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VІІ Змістовий модуль. Практичне заняття № 1. Staying at the hotel. Speak about everyday services available at the hotel. Television in Our Life

VІІ Змістовий модуль

„Готельний сервіс”

Практичне заняття № 1

ТЕМА: У готелі. Резервація готелю (реєстрація і виписка з готелю).

Граматичний матеріал : Повторення часів Perfect.

Present Perfect.

Читання та обговорення тексту за вказаною темою:

Staying at the hotel

Speak about everyday services available at the hotel

When you come to another country or city you can stay at your friend’s house or flat. But if you haven’t got any relatives or friends you may stay at a hotel. There are 2 sorts of hotels: at the seaside and in city. The hotels at the seaside usually occupy big territory. And the services and facilities are usually better there then in city hotels. You can get more things free. Also at the seaside hotels food is served usually 2 of 3 times a day and in city hotels you can get only breakfast. Before you arrive somewhere you can make arrangements about a room of the hotel you’ll choose. You can call at the hotel of send them a fax or telegram which numbers you can find in the advertisement. If you haven’t done it, when you arrive at the hotel it is necessary to come up to the reception desk. There a person can order a room. First of all you must fill in an arrival card. In this card you must gave information about yourself. Your name and surname, telephone number and address besides it is necessary to point out how long you are going to stay here. Also among the seaside hotels the best with club system. Usually on the territory of such hotels there is 4-5 storied building with single rooms, double rooms, and suites and separate there are family cottages. The area of such hotels is usually very big about 50 hectares. Club system allows taking free any, soft drinks, food 24 hours a day, because everything is included into the price of the tour. There are all day room services, dry cleaners, laundries. In the rooms there is a refrigerator, bathroom, a satellite TV and direct dial phone. Also such hotels have their own place on the beach with comfortable sun beds. You can spend time riding horses, playing tennis, golf, polo, visiting shops, which are usually situated in the territory of the hotels. In the evenings you can go to the disco or to the restaurant. The menu in the restaurants including different cuisine’s such as: French, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish, Russian and so on. You can order a yacht tour to some historical places (if any) or something like that. After visiting such hotels you’ll return home happy and refreshed.



1. What sorts of hotels do you know?

2. What sort of hotel would like to stay in?

3. What services do these hotels suggest?


Робота над текстами за професійним спрямуванням:

Спеціальність: Культурологія

Television in Our Life

       Television now plays an important role in our life. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad for us. It is clear, that television has advantages and disadvantages. But are there more advantages than disadvantages? In the first place, television is an entertainment. But it is not only a convenient entertainment. For a family of three, four or five, for example, it is more convenient and less expensive to sit comfortably at home than to go out to find entertainment in other places. They don't have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre or cinema. They turn on the TV-set and can see interesting films, concerts, football matches.

       But some people think that it's bad to watch TV. Those who watch TV need do nothing. We are passive when we watch TV. Television shows us many interesting programmes. But again there is a disadvantage here: we watch TV every evening, and it begins to dominate our lives. My friend told me that when his TV-set broke down, he and his family found that they had more time to do things and to talk to each other. There are other arguments for and against television.

       Very often the programmes are bad. Sometimes they show too much violence in films and news programmes. There is also too much pop music and ads. Ads on the whole are convenient for grown-ups. But is it good for children to watch all those ads where they show all kinds of underwear and what not?

Vocabulary:                                                                       entertainment - развлечение
to turn on - включать
passive - пассивный
to dominate - доминировать
to break down - ломаться
argument - аргумент
violence - жестокость
pop music - поп-музыка
ads (advertisemets) - реклама, объявления

Questions:                                                                                                      1. What advantages does television have?
2. What disadvantages does television have?
3. What did my friend find when his TV-set broke down?
4. What do they sometimes show?

Граматичний матеріал: Повторення часів Perfect.

Present Perfect.

Група доконаних часів (Perfect Tenses) виражає дію, які закінчується до якогось моменту в теперішньому часі, минулому, майбутньому або майбутньому по відношенню до минулого. Доконані часи звичайно виражають наявність якогось результату дії, пов’язаної з наступними подіями. Вона утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова have у відповідному часі Indefinite + III форма основного дієслова.



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