alone with expansion into the high volume market, i.e. raise funds from outside sources in order to expand the business by a factor of 5 or 6?

2. Should Autotech reject expansion and consolidate its activities around the present low volume-high value approach with an emphasis on staying ahead technologically?

3. Should Autotech sell the licence for the new product to other manufacturers and receive income from royalties?

4. Should Autotech enter into a joint venture either with another component producer or with one of the car manufacturers?

5. Could the company approach the fleet users direct and persuade them to adopt the Automap MK 2 by demonstrating its cost-saving potential?



Text 2


Упражнение 1. Прочитайте опорные словосочетания и подберите к ним соответст-вующий перевод.

1) pay attention a) сырье
2) waste product b) побочный продукт
3) to remain competitive с) не отставать от изменений  
4) keep up with changes d) обращать внимание
5) raw materials e) оставаться конкурентоспособным
6) to hold off competitors f) сдерживать конкурентов


Упражнение 2. Убедитесь, знаете ли вы 3 формы глаголов:

to mean, to pay, to change, to keep, to know, to get, to take, to become, to learn.


Упражнение 3. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Слова к тексту:

current ['kÃr(«)nt] современный
pattern ['pQt(«)n] образец
solely ['soullI] исключительно, только
respect [rIs'pekt] уважать
appreciate [«'pri:SIeIt] ценить, высоко ставить
competitor [k«m'petIt«] конкурент
afford [«'f:d] позволять
nonresponsive ['nÃnrIs 'pnsIv] инертный, невосприимчивый
fierce [fI«s] неистовый, безудержный



What does it mean «managing the future»? It means paying attention to the past, to the present, and to past and current patterns of change in the world around you. In managing the future, understanding and initiating action are top priorities. Constant innovation and improvement are valuable action steps. Relying solely on the past is neither possible nor good business. Using a past orientation results in missing opportunities and not keeping up with changes in today's emphasis on the customer. The past-oriented manager wants to attract and retain customers, but focuses on other parts of the business: the accounting system, tax laws, the source and flow of available raw materials.

Оne future-oriented company that respects and has learned from the past and appreciates its founder is McDonald's. This fast-food firm knows that the past can't be repeated. This firm is in constant search of innovations to remain competitive, to build on its past reputation, and to improve its position in holding off more and more competitors. McDonald's innovations include the Big Mac, the Egg McMuffin, etc.

McDonald's keeps innovating and improving and learns from the past because it can't afford to be lazy and nonresponsive. The competition is too fierce and opportunistic. The firm responds to its changing external and internal environment with new products, environmentally friendly waste products, improved service and better ways of doing business.

Whether McDonald's Corporation founder Ray Kroc ever studied or considered the historical roots of management isn't known. However, by reviewing Kroc's style and strategies, we get the impression that he used the past as a way of learning how to manage his and McDonald's future.

Kroc was an innovator who favored taking action to stay ahead of the competition. The firm's history clearly shows that his insistence on quality has become a part of McDonald's internal cultural fabric.


Упражнение 4. Найдите в тексте формы, оканчивающиеся на «-ing», определите их функцию в предложении, переведите их.


Упражнение 5. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are top priorities in managing the future?

2. Who founded McDonald’s?

3. Why is McDonald’s called future-oriented company?

4. Can you name the McDonald’s innovations?

5. Do you know any other future-oriented firms?

Упражнение 6. Найдите в тексте информацию о стиле управления, обращенном в прошлое.



Тема по специальности ТД


Упражнение 1. Изучите следующие слова и выражения, встречающиеся в теме:

