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Ex. 2. Translate into English (Past Perfect).

Ex. 2. Translate into English (Past Perfect).

1. Ми зробили уроки, до того як повернувся батько.

2. Я повечеряв до дев'ятої години.

3. Він не вивчив вірш до вечора.

4. Вони розвели вогнище до заходу сонця.

5. Черговий витер дошку до приходу учителя.

6. Я не переклав статтю до ранку.

7. Діти заснули до десятої години?

8. Чому він не відіслав лист до свята?

9. Я приготувала пиріг до приходу гостей.

10. До 1990 року він був лікарем.


Практичне заняття № 3

ТЕМА: Послуги працівників готелю.

Граматичний матеріал : Повторення часів Perfect. Future Perfect.

Читання та обговорення тексту за вказаною темою:


Description and features of hotel services

Services, which are given in the hotels of Ukraine divided into basic, and additional (other). Services of dwelling behave to basic services. Process of grant of basic services in hotels it is possible schematically to divide into and few basic stages:


- information about services;

- backuping (reserving) of places;

- realization of services;

- meeting and send-offs of tourists;

- service is during and stay.

Process of grant of informative services in hotels - one of importent. An of able grant information comes into and notice, excites interest and desire to purchase and favour, that to carry out the choice of hotel, to the room hotel, term of stay and others like that. But, it costs to conduct informative activity with large professionalism.

Backuping ( reserving) of places in hotels and other facilities of placing allows and personnel to prepare to maintenance of tourists, and to the tourists more rationally to conduct leisure.

Meeting of and placing of tourists includes in hotels: transference of luggage, delivery of the keys, and accompaniment to the number.

Distributing of tourists after numbers is carried out service of reception and placing of hotel (administrator). The basic requirements in the process of reception and placing of tourists is: operationability, clearness and speed of registration of document.

The finishing stage of grant of basic services in and hotel is payment and departure.

With purpose of upgrading and culture of maintenance of users, and also to the competitiveness in the world market of hotel services, hotels must have not only high level to the comfort but also wide choice of additional services.

On of the method of grant additional (other) services can be requiring payment and free of charge.

To requiring payment additional services belong:

- restaurant and la carte;

- shops ( newspapers, souvenirs);

- garage;

- fitness - club;

- banquet and conference halls;

- salons of beauty;

- mini bar and service in numbers;

- services of taxi ( transfer);

- nurse;

- requiring payment television;

- tea or coffee-pot;

- and safe is in and number.

free additional services:

- storage of luggage is in the chambers;

- using pharmacy medicines;

- delivery in the number of the certificate and souvenir advertising, form envelopes and paper;

- storage of values;

- grant of filaments, needles;

- edition of certificates is about and location and mode of operations of points of domestic consumer services;.

- exchange of currency;

- rigging is for invalids;

- transport services;

- hair dryer;

- cleaning of shoe;

- and floor is the first class for corporate clients.


Робота над текстами за професійним спрямуванням

Спеціальність: Культурологія

The Most Popular British Writers

       William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens remain two of the most popular and widely known British writers all over the world. Dickens began his writing career as a journalist, and all his novels were first published serially in periodicals. Many of his works highlight the injustice of 19th century social institutions and inequalities between the rich and the poor. His most famous works include " Oliver Twist" and " David Copperfield". As to Shakespeare in addition to writing 35 known plays, he wrote 154 sonnets and sometimes acted in small parts in his own plays. He is known to have played the Ghost in " Hamlet". His best known plays include " King Lear", " A Midsummer night's dream" and " Romeo and Juliet". The Bronte sister, Charlotte (1816-55), Emily (1818-48) and Anne (1820-49), were three talented 19th century women novelists whose works are regarded as classics today. Charlotte Bronte is best known for her novel " Jane Eyre". The novels of Jane Austen are known for their subtlety of observation and irony, together with their insights into the provincial life of the middle-class in the early part of 19th century. Her works include " Emma", " Pride and Prejudice" and others.

Vocabulary:                                                                            to remain - оставаться
to highlight - освещать
injustice - несправедливость
observation - наблюдение

Questions:                                                                                   1. Who is the most popular and widely known British writer?
2. When did Dickens begin his career?
3. What plays by Shakespeare do you know?
4. What are the Bronte sisters famous for?
5. What other popular British writers do you know?


Граматичний матеріал: Повторення часів Perfect.

Future Perfect.



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