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Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.

1. A Zimbabwean judge sentenced the former president to a year in prison, provided he pay compensation and commit no more offences.

2. Foreign-owned companies that set up British subsidiaries to channel their profits pay no tax, provided their management and control remain outside.

3. Today most people in rich societies assume that, provided they obey the law, they have a right to enjoy privacy whenever it suits them.

4. What gives voting its democratic character is that, provided that the election is competitive, it empowers the public to “kick the rascals out,” and it thus makes politicians publicly accountable.

5. Objections to this plan, supposing there are any, should be reported to the committee at once.

6. Granted that storm clouds were gathering over the economic affairs of the nation, we were given hopes of a fresh breeze from the Exchequer to blow them away.

7. It cannot be denied that, granting the difficulty of the undertaking, she has done her work with great skill.

8. Assuming the hearty cooperation of all the members, it is reasonable to expect that the celebration will be successful.

9. The French government is committed, assuming all the existing “preconditions” are met, to suggest to the Assembly next Tuesday that it should fix a date for the debate.

10. Prospects are bright for a big expansion of trade between these two countries, following the signing of a new three-year trade agreement.

11. The Security Council on Friday voted unanimously to end the UN peacekeeping missions in Angola, following the collapse of peace accords.

12. Brazil will allow the real (its currency) to trade freely, following last week's failed attempt at a limited devaluation. The currency has lost nearly a third of its value since that move.

13. Nevertheless, the leaders did decide what they describe as a strong message to agricultural ministers to get back to the negotiating table in Brussels next week, following their failure to reach any agreement this week.

14. Today's inflation report from the Bank of England shows that following the Government's tough action to get the economy back on track, growth is set to strengthen through next year with inflation falling to its 2.5 per cent target.

15. In Bremen, following a demonstration against atomic energy, the police seized 24 youths and charged them with smashing show windows of banks, department stores and other businesses.

16. The idea of waging a nuclear war appears inconceivable, and winning one, meaningless, given the scale of destruction on all sides.

17. Analysts said the downward revision of the forecast for Hong Kong's economy came as no surprise given the current economic climate.

18. Given the growing availability of pornographic material by mail order and through the Internet, it must be better to attempt to police this market in a more sophisticated way rather than taking refuge in old rules.

19. Is demand lagging too far behind supply just now? Does global monetary policy need to be eased? A strange question to ask in the United Stated, given that its economy is currently stretched as tight as a drum.

20. Failing agreement by the United States to steps of this kind, serious consideration should be given to the possibilities and scope for concerted action by the industrialized countries of Western Europe to maintain high levels of output and trade in the international economy outside the United States.

21. The only certainty is that on this last lap of the race every effort will be made by the larger parties to win over liberal voters or, failing that, to encourage by every means the liberal obstacle to their opponents' chances.

22. This was what the Tories want. They are against the Bill, but failing its complete defeat they are aiming to get it amended into uselessness.

23. Pending the reopening of negotiations and fearing the abrogation of some privileges the State Council adopted certain measures.

24. Founder and guru of Aum CM. was thrown in jail pending the outcome of a trial that could drag on for years.

25. The one decisive thing which Mr Dobson has done is to freeze the closure of any more London hospitals pending yet another wide-ranging review of the capital's health needs.

26. It is argued that the risk that Britain runs in exposing her hand, though not to be discounted, is well worth taking, considering the importance to British industry of the negotiations as a whole.

27. The decision this month, according to the sources, was to postpone any such changes pending a large policy review regarding relations with China and Taiwan.

28. The 31 were charged with criminal association and jailed pending interrogation.

29. At this point the lenders funds are in a non-interest bearing account, so time is of the essence regarding the closing of the loan.

Форма на -ing

Форма, оканчивающаяся на -ing, может быть причастием, герундием, прилагательным или отглагольным существительным. И герундий, и причастие могут выступать в функции определения и обстоятельства, но причастие выполняет эти функции без предлога (оно может сочетаться только с союзами when и while), а герундий (или герундиальный комплекс) в этих функциях всегда следует за предлогом. Для герундия характерно также сочетание с существительным, местоимением, иногда с личным местоимением в притяжательном или косвенном падеже (герундиальный комплекс). Причастие сочетается с существительным в общем падеже и гораздо реже с местоимением в именительном падеже.

Прилагательное, как правило, стоит перед существительным, которое оно определяет (в отличие от причастия, которое постпозитивно по отношению к определяемому). Существительное, в отличие от герундия, может определяться артиклем и прилагательным, а также иметь форму множественного числа.


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