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Present Perfect. Ex. 1. Use the Present Perfect in the following sentences. Ex. 2. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect of the following verbs and the words in brackets. Use each verb only one time: eat, look, save, use, give, play, sleep, wear

Present Perfect

Present Perfect виражає дію, яка:

1) Завершується до моменту мовлення. При цьому час виконання дії не вказується, тут важливий факт: " Have you seen  Hamlet"?

2) Якщо дія завершилася, а відрізок часу його виконання ще не закінчився, при цьому вживаються вирази (обставини часу) today, this week, this month, this year, this summer, etc. I have seen my friend this week.

3) Якщо в реченні є прислівник неозначеного часу: never, ever, just, already, since, not…yet, etc. He has just come. I have not seen him yet.

Утворення Present Perfect:

have          - всі особи однини і множини (I, you, we, they)


                                                                                + ІІІ форма основного дієслова


has           - 3 особа однини (he, she, it)


+ ІІІ форма основного дієслова


Ex. 1. Use the Present Perfect in the following sentences.

1. A: (you, ever, eat) … pepperoni pizza? B: Yes, I … I (eat) … pepperoni pizza many times.

2. A: (you, ever, talk) … to a famous person? B: Yes, I …

I (talk) … to a lot of famous people. OR: No, I … I (never, talk) … to a                                       famous person.

3. A: (Helen, ever, rent) … a car? B: Yes, she … She (rent) …a car many times. OR: No, she … She (never, rent) … a car.

4. A: (see, you, ever) … a shooting star? B: Yes, I … I (see) … a lot of shooting stars. OR:

No, I … I (never, see) … a shooting star.

5. A: (catch, Jim, ever) … a big fish? B: Yes, he … He (ever, catch) … lots of big fish. OR: No, he (never, catch) …

6. A: (you, ever, have) … a bad sunburn? B: Yes, I … I (have)

a bad sunburn several times. OR: No, I … I (never, have) … a bad sunburn.


Ex. 2. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect of the following verbs and the words in brackets. Use each verb only one time: eat, look, save, use, give, play, sleep, wear, improve, rise, speak, win.

1. People … sheep’s wool to make clothing for centuries.

2. The night is over. It’s daytime now. The sun …

3. I (never) … golf, but I’d like to. It looks like fun.

4. Our team is great. They … all of their games so far this year. They haven’t lost a single game.

5. Lily must be angry with me. She (not) …one word to me all evening. I wonder what I did to make her angry.

6. The cat must be sick. He (not) … any food for two days. We’d better call the vet.

7. Our teacher … us a lot of tests and quizzes since the beginning of the term.

8. We put a little money in our savings account every month. We want to buy a car, but we (not) … enough money yet. We’ll have enough in a few more months.

9. (you, ever) … outdoors for the entire night? I mean without a tent, with nothing between you and stars.

10. My aunt puts on a wig whenever she goes out, but I (never) … a wig in my life.

11. Paul’s health … a lot since he started eating the right kinds of food, exercising regularly, and handling the stress in his life. He’s never felt better.

12. I can’t find my keys. I … everywhere — in all my pockets, in my briefcase, in my desk. They’re gone.



Практичне заняття № 2

ТЕМА: У готелі. Резервація готелю (реєстрація і виписка з готелю).

Граматичний матеріал: Повторення часів Perfect.

Past Perfect.

Читання та обговорення тексту за вказаною темою:

My dream hotel


While thinking the idea of my dream hotel, I have sorted lots of variants. For a long time I could not decide which one to choose. And then I thought...

Novgorod is the place where the spirit of ancient Russian land is being kept. Boundless space of The Ilmen Lake, The Volhov river, enormous buildings of The Kremlin, numerous town temples are the monuments of original Novgorodian culture, which were created by hard work and the talent of ancient masters. And we have been saving this entire heritage till this day. That’s why I have created the idea of a hotel in an olden day’s style. But my hotel is not going to a simply new created building with rare inclusions of old days designed furniture. This is going to be much more interesting. The real historical buildings in use.

When I was a child I liked to play on the bank of the river Volhov. And one interesting building used to attract my attention. Later I have found out that this place use to be the territory of an 18th century friary. So men- monks lived there. In my project I wish to restore that friary and rebuild it into monastery style hotel.

The hotel complex will consist of 3 parts. The 1st part- the main building, the 2nd- the separated detached building- a dining- room, connected to the main building by a long passage, the 3rd - an operating church.

The main point of the idea is that the exterior of a hotel complex will be renewed, but not going to be changed and modernize. And the interior will be an eclection of friary life atmosphere and a modern days design advantages. I convinced that my guests live in comfortable and functional hotel. In that way the hotel will attract a major popularity and will be beneficially advantageous.

It will combine the functions of a narrow thematic hotel and a hotel with standard services.

This complex is now located on the north border of the town, on the bank of the river Volhov. The location is perfectly suitable to mine eclectic conception: from the one side- it situates in a distance of towns mess, surrounded by beautiful trees, flowers in bloom and the whisper of water- the view is spectacular, on the other hand- the hotel will be located in a town. Guests will be able to get to the center of the town in 20 minutes by car, and in case they don’t have one- there is a city bus which will bring them to the center in a half of an hour.

As I have already mentioned the exterior of the buildings won’t be changed, just renewed in order to save the atmosphere of a friary life.

The main trunk is a long, white, 2 floored building with a range of medium size windows in a monastery style. It will contain: the frond hall, reception area, a restaurant and the hotel rooms.

The hotel rooms a supposed to be plain but comfortable: spacious rooms, wooden covered walls - will create the sense of warmth and comfort. Wooden, fretted beds (single and double), carpets, covering the floors everywhere, wooden furniture: shelves and chests of drawers, wardrobes, fridges and TV sets will be in every room. Spacious bathrooms with a shower cabins, bidets, hairdryers, and big mirrors are compulsory part of a room standard.

The restaurant which is called " An ale cell" will be designed in a monastery style. The wide range of traditional dishes will be served there. The restaurant will offer a long list of wines and special kinds of beer. So this eating point will be oriented everyone who whishes to spend his time relaxing and tasting an excellent cuisine.

The 2nd building is a dining- room. In 17 century monks come here to eat, using the special passage. Here the 2nd eating point will be situated. The design and furniture will be a precise copy a friaries dining- room: modest furniture, plain painted walls, long table, which used to gather the monks years ago, will gather its guests in the 21st century. The cuisine is not going to be as plain as it was in a time of a friary, but the main menu will consist of fast dishes according to the religious traditions. Here I must point that there are dozens of fast, but unusual and incredibly tasty dishes.

The 3rd building is a Church of Assumption, which was built in a 16th century. After the reconstruction it will open its doors to everyone. The Church completes the hotel complex.

As a kind of entertainment the hotel will offer to its guests: an adventure horse riding walks, romantic boats rowing and open-air picnics on the bank of the river.

As a conclusion id like to add that this hotel will be a tremendous combination an olden- days cover and a comfortable and functional stuffing. Guests of the hotel will be able to not just to visit a historical monuments and see the friary life, but also to live there centuries ago novgorodian monks spent their life. Visitors will get a unique chance to plunge into a magnificent atmosphere of peace and divine grace moments.


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