Economics Faculty [i:k«ÈnmIks ÈfQk«ltI] экономический факультет
a wide range of academic majors [waId reIndZ Ç«k«ÈdemIk meIdZ«z] широкий ряд академических специальностей
a variety [v«ÈraI«tI] большое разнообразие
introductory study [Intr«ÈdÃkt«rI stÃdI] подготовительный курс
full degree program [ful d«ÈgrI prugr«m] программа полного курса
accounting [«ÈkauntIN] бухгалтерский учёт
staff [stÃf] преподавательский состав (кадры)
seller [Èsel«] продавец
independent employee [Ind«Èpend«nt ÇImplIÈi:] независимый служащий
graduate [ÈgrQdju«t] выпускник
wholesale company [ÈhulseIl ÈkÃmp«nI] оптовая компания
customs [ÈkÃst«mz] таможня
Foreign Economic department [frIn i:k«ÈnmIk dIÈpa:tm«nt] отдел внешнеэкономических связей
chair [tSE«] кафедра
Trade Law [treId l:] торговoе право
Legal regulation of the Foreign Economic relations [ÈlIg«l ÇregjuÈleISn f D«ÈfrIn i:k«ÈnmIk rIleISnz] правовое регулирование внешнеэкономической деятельности
curriculum [k«ÈrIkjul«m] расписание (программа)
elective courses [IÈlektIv k:sIz] элективные курсы
post-graduate studies [p«ust ÈgrQdju«t stÃdIz] аспирантура


Упражнение 2. Найдите русские соответствия английским словам и выражениям:

1) of the highest caliber a) охватывать
2) lack of b) помимо
3) to be engaged c) предоставлять (предусматривать)
4) to introduce oneself d) малое предприятие
5) independent employee e) приводить к чему-либо
6) small business f) высочайшего плана
7) to provide g) быть задействованным
8) to cover h) проводить
9) to cause to i) проверить свою гипотезу на практике
10) apart from j) представляться
11) test one’s hypothesis k) масса, множество
12) to carry out l) недостаток чего-либо
13) dozens of m) независимый служащий
14) to attract n) обучаться
15) to be trained o) привлекать

Упражнение 3. Найдите пары синонимичных выражений:

1) enterprise a) diversified
2) to be trained b)to settle
3) seller c) to be lectured
4) ability d) to succeed
5) to solve e) field
6) to manage f) to be taught
7) to face g) company
8) to be delivered h) shop-assistant
9) all-round i) capability
10) area j) to dash with


Упражнение 4. Найдите пары антонимов:

1) a small business a) speciality
2) legal b) general subject
3) diversified c) dependent
4) major d) monotonous
5) qualified e) illegal
6) special subject f) a large company
7) independent g) unskilled
8) contribution h) losses
9) buyer i) to result in
10) to cause g) seller


Упражнение 5. Прочитайте следующие слова и догадайтесь об их значении без помощи словаря:

management, student, Economics Faculty, institute, high quality, academic, a program, computing, electronics, speciality, personal, commerce, Marketing, financial, company, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Mongolian, theory, model, hypothesis.


Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие выражения на русский язык:

a second-year student, to provide a high quality education, a wide range of academic majors, a wide variety of programs, introductory studies, full degree programs, to be engaged in, production corporation, to be trained, to be taught, apart from the subjects, Trade Law, Customs Management, post-graduate studies.


Trade management


Let me introduce myself. My name is …. I’m a second-year student of Economics Faculty of Biysk Technological Institute of the Altai Technical University. Our institute provides a high quality education in a wide range of academic majors to thousands of students throughout our region. The Institute attracts students and staff of the highest caliber. BTI offers a wide variety of programs ranging from introductory studies to full degree programs. The majors cover such areas as Computing and Information Systems, Electronics, Chemical and Machine-building Engineering, Accounting, Management, etc. Within each major there are dozens of different courses.

In 2001 a new speciality, Trade Management, was established at the Chemical Engineering Faculty. Lack of qualified personnel in commerce and other economical fields caused the necessity of establishing such a new speciality.

A commercial specialist is not just a seller but an independent employee in Marketing Sales, Financial and Planning departments at any enterprise or company.

It is a highly qualified manager that can be a head of any small business or a president of a large company. The graduates of the speciality can be engaged in trade companies, Customs and Foreign Economic Departments of any production corporation.

The students of this speciality are trained in more than 10 chairs of the Institute. So they are able to get all-round professional and theoretical knowledge. They are taught various general subjects such as History, Mathematics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Foreign Languages, Physical Education, etc. The special subjects are Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Management, Accounting, Marketing, Money and Banking, Economic Theory, Statistics, etc. Apart from the subjects they are taught Trade Law, Customs Management, Legal Regulation of the Foreign Economic Relations, etc.

