News from NAB. The Linearilobum. Maple Meetings in the Wild. Newsletter Questionnaire Summary. Editorial Team. President
Стр 1 из 12Следующая ⇒
by Peter Gregory
News from NAB by Bill Hibler
The Linearilobum by Alan Tabler
Maple Meetings in the Wild by Roy Lancaster OBE VMH
Some Historical Cultivars of Norway Maple by Mał gorzata Godlewska Newsletter Questionnaire Summary by Hugh Angus
Editorial Team Hugh Angus, 9 Vale Leaze, Little Somerford, Wiltshire, SN15 5JS, UK. editor@maplesociety. org Piotr Banaszczak Miles Hayward Maple Society Offi cers: President Roy Lancaster Vice-Presidents Lawrence Banks Peter Catt James G. S. Harris Dr. Piet C. de Jong Douglas Justice Mikinori Ogisu Chairman Agustin Coello-Vera. 22 Avenue du Bois de Labarthe, 31820 Pibrac, France. chair@maplesociety. org Vice-Chairman vacant Secretary Fran de la Mota, 1913 Endeavor Court, Seabrook, TX 77586, USA secretary@maplesociety. org Treasurer René e Hopper, treasurer@maplesociety. org Committee Hugh Angus Piotr Banaszczak Dan Crowley Simon Grant Miles Hayward Graham Jones (Webmaster) North American Branch (TMSNAB) President Bill Hibler Vice-President Robin Gardner Secretary-Treasurer Marielle Eykemans, TMSNAB, P. O. Box 2635, Port Angeles, WA 98362, U. S. A. Board Michael Cook Lynn Swanson Alan Tabler Adam Wheeler Newsletter Contributions The deadline for contributions to the Winter 2021 (1st December) Newsletter is 1st November 2021, and should be sent to the Newsletter Editor at the contact details shown on the left. Contributions sent by e-mail can be in plain text in the body of the e-mail; or as an attached Microsoft ® Word document, whilst photographs or drawings should be in JPEG, BMP, PNG, or TIFF formats and sent as attachments. The Maple Society on the Internet Visit the Society's website at https: //www. maplesociety. org or our pages on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for all the latest news and information. The University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, Canada, (" UBC" ) hosts various public forums, including one for maples at http: //forums. botanicalgarden. ubc. ca/ forums/maples. 9. Users of these forums who are also members of The Maple Society can join the Maple Society User Group on the UBC website which gives access to The Maple Society Members Only private forum, see http: //forums. botanicalgarden. ubc. ca/threads/for-maple-society- members. 3330/. To be granted access to the private forum, you will need to communicate the code word 'Orangeola' to UBC administrators.
© 2021 The Maple Society, author and/or photographer No part of this Newsletter may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, magnetic media, photocopying or otherwise, without the permission, in writing, of The Maple Society or the author. The views and opinions expressed by the authors of the articles in the Newsletter do not necessarily represent those of The Maple Society, its Officers, or Committee members. The inclusion of an advertisement does not represent an endorsement by The Maple Society of the goods or services offered.
Front Cover Photo: Drawing of Acer platanoides from Vietz (Iconoes plantarum medico-oeconomico-technologicarum, 1806). See the article on page 36. Printed by: print wise, Unit 4 Normanton Lane Industrial Estate, Bottesford, Nottingham, Ng13 OEL, United Kingdom
Hugh Angus Editorial & Society News
As always we have some interesting articles for you covering a range of diff erent subjects. The late Peter Gregory's profi le of Acer velutinum starts the articles and is followed in turn by various other maple related articles. Bill gives us an update from North America which is both informative and interesting. Alan's article gives us an insight into the Linearilobum group and is accompanied by his usual high quality images. Roy Lancaster gives us an insight into his experiences of seeing maples in the wild. I wonder just how many will still be growing in the places that he saw them. This is followed by a short summary of the Newsletter questionnaire. One thing that clearly came out of that was the desire to have a news/letters page in the newsletter. This does however mean that I need material for it, so get writing as we shall be starting that in the next edition. Then Anthony Aiello gives us a great insight into maple cultivation in the Delaware Valley and this is followed by part one of a three part series on some of the historic cultivars of Acer platanoides. If you are like me I tend to think more about Acer palmatum when someone starts to talk about maple cultivars so these articles have been a real eye opener!
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