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7. Supply the necessary derivative/compound related to the italicized word the complete each sentence.

7. Supply the necessary derivative/compound related to the italicized word the complete each sentence.

entertaining Haughtiness is founded on the high opinion we ___________ of ourselves; disdain, on the low opinion we have of others.
confusing I'm still a little ____________about what happened.
exuberant Feeling that the _____________ of her feelings had astonished Nicole, she hung her head.
inextricably Art and life are ____________.
weave Fresh or dried flowers can be ________ into a garland.
precisely He is very _____________ about dates and facts.


8. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary:

1. The process of defining alternative aims will highlight the choices and trade-offs that will need to be made.

2. The speaker amused the crowd with some jokes tacked on to his speech.

3. The speaker accompanied his angry words with forceful movements of the hands.

4. We resort to adventurous hypotheses for explanation of this fact.

5. He was fond of saying soft things which meant nothing.

6. Our age is abundant with promise.

7. I am sure you are quite pleased that you have managed to mix us up with your extraordinary affairs.

8. In her mind, the two ideas are tightly linked.

9. Will you be so obliging to show us the road to the nearest hotel?

10. He changed the construction of the last phrase, though the thought remained exactly the same.


9. Circle the word that does not fit into the group. Explain why.

1. clash, conflict, collide, dispute

2. giddy, light, light-headed, frivolous

3. fearsome, forbidding, horrent, menacing

4. voluptuous, sensual, carnal, sensuous

5. braid, wave, plait, knit

6. myriad, innumerable, countless, immeasurable

7. shrink, lessen, diminish, decrease

8. bright, blazing, vivid, graphic


10. Make up a short situation using your active vocabulary:

custom, cultural borders, an open-armed welcome, adopt, body language, gesture, montage, fist, hugging, clenched, sign.




1. What are white lies? When can you tell a white lie? Think of a situation when a white lie can help you sound polite and avoid hurting other people's feelings.

What would you say in the following situations?

    A friend of yours has bought a new dress. She thinks is beautiful and suits her perfectly, but you think it looks awful. She asks you whether you like the dress.

    You are at a party. You have just eaten some vegetables and you find them disgusting. The hostess offers you some more.


Read the dialogues. Which of them are more polite?

1. a) Where's the post office?

b) Could you tell me the way to the post office, please?

2. a) Can you come to our party on Saturday?

    No, I can't.

    b) Can you come to our party on Saturday?

    I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't. I'm working this Saturday.

3. a) Can you open the window?


    b) Do you mind opening the window?

    No, not at all.

4. a) Goodbye! Thanks for the meal.

    Bye! See you!

    b) Goodbye! It was a lovely evening! Thank you so much!

    So glad you could make it. Have a safe journey home. See you soon.

5. a) Excuse me, is there a bank near here?

    (you didn't here what the person said) Sorry?

    b) Excuse me, is there a bank near here?

    (you didn't hear what the person said) What?

Make these requests more polite. Use the expressions in the box.

Give me a lift. Lend me your pen. Help me find the keys. What's the time? Where's the bank? When does the meeting start?


Could you…? Would you mind…? I wonder if you could…? Do you think you could…? Do you know…? Do you happen to know…?


Refuse these requests and invitations politely. Use the expressions in the box.

1. Hi! How about coming for a meal tomorrow evening?

2. Can you help me with my Maths homework? We are doing algebra.

3. Can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is, please?

4. Susan, could you do me a favour? I have to go away next week. could you look after my cat?

That's very kind of you, but… I'm terribly sorry. I'm afraid I… I would if I could, but… I'd love to, but…


2. Role-play the situation.

Student A. You are Pat. You have come to a party. You have brought some flowers for the hosts. You and Henry haven't met before. You have to leave the party early because you are going away and you haven't packed you bags yet.

Student B. You are Henry. You are already at the room when Pat enters. Pat seems interesting and you want to know more about her. You ask questions.

Students C. You are the host. You meet Pat in the hall and then introduce her to Henry. You make a speech at table. When Pat leaves you see her off.

Student D. You are the hostess. You offer food and drinks at table. You are sorry to hear that Pat has to leave early.


3. What do you know about going to parties in Britain? Complete the sentences:

1. British teenagers never/rarely/always wear a tie to the party.

2. Nowadays weddings are still formal/mostly informal.

3. If you are invited to a dinner party, you should arrive on time/should arrive at least ten minutes late/ can arrive any time.

4. If you are invited to someone's house, you should/don't have to bring a present.

5. When teenagers go to a party they are absolutely safe/have to be careful.


Read the dialogue and check your answers. Then make up a similar dialogue about going to parties in other countries.


(I=Interview, N=Nick, L=Linda)

I: Welcome to " Culture Corner". Today we are talking about parties and we have two teenagers from Britain in the studio. Linda and Nick, thank you for coming!

N and L: Thanks for inviting us.

I: So, could you, perhaps, give some advice to our listeners about what to do, and what not to do, at parties in Britain?

L: Well, obviously it depends on what kind of party it is. You know, if it's very formal, you should dress smartly.

N: Yes, but nowadays you don't have to be too formal. I mean, I never wear a tie, except at weddings maybe.

L: Right.

I: Are there any special things you should do when you are invited to someone's house?

L: Again, it depends. You shouldn't arrive late to a dinner party – the dinner could be ruined! You should be on time!

N: Mm, and you should take something with you, maybe a bottle of wine, or a box of chocolates.

L: Yeah, or flowers, maybe.

I: What sort of parties teenagers like yourselves go to?

N: Ah, well, they are not so formal!

L: No, we don't really have any rules. But, you shouldn't accept a lift home from a person you don't know…




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