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4. Read about some attributes of Americans that are often misunderstood by foreigners. Then use the dialogue above as a model to speak about Americans.

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I'm from Colombia but I've lived in the US for ten years. When I first got a car, I needed to buy gas so I drove to a gas station and sat there waiting to be served. And I sat there, and I sat there, and no one came. Eventually, I went into the store and asked for a full tank of gas. The girl took my money and I went back to the car and waited again. Still no one came. So I thought maybe someone had done it for me while I was in the store. So I drove off. But then I looked at the gasometer and the tank was completely empty. I drove back to the gas station and suddenly I realized I had to fill the car myself. I've never done this before because in Colombia the people who work at the gas station do it for you. Well, I felt a bit stupid, as you can imagine.



3. Find some information about people in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, about their attitude to each other. Read the dialogue and say whether you agree with what is said about the Scots and the Welsh.  


- I've never been to Scotland, what are the people like there?

- Uh, well, that depends; they're quite different from the English. They're much more outgoing and talkative. They're much less reserved and they love chatting – especially the country people, you know, from the Highlands.

- They've the reputation for being tight with their money. Do you think they're mean?

- No, they're quite the opposite. They're great people, very generous and hospitable. I mean, a lot of them don't have much, but they always welcome visitors with open arms and will offer them lots of food and drink at home. I think the Scots are brilliant people! I don't think Welsh people are that friendly though.

- I disagree, it's difficult to generalize but I think the Welsh are quite friendly. They are proud of the Welsh language and often speak it. They're Welsh and speak Welsh, so why shouldn't they speak their language? People thin the Welsh are unfriendly just because they want to speak their own language!


4. Read about some attributes of Americans that are often misunderstood by foreigners. Then use the dialogue above as a model to speak about Americans.


Understanding American Cultural Values


Shared history and geography often give rise to the perceptions that become incorporated into a nation's identity. Although America's communal history is relatively short, many U. S. - born citizens inherently display values that are rooted in historical events. As with any culture, Americans have distinguishable values that international students should try to understand so they can successfully adjust. While there are many American perceptions and behaviors that are worthy of discussion, the focus of this article is on five attributes of Americans that sometimes result in confusion or even clashes with members of outside cultures.


1. Equality - Considered important enough to be written into the U. S. Declaration of Independence, this concept has given rise to some of the nation's deepest beliefs, aspirations, and rights. Although it is not always achieved, Americans strive for equality. We commonly use the first names of our elders, professors, and lawyers - a lack of deference to age and authority that is commonly mistaken for disrespect or laziness by foreigners. Similarly, our sensitivity to disparity and unfairness causes us to be outraged when someone receives special privilege due to their family's wealth or notoriety.


2. Hard Work - Americans believe that through hard work and human endeavor, one can improve their status in life. Values such as thriftiness, hard work, and ingenuity go back to a time when pioneers began settling the western United States. There was so much land and so many opportunities, but it was dangerous and difficult. These conditions led to an adopted mentality of " work hard or perish" that has withstood the test of time and been passed down through generations.


3. Directness/Transparency - Americans are often perceived (sometimes negatively) as bold, especially in their professional dealings. One theory about this phenomenon is that, because the earliest U. S. citizens had vastly different backgrounds, languages, and expectations, they adopted a very direct approach so as to avoid misunderstandings. This characteristic can be seen as overbearing or rude in certain contexts.


4. Time-focused - Punctuality is another American quality that was likely transmitted from our northern European ancestors who resettled in the 1800s. Time-focused societies think that people who show up late are being disrespectful or unprofessional. Americans believe in deadlines and sticking to the agenda.


5. Individualism - This is also most likely rooted in America's history of immigrants who left families and support systems behind to start a new life. They needed to rely on themselves in order to be successful and thus became independent minded. Many Americans believe that this individualism translates directly to the freedoms outlined by the U. S. Declaration of Independence - the right to " life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. " While the dogged pursuit of happiness can be viewed as childish or foolish in some cultures, Americans cherish the right to live according to one's own ideas of success and satisfaction.


Understanding the history behind common American values helps to put them into perspective. Schools can help their incoming foreign students by matching them up with a cultural mentor - another student from the local culture - who can explain the cultural roots of the American qualities that are often difficult to understand.


(Источник: http: //www. usaeducationguides. com/guidance/articles/100125-understanding-american-values. jsp)



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