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Unit 2. Communication around the world


The aim of the unit is to make you become aware of different traditions for addressing people in different business cultures, different ways of introducing oneself and besides to make you realize the importance of this knowledge for doing successful business abroad.



1. Work with a partner and discuss these questions.

a. What is International communication?

b. Why is it important to know foreign languages?

c. Why does English play such a great role in modern world?


2. Now read the text and check your answers.




Silence may be golden, but can you think of a better way to entertain someone than to listen to him?

Brigham Young

http: //quotations. about. com/cs/inspirationquotes/a/Communication6. htm

International communication (sometimes referred to as global communication) is any type of communication exerted from one to another or several other countries, or implying at least two nations. As a field of study, international communication is a branch of communication studies. A related (but not identical) field is that of intercultural or cross-cultural communication.

One of the most obvious manifestations of international communication are world news, when the media of one country cover news from abroad. But, apart from journalism, international communication also occurs in other areas (culture, technology, sciences) and the nature of the " information" that is circulated can be classified in a wide variety of categories, such as cultural (music, films, sports, TV shows from one country to another), scientific (research papers published abroad, scientific exchange or cooperation), and intelligence (diplomacy reports, international espionage, etc. ).

Every day we can see that it is very important to know foreign languages. The Internet and satellite TV enable us to get information from all over the world. We are able to get education or a job in any country of the world. But we all know that we have to know the language of the country we want to study or work in. English is the world's first truly universal language. Today there are more than 1. 5 billion English speakers in the world. At any station or airport in the world we can find instructions in English. Pilots and air traffic controllers, sailors speak English at all international airports and ports. English is also the language of the information age. Computers talk to each other in English. More than 80 percent of information of any kind (scientific, commercial, personal) is stored and exchanged in English. Business and trade can't exist now without English. It is the official language of international aid organizations such as OXFAM and Save the Children Fund as well as of UNESCO, NATO and the United Nations. If we listen to the talk of young people we'll hear words like 'rap music', 'bodybuilding', windsurfing', 'computer hacker' and others. English has become a part of youth culture all over the world and in Russia too. If we want to feel ourselves comfortable in our modern world we must know English. But it's not the limit. The knowledge of one foreign language extends our mind more than twice. So let's not put limits on our minds and souls and study more foreign languages.

(Источник: http: //www. study-English. info)


3. Read the text again and complete the chart below:

International communication is any type of communication exerted from one to another or several other countries, or implying at least two nations.
One of the most obvious manifestations of international communication are…  
It is very important to know English, because…  
English is the language of the information age, so…  
Business and trade can't exist now without English…  
English is the official language of international aid organizations such as…  
We should know foreign languages, because…  


Essential Vocabulary

international communication международное общение /коммуникация
exert приводить в действие; прилагать усилия, напрягать все силы; оказывать давление; влиять
imply предполагать, подразумевать, заключать в себе, значить
intercultural /cross-cultural communication межкультурное общение
obvious очевидный, само собой разумеющийся
manifestation проявление, олицетворение; пример; обнародование
occur происходить, случаться, совершаться
research paper научно-исследовательская разработка
scientific exchange научный обмен
cooperation кооперация, сотрудничество, взаимодействие; объединение усилий, совместные действия
diplomacy дипломатия
enable давать возможность, право (что-л. сделать)
information age информационный век
scientific information научная информация
commercial information коммерческая информация
personal information личная информация
store хранить, сохранять
exchange обменивать; меняться; променять
international aid международная помощь
youth culture молодежная культура
knowledge знание
extend простираться, тянуться; длиться
limit ограничивать; ставить предел


4. Use dictionaries to study the meaning of the following vocabulary items:

international communication, cross-cultural communication, youth culture.

1. Write out common collocations with them.

2. Find derivatives formed from youth, communication.


5. Match the words with their definitions. There are two extra definitions:

1. exert a. evidence that something exists or is present
2. knowledge b. the detailed study of something in order to discover new facts, especially in a university or scientific institution
3. personal information c. to use influence, authority, or power in order to affect or achieve something
4. diplomacy d. to suggest that you think something without saying it directly
5. manifestation e. to give someone the ability or opportunity to do something
6. research paper f. to exist or be found somewhere
7. scientific exchange g. all the facts that someone knows about a particular subject
8. imply h. a situation in which people or organizations work together to achieve a result that will benefit all of them
9. enable i. a situation in which one scientist gives another scientist something and receives something else of a similar type or value in return
10. occur j. knowledge or facts about someone
  k. a situation in which people give each other information or discuss their ideas and opinions
  l. the profession or skill of preserving or creating friendly relationships between countries


6. Fill in the blanks with words from the word-box. There is one extra vocabulary item:

commercial information international aid scientific information
extend information age diplomacy

1. We live in an ____________, when those with more and better information supposedly have an advantage.

2. They were unable to get the needed ______________ about their competitors.

3. The Professor promotes the study of philosophy and provides a clearing house for ______________ in this field.

4. The refugee camps were almost totally dependent on _____________ and the food situation was terrible.

5. The forest ___________ beyond the border.


7. Supply the necessary derivative/compound related to the italicized word the complete each sentence.

obvious Richards was ______________ disappointed at being left out of the team.
store The design can be ________ on floppy disk.
exchange One thing was clear: the past and the future were _________ shots.
limit His research demonstrated the ___________of intelligence testing techniques.
cooperation They threatened to harm him if he didn't ____________.
occur Unfortunately, computer errors are a common __________.


8. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary:

1. Everyone must now display himself.

2. Candidates for the job must have a working cognition of at least one European language.

3. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, you have a right to know who holds privacy about you.

4. A contributing reason for his success was that he never wasted time on friendly relationships.

5. During this peaceful demonstration no incident was noticed, and the square was under the control of police.

6. He dropped the mug of coffee bang in the middle of my scientific work.

7. The staff of both universities agreed to make an academic interchange to develop biology science.

8. His silence meant consent.

9. This is what will help the country to get out of the crisis.

10. In his memoirs, the writer wistfully added, " All such things happen in war.



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