7. Supply the necessary derivative/compound related to the italicized word the complete each sentence.
7. Supply the necessary derivative/compound related to the italicized word the complete each sentence.
8. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary: 1. The election results do not always show the views of the voters. 2. The sea is said to be sensibly becoming less in size. 3. I have never thought that an article could be so informative. 4. The new government is expected to pursue a vigorous environmental strategy. 5. The president of the company said that everything is open to discussion. 6. The ruin of the empire was because of the loss of freedom and the growth of despotism. 7. There have been calls for greater responsibility within the health service. 8. The duties and responsibilities of the governing board are clearly written in an official document.
9. Circle the word that does not fit into the group. Explain why. 1. luck, fortune, failure, success 2. welfare, disadvantage, harm, loss 3. discourage, hinder, dissuade, encourage 4. confusion, clarification, muddle, welter 5. preserve, attack, abandon, attack 6. reluctant, compliant, ready, willing 7. increased, reduced, lowered, dropped 8. flexibility, rigidity, intransigence, solidity 9. illegality, unlawfulness, wrongfulness, legitimacy 10. conformity, disagreement, discrepancy, inconformity
10. Make up a short situation using your active vocabulary: society, subculture, incorporation, interventionist, content, identify, to be honored, moral education, to be worth, stigmatize, established, global.
1. Imagine you are taking part in a students' discussion on stereotypes and prejudices. Read the questions and the answers some other students gave. Think of your possible answer or comment and tell the class. Name some specific stereotypes you have learned. From where/whom did you learn these stereotypes? Are they positive or negative? Are the stereotypes and prejudices the result of group membership/social and cultural identities? Which ones? How do they influence your behaviors when you have interactions with the people the stereotypes and prejudices are about?
One stereotype I have/had was that Japanese people are extremely polite and reluctant to speak their minds. I got that stereotype both from the media and, interestingly enough, from the Japanese language classes I took in high school. This affected the way I interacted with Japanese people that I met and befriended in the last 6 or 7 years (15 to 20 years after high school). It turns out that those stereotypes are no longer true, if they ever were.
Posted by pohnpei397 on February 6, 2012.
A stereotype that I have inherited comes from my own very fortunate schooling. I was lucky enough to attend a private school in Britain, and as a result of this and my own middle-class upbringing I have a very " posh" accent. This does mean that I do have a stereotype of those that do speak with some regional accents being associated with certain classes and also certain strata of society in terms of their educational achievement. Working amongst such learners for a number of years is slowly making me realise that this is not true, however! Posted by accessteacher on February 6, 2012.
One stereotype I held for many year was that athletes were not intelligent. I think this was to some degree formed from my interactions with some athletes in a few classes I took. I have since changed my mind, believing that athletes are like anyone else, some intelligent and some not. I should also say that successful athletes have a form of intelligence that I clearly do not, a kinesthetic intelligence, and that, like most people, I suspect, I tend to value forms of intelligence that are most like my own and discount those that are not. I think that is not so admirable, and it is something I work on. Posted by speamerfam on February 7, 2012.
(Источник: http: //www. enotes. com/soc/discuss/stereotypes-prejudices-118265)
2. Have you ever had problems or embarrassing moments because of the lack of knowledge on culture? What happened? Why do you think people get into such situations? Work in pairs. Student A: Read Text 1. Student B: Read Text 2. Then tell each other what happened to the person in each text.
Text 1 After a ten-hour journey from London I was really happy to have arrived at my host family's house in Colombia. They were extremely friendly even though I spoke only a little Spanish. After a while the mother asked me: " Estas casado? " I thought she was asking me if I was tired, so I said: " I, un poco, " which means " yes, a little". Suddenly everyone laughed. Later I found out that 'casado' means married, and 'cansado' means tired. So she had asked me if I was married and I said: " Oh, a little"! that was just the first of many linguistic blunders I made.
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