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1. Private providers of social services should be on formal contracts with the government, and accountable to it.

2. To outsiders of all stripes, it has long been evident that Cypriots should put aside their feud and create a federation that would amount to double self-rule and single formal sovereignty.

3. But at least both sets of Cypriots, if they are not going to work seriously to resolve differences, should keep them below the threshold of disturbance to others.

4. The main parties accept that the Commons should continue to be the superior House, but how far should the second Chamber be formally recognized as a check and balance?

5. The poll found 60 per cent of people thought the monarchy should be modernised, while 49 per cent believed the Queen should relinquish her political role, including the right to dissolve parliament.

6. The Act of Supremacy of 1559, which makes the monarch the head of the Church of England, should be repealed, the report suggests. A referendum should decide whether or not the heir should succeed to the throne.

7. The other problem is constitutional. Should minority nations be content with some special status within the host country, or should they seek separation?

8. “We in America need to think harder about the urgencies and pit falls of intervening in a civil war over the government's protests and on the rebels' side. If it sets a precedent, it should not set a rule,” a US official said.

9. As for the European parliament, its role as scrutineer and bringer to book should grow.

10. Trade unionists should not be taken in by the blood-curdling shrieks from the boardrooms.

11. The deal, once ratified by both sides, should take effect at the end of the year.

12. The Council president added that the call should be backed by the official bodies of the labour and trade union movement supported by broad democratic and community organizations.

13. He said that this was not a temporary problem. Lasting arrangements should be made.

14. It is important that the real situation should be examined because anything which promotes irrational differences between earnings in an industry is bound to cause trouble.

15. This news sums up the impact of inflation and economic crisis, aggravated by policies pursued by successive governments, particularly the present one.

It is odd, therefore, that the Chancellor should have chosen yesterday to tell an audience of French government business figures that Britain was “always a politically stable country.”

16. It was not without significance, he said, that people who were connected at that level with the situation should be expressing grave disquiet.

17. The Premier admitted yesterday that it was natural that people should be disturbed at food being thrown away when millions of people were undernourished.

18. It can hardly be fortuitous that the Minister should have taken the opportunity of the last meeting in Delhi to publicly summarize his plans for the future of the three fighting services.

19. The voters are beginning, at last, to wonder whether it is right that farming should absorb almost half the EU's budget.

20. They insisted that the exact demands should be outlined so that the European Union could be in no doubt about them.

21. It appears doubtful whether the formula will meet the Government's insistence that the UN sanctions should not lead to economic confrontation with that country.

22. Three days later the Administration had served formal notice that it would insist that the General Assembly, on its opening day November 10, squarely face the decision of whether or not to invoke Article 19.

23. William Hague insisted that Tory peers reject the closed-list provisions of the European elections Bill.

24. The paper also recommended that the eligibility age for retirement benefits be raised gradually from 65 to 68 by the year 2012.

25. There should be considerable support for the demand that the Minister of Justice act to invalidate the outrageous court decision ordering two dedicated social workers to forfeit 300 bail sureties following the failure of a youth to appear in court on charge.

26. The report suggests that the monarch's role [in Britain] should be that of head of state, but with “minimal connection with the executive, the legislature or the judiciary.”

27. A report published by one of the largest housing associations suggests that architects and planners should cater more considerately for the ethnic tenants who rent roughly 14 per cent of their homes.

28. Models of democracy that have been constructed on the basis of liberal individualism have usually proposed that democracy be restricted to political life, with politics being narrowly defined

29. Because of Russian and French opposition, the UN Security Council could not agree to a proposal from America and Britain that Iraq be warned of “serious consequences” should it persist in thumbing its nose.

30. “The moment requires that we be aware of our responsibility and be austere in balancing our accounts,” President of Brazil said during inauguration of a Volkswagen AG plant in southern Brazil.

31. The majority of people, be they politicians, trade unionists or employers, are now all in favour of East-West trade. The problem today is how to break down the remaining barriers.

32. Mr. Gingrich, nobly taking responsibility for the Republicans' election disappointment, has resigned as speaker of the House of Representatives lest his presence be “ an excuse for divisiveness and factionalism.”

Can, may, must

1. Глагол CAN. Кроме своего основного значения, передающего умение, способность или объективную возможность совершить действие, глагол саn (в утвердительной форме) выражает предположение и переводится словами может быть, возможно, мог и т.п. или сомнение (в вопросительной и отрицательной форме) и переводится словами неужели, не может быть, чтобы и т.п. Форма could передает меньшую уверенность предположения или сомнения. Перфектная форма инфинитива после саn и could относит действие к прошедшему времени или она означает, что действие могло состояться, но не состоялось.

It could be true but it is advisable to find out first what has really happened there. Может быть, это и правда (что сомнительно), но лучше сначала выяснить, что же в действительности там произошло.

2. Глагол MAY. В языке газетных статей глагол may чаще всего выступает в значении предположения и переводится словами может быть, возможно. Форма might указывает на меньшую уверенность предположения, на сомнение. Перфектная форма инфинитива после may относит действие к прошедшему времени.

The Chancellor's measures might help towards an agreement on an incomes policy. But this still has to be proved. Мероприятия, предложенные министром финансов, может быть, и помогут достичь соглашения по политике доходов. Но это еще нужно доказать.

Two factors may temporarily have increased their caution. Возможно, два фактора временно усилили их осторожность.

Примечание. 1. Глагол may может выступать также в качестве вспомогательного глагола, образуя форму сослагательного наклонения, главным образом в придаточных предложениях цели после that, so that, lest и в придаточных уступительных после whatever, however и т.п. В таких случаях may не переводится

They are determined to achieve this aim, however difficult it may seem. Они полны решимости добиться этой цели, какой бы трудной она ни казалась.

2. После глаголов саn и may слово well означает вполне, с успехом

The EU Commission's fate could well be decided by the tenor of the committee's report. Вполне возможно, что судьба Комиссии Европейского Союза будет определена тональностью ее доклада.

3. Глагол MUST. Основное значение глагола must — долженствование. Кроме того, глагол must (в утвердительной форме) часто употребляется в значении предположения со значительной долей уверенности и переводится словами должно быть, вероятно, по всей вероятности и т.п. Перфектная форма инфинитива после must означает, что предположение относится к прошедшему времени.

They must have known about it for a certain time. Они, должно быть, уже в течение некоторого времени знали об этом.

Примечание Предположение со значительной долей уверенности, относящееся к прошлому, может также передаваться глаголом will с перфектным инфинитивом.

Some kind of decision will have been taken by now. К настоящему времени какое-то решение уже по всей вероятности принято, (...вероятно, они уже приняли какое-то решение.)

They will have finished that discussion by now. К этому моменту (сейчас) они, наверняка, закончили это обсуждение.


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