The curriculum provides some elective courses of Oriental languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Turkish and Mongolian. Nowadays the professional and language practice in Japan and China are also being provided.

So the education of such a specialist is quite diversified. The graduates will be able to work at any production company, banks, businesses or educational institutions. You may also continue studying at the post-graduate studies if you have desire and abilities to become a scientist in the field of commercial business, create new theories and models, test hypotheses and carry out marketing researches.

Knowing the society’s development a qualified trade management specialist can solve many problems our country faces and I hope I’ll make my contribution to this process.


Упражнение 7. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

экономический факультет, привлекать преподавательский состав высочайшего класса, предлагать широкий выбор программ, подготовительные курсы, охватывать области, необходимость в создании, кафедра, бухучет, торговое право, таможенный менеджмент, правовое регулирование международных экономических отношений, элективные курсы.


Упражнение 8. Переведите с русского на английский язык.

1. Студенты этого отделения обучаются на более чем 10 кафедрах института.

2. Наш институт предлагает широкий выбор программ, начиная от подготови-тельных курсов и до программ полного курса.

3. Нехватка квалифицированных специалистов в коммерции и других экономичес-ких областях привела к необходимости создания новой специальности – «Торговое дело».

4. Помимо этих предметов студентам читают лекции по торговому праву, право-вому регулированию международных экономических отношений.

5. Выпускники смогут работать в любой производственной компании, банках, фирмах, деловых или образовательных учреждениях.


Упражнение 9. Прочитайте следующие диалоги и выучите их наизусть:



- What did the Dean speak about?

- He spoke of how to become a good student.

- Did you find the talk useful?

- Yes, very much. He said: «Every student should remember that being a student is a full-time job and like any other job it requires time, effort, concentration and appropriate techniques and habits».

- And do you agree with him?

- I think, he is right.



- When will your exams begin?

- Oh, they are not far off. Here is a time-table of my exams.

- You are nervous, aren’t you?

- Of course, I am. Everybody is.

- Are you reading for your exams now?

- Yes, I am. I always take notes of the lectures but I can fail in the mathematics, I’m afraid.

- Let’s hope for the best. Good luck.



- Hello, are you taking your exams?

- I’ve already passed my last exam.

- What did you get in mathematics?

- I got a four. You passed your exams, too, didn’t you?

- No, I didn’t. I failed in physics.

- What a pity. I am so sorry for you. How did it happen?

- It’s difficult to explain. My memory failed me and I forgot the simplest things. I think it was the result of a sleepless night.

- That’s what I always told you. Don’t put off your work to the very last. What are you going to do now?

- I’ll have to take my exam in physics for the second time. I’ve just been to the faculty office and the dean has already set the time.

- I hope you’ll get a good mark next time. Good luck.


Упражнение 10. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию из текста, где это возможно.

1. What year student are you?

2. What Institute do you study at?

3. What faculty do you study at?

4. What are the three forms of education at your Institute?

5. Is it difficult to study and work at one and the same time?

6. What faculty can one choose when entering the Institute?

7. Who is in charge of training students?

8. What equipment is the Institute provided with?

9. What general and special subjects do you study at the Institute?

10. What is your aim?

11. Where can you work after graduating from the Institute?

12. Where do you dream to work?

13. What is the most important criterion (factor) for you in choosing a job?

14. How many exams do you take each session?

15. Who delivers lectures to you on different subjects?

16. How long does the course of studies last?

17. When will you graduate from the Institute?

18. What is your future speciality?


Упражнение 11. Расскажите подробно о своей специальности, используя данные ниже выражения.

I suppose
It’s true that
As far as I can judge
I am (not) sure that
It’s to be noted that
In this connection I’d like to add
I don’t think I have anything else of interest to tell you, so I’d better close for now
In my opinion
On the one hand
On the other hand
On the whole
To crown it all
To answer your question I’d like to say




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