News from North American Branch
News from North American Branch
he adage “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” was never truer than for the North American Branch (MSNAB). Because of the Corona virus pandemic, video chat meetings became the norm and the MSNAB board has met monthly on Zoom. The ability to meet “live” has allowed us to include Chairman Agustin in our meetings to ensure that we are in synch with plans for the Maple Society while moving forward with our goals for the future, especially those relating to increasing membership. Mission: After some discussion, we have settled on a new mission statement that refl ects the attitudes and interests of most of our members: “The mission of the North American Branch of the Maple Society is to provide members with social and educational opportunities to further their knowledge and enjoyment of maples. ” We feel this is a concise and easy way to tell a prospective member why he or she should join us. Resellers: We are contacting retail maple sellers and asking them to join. Some have off ered discounts to members which can be another incentive for someone to join us. I am asking each of you to invite your favorite online or storefront nursery to join us. If you prefer, send the contact information to me at president@maplesocietynorthamerica. org and to board member Alan Tabler at tablerchord@msn. com. We will be happy to approach them. NWF& GF: We will again have a booth at the Northwest Flower and Garden Festival. This time, in February 2022 we will likely share a booth with the American Conifer Society. This allows us to appeal to a wider audience and makes it easier to staff the booths for the fi ve days of the event. If you plan to be in Seattle during this event, please contact me if you would like to participate. I will have a signup sheet as we get closer to the event. We are modifying our banner and brochure to include the mission statement and the dates of the Symposium. Website: We are moving forward with our website. By the time this is published, I will have met more than once with a designer who has done other horticultural sites. We are also working with those involved with the new site for the Maple Society to ensure cohesiveness. Among other features we will have a calendar of events—local, national, and international and a roster that includes each member's contact information with their ability and willingness to host events or allow visits and tours. 2022 Symposium: The dates and location are set as October 28 – October 30, Raleigh, NC with post- tour events on 10/31 and 11/1. Board member Lynn Swanson has done a tremendous job lining up accommodations that include transportation to and from the airport and top-fl ight facilities for meetings and presentations. Watch for announcements of speakers and tours in future newsletters. Bylaws: On the organizational side, Vice President Robin Gardner has begun the process of revising
The Maple Society Newsletter● Autumn/Fall 2021 ● Vol. 31/3 11 our bylaws to better refl ect the new reality of the way we operate and fi lling in gaps in items usually found in organizations like ours. This is a huge job, and I am grateful for and could not imagine anyone else doing it. Board Members: We are looking for two more board members. After many years of service, Keith Johannson has moved to Italy, taking himself a bit outside of North America. With a bit of envy, we wish him well and look forward to him introducing Acer truncatum to the Mediterranean. We would like to have someone from the Northeast quadrant of the US and another member from the central states. If you know someone to nominate, including yourself, please send the information to Secretary Marielle Eykemans at secretary@maplesocietynorthamerica. org. Regions: While we are working toward off ering regional social and educational activities, we will not add a layer of authorities—no offi cers or board members for each region. We do need regional representatives who, for lack of a better title, will serve as regional directors. This does not have to be a single individual and can likely function best as a sub-committee of two or three members from each region. The “duties” are to organize and provide for online and/or in-person activities that promote our mission. Once again, we are looking to our members to either volunteer or nominate individuals to fi ll this role. Our overall aim is to make this organization more fun as well as interesting and informative. Please send contact information to Secretary Marielle and to me. I want to thank all the members who have already responded to previous requests and a special thanks to the board members who have made the commitment to energize our organization. I look forward to meeting members throughout the country at the symposium next year. I am also willing to travel to regional activities and certainly expect to participate in any online events.
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