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12 The Maple Society Newsletter ● Autumn/Fall 2021 ● Vol. 31/3





The Maple Society Newsletter● Autumn/Fall 2021 ● Vol. 31/3              13






text and photos by Alan Tabler

Acer palmatum 'Scolopendrifolium Rubrum'

orange autumn foliage.

It should be noted that the juvenile foliage of the 'Linearilobum' varieties is frequently wider in the spring, narrowing as the leaf matures. This is also true for younger fast-growing plants that produce larger wider leaves. The leaves will become narrower as the tree matures. Supplemental watering also may be needed to keep strap-leaf varieties from defoliating in the late summer heat.

'Scolopendrifolium Rubrum' can be semi-upright in stature when compared to the shorter, wider 'Atrolineare'. 'Scolopendrifolium Rubrum' will achieve a height of about 14 to 16', while 'Atrolineare' will seldom exceed 12 to 14'. Both have plum purple foliage and garnet fall color. Twenty years ago, 'Atrolineare' was the dominant red strap-leaf in production. It is now surpassed by several newer varieties.


14 The Maple Society Newsletter ● Autumn/Fall 2021 ● Vol. 31/3





'Beni otake' 'Hubb's Red Willow'


'Hubb's (Hobb's) Red Willow' is a favorite of the group with noticeable serrated leaf lobes and an upright vase shape. It retains its red to purple color well into summer and has brilliant scarlet autumn foliage. It is a hardy variety that maintains its vase shape even in maturity. With 'Beni otake', 'Hubb's Red Willow' has the strongest sales at the nursery.

Both 'Beni otake' and 'Keiser' are beautiful varieties, taller than wide in habit. Both can be subject to reversion on occasion, so care must be taken to collect scionwood with narrower leaves. Both will mature to around 16' in height with 'Beni otake' being narrower in form. Both have scarlet fall color.

'Scolopendrifolium' (not the same cultivar as 'Scolopendrifolium Rubrum') is placed in the red group because of its scarlet macaw red fall color. The variety has delightful, but short lived, pink to orange spring color. Foliage matures to a good medium green. It is a strong wide grower to 18 to 20' and can dominate a landscape. It is an underappreciated gem of a variety.


'Keiser' 'Scolopendrifolium'


'Pung kil' 'Enkan' 'Red Pygmy'


'Filifera Purpurea'

'Pung kil' is a Korean import which retains its purple red color throughout the Oregon summer. Mature height is unknown but will probably in the 12 to 14' range. It can also be subject to reversion to larger leaves so care must be taken to collect narrow leaf wood for grafting. 'Pung kil' is fairly rare in the trade but is an excellent variety and will become common because of its excellent color and Christmas tree form. Fall color is a pinkish red.

'Enkan' (Aken ies) is more of a bush than a tree. Staking and trimming is necessary to achieve an upright form. Otherwise, it is a multibranched bush to about 6' in height and width. Autumn foliage is a bright scarlet.

'Red Pygmy' is an old-school strap-leaf variety. Spring foliage is red fading to a reddish green in summer. 'Red Pygmy' is a misnomer as the variety can reach 14' in height. Fall color is a good garnet orange and form is generally taller than wide.

'Filifera Purpurea' is the larger cousin to 'Villa Taranto'. Like 'Villa Taranto' it has multiple color phases. Early spring color is a bright pink, changing to orange and then red, then green, then straw gold and fi nally to garnet in







the fall. Unlike 'Villa Taranto', 'Filifera Purpurea' retains its central leader and forms a round headed tree to about 10 to 12'. It is a plant of home coming that should be seen daily to appreciate its color palette.

Turning to the green linearilobum, the cultivar 'Linearilobum' is one of the early progenitors of the type. It is a slower growing maple to 12 to 14', much wider than tall. Spring color is a yellow green maturing to a good medium green. In time it will become a center piece in the garden. Autumn foliage is a soft yellow orange. It has been mostly replaced by 'Ao shime-no-uchi' in the trade. 'Ao shime-no-uchi' has strap-leaf foliage similar to 'Linearilobum', but it is a faster growing and more upright tree to about 14 to 16'. Fall foliage is an excellent orange to burnt orange color.

When people think of the linearilobum group, 'Koto no ito' is the plant that comes to mind. It has a narrow almost columnar form that works well as a foundation plant or in tight corners. Its narrow yellow green harp string leaves form delicate clouds of foliage. It will mature to about 16' in height while keeping its narrow vase form


'Ao shime-no-uchi' 'Koto no ito'







'Yama gawa'

Acer sieboldianum 'Shoryu no tsume'

even in old age. Fall color is a brilliant yellow to orange. It is simply one of the most versatile attractive Japanese maples available.

'Kinshi' is a similar plant to 'Koto no ito' but with deeper green foliage and wider form. At maturity it will be a shorter grower than 'Koto no ito', to about 12 to 14' but with a heavier wider branching structure. It is an excellent plant, frequently used as a replacement for 'Koto no ito' when needed. Autumn color is yellow to a bright orange.

'Yama gawa' is a semi-dwarf version of 'Kinshi' with deep green leaves. References state that the bark is corky, similar to the Pine Bark group, but this has never been witnessed. It is a good choice when the maple needs to remain shorter than ten to 12'. Fall color is a deep orange to red.

In the non Acer palmatum world, A. sieboldianum 'Shoryu no tsume' is a favorite in the strap-leaf group. Spring foliage is a kelly green maturing to deep emerald green. It is a strong wide grower probably in excess of 18'. It is upright when young but will become as wide as tall. It has the noticeable hairy twigs and cold hardiness of the species. Fall color is a bright scarlet and quite noticeable in the landscape.

There are of course many more linearilobum varieties, and more being developed every day. While I mentioned only the larger growing strap-leaf varieties, there is an attractive linearilobum in every size needed.

They say the devil is in the detail, but so is the beauty. I hope to have the eyes to stop and study the details, because that is the way to look towards heaven.


'Yama gawa'

Acer sieboldianum 'Shoryu no tsume'




Morris, Lancaster and Beer above Thudam


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