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Младший, среднего звена, старший сотрудник -- Junior, middle-level, senior employee

To fall face down in the mud - упасть лицом в грязь

Платил нам столько, сколько мы выполняли работы - as much as

Solid Sample Answers

  • I've learned from each boss I've had. From the good ones, what to do, from the challenging ones - what not to do.
  • Early in my career, I had a mentor who helped me a great deal, we still stay in touch. I've honestly learned something from each boss I've had.
  • My best boss was a manager who enabled me to take on more responsibility as I progressed in my job. I've had other bosses with a more hands off management style, but I appreciated the interaction with the first manager I mentioned.
  • My best boss was a woman who showed me the importance of suggestive selling. She was able to show a customer the perfect accessories to go with an outfit, without being pushy, and taught me to tremendously increase my selling abilities.
  • I learned a lot about organization from my last boss. I've always been an organized person, but I learned new ways to organize and mobilize the staff from him, which was very valuable for my management abilities.
  • My best boss was one who was able to recognize the strengths in his employees, and to utilize them to their fullest extent. He taught me to look at people more individually, and understand that almost everyone has something positive to offer.
  • My best boss was a person who set such a wonderful example for her employees, that she inspired people to work harder. She was always 'up', even when she wasn't, and never let a customer leave unhappy. She would always have the right thing to say to provide encouragement for her customers and employees alike.

6. Describe your career goals.

How to Answer Interview Questions About Your Career Goals

Below are a number of tips for answering this question well.

Start with short term goals, then move to the long term. You probably have a good sense of your short term goals, such as getting a job with an employer like the one you are interviewing for. Start by describing these goals, then move to more long term plans.

Explain the actions you’ll take. Listing goals is not going to make a strong answer. You also want to (briefly) explain steps you will take to achieve those goals. For example, if you want to take on a management role, explain the steps you have taken, or will take, to become a manager. Perhaps you are developing your leadership skills through running group projects, or you plan to attend a series of leadership conferences.

Focus on the employer. Even though this question is about you, you want to convey that you won’t abandon the employer anytime soon. Focus on how you will add value to the company through the achievement of your own goals.

Don’t get too specific. While you want to present clear goals, do not get into too many details.

For example, if you know you want to work for a particular company in a particular position (not the company or position you’re interviewing for), don’t share this with an employer. Emphasize more general goals, such as taking one particular responsibilities. This allows you to balance clear aims with a flexible attitude.

Best Answers

Here are example interview answers that you can edit to fit your personal experiences and background:

  • In the short term, I hope to work as a sales representative for a company such as yours; one with a mission based on customer service and care. Working as a sales representative for a company I believe in will prepare me to hopefully take on expanded responsibilities in the future, as these become available.

duties and responsibilities- обязанности и ответственность

  • My current, short-term goal is to develop and use my marketing and communications skills in a job similar to this one. However, I eventually want to develop into a position that allows me to continue to use these skills while also managing a marketing group. TO BECOME A PEOFESSIONAL, A SALES MANAGER WITH MY OWN TEAM AND TEACH NEWCOMERS I will prepare myself for this goal by taking on leadership positions in team projects, and developing my professional career through attending leadership conferences, such as the one put on annually by your company.

What are you looking for in your next job? What is important to you?

How to Answer

When preparing for an interview, review the requirements of the job listing. Then, make a list of your own interests and goals. Note anything that you see on both lists.

Seeing the overlap between the two lists will help you craft a strong response to this question. Your answer should emphasize your goals and interests as they relate to the job. In fact, your response to this question will be slightly different for every place where you interview, because it will be tailored to the job at hand.

Frame your answer so that it shows how you will benefit the company. For example, you might explain that you want to work for a company that encourages teamwork and team projects, because you thrive in a team environment. This will show the interviewer that you will do well in in the company’s team-driven culture.

Even though you want to show how you are good fit for the company, you should not lie. Always keep your answer honest, since employers can tell when an answer is inauthentic. Focus on real answers that also show that you will do well in the job at hand.

Finally, avoid making salary and benefits the focus of your answer.

Responding that way puts the focus on your desires, instead of the company's.


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