Make a presentation about your college (guide an excursion)
Федеральное государственное казенное Профессиональное образовательное учреждение «Ломоносовский морской колледж Военно-Морского Флота» Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
Рассмотрено Утверждаю на заседании ПМК Г и СЭД Начальник цикла Г и СЭД протокол № __ от «___»__________г. ___________/В. Бундалевский Председатель ПМК «____» _____________ 201_ г. _________/М. Матузко
СБОРНИК ТЕКСТОВ И УПРАЖНЕНИЙ «LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF» По дисциплине Английский язык Специальности: 26.02.03. «Судовождение», 26.02.05. «Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок» Предназначена: для совершенствования навыков чтения и устной речи курсантов по темам: «Знакомство», «Мой колледж», «Мой день в колледже», «Моя будущая специальность», «Российская Федерация», «Москва», «Санкт-Петербург», «Порт Санкт-Петербург», «В порту». Автор-составитель: преподаватель английского языка М. Рылова Ломоносов 2018 Содержание 1. Введение……………………………………………………………… 3 стр. 2. About myself…………………………………………………………… 3. My college……………………………………………………………… 4. My day at college………………………………………………………. 5. My future profession…………………………………………………… 6. The Russian Federation………………………………………………… 7. Moscow………………………………………………………………… 8. Saint Petersburg………………………………………………………… 9. The Port of Saint Petersburg……………………………………………. 10. In the port………………………………………………………………. 11. Список использованных источников………………………………….16 стр.
Введение Цель методической разработки: совершенствования навыков чтения и устной речи курсантов по темам: «Знакомство», «Мой колледж», «Мой день в колледже», «Моя будущая специальность», «Российская Федерация», «Москва», «Санкт-Петербург», «Порт Санкт-Петербург», «В порту». Методическая разработка представляет собой сборник текстов и упражнений по английскому языку для курсантов 1 и 2 курса судоводительской и судомеханической специальностей. Задания направлены на отработку произношения, изучение новой лексики, отработку нового грамматического материала, совершенствование навыков устной и письменной речи. Это –чтение и перевод текстов, ответы на вопросы, упражнения «True or False», тестовые задания, написание эссе, устный доклад по теме, подготовка к уроку-экскурсии. Тексты и задания могут быть использованы как для работы на занятиях, так и для самостоятельной работы. Методическая разработка позволяет систематизировать и разнообразить знания курсантов по теме за счет дополнительных текстов, различных лексико-грамматических конструкций, упражнений на понимание смысла прочитанного, проверки умения делать выводы и выделять главное, работать с текстом, вести монологическую и диалогическую речь. В каждом разделе темы дана лексика для изучения, тексты, сноски малоизвестных терминов, слов и выражений, вопросы. Read and translate the text About myself My name is Oleg Petrov. I was born in 1974 in the seaman’s family in Vladivostok. At that time my father was a motorman, now he is Chief Engineer of a big cargo ship. My mother is a doctor, she works at a hospital. I’ve got a sister and a brother. Both my sister and my brother are younger than me. When I was a child we lived together with our grandmother. She died two years ago. At that time our grandmother didn’t work, she was on pension. She kept house as my father was most of the time at sea and my mother was very busy at hospital. We helped our granny, going shopping, cleaning the flat and washing up. At the age of seven I went to school. My favourite subject was physics. I was good at mathematics, English and history. We had a very good nautical club at our school. We learnt to row and navigate small boats. When I finished school my father advised me to become a seaman.
I followed his advice. Now I am a cadet of Lomonosov Marine College of the Navy. 2. Answer the questions: 1. What’s your name? 2. What’s your surname? 3. Where are you from? 4. What’s your date of birth? 5. Where were you born? 6. Where do you live? 7. Have you got a family? 8. Is your family big? 9. How many members are there? 10. Have you got brother or sister? 11. What’s your occupation? 12. What are your family members’ occupation? 13. What is your profession? 14. What is your hobby? 15. What is your native city? Make a dialogue. Discuss your lifestyle with your partner. Read and translate the text My college • Good morning. My name is… I am the first year cadet of The Lomonosov Marine College of Navy. Meet my colleagues: cadet…..,…,… We study at the Marine Engineering department. • We are at the teaching block of the college. Its history dates back to 1945 when the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Navy issued a decision of founding a nautical college to train professionals to work on board auxiliary vessels. Classes began on the 22nd of February 1947 and this date is considered to be the building of our college. • The Lomonosov Nautical College is widely known not only in the North West of Russia. Cadets come to the college from different regions: from the Far East, from the Crimea and many other former USSR countries. There are many colleges in our country, which train professionals for the Navy, the Fishing Marine and the fishing fleet. Our college is the only one that trains personnel for the Auxiliary fleet.. • During more than 70 years the college has been training more than 2000 workers. The GMDSS Training and Exercise Center, which has the certificate of approval of the Russian Federation is successfully functioning in the college where the navigational staff of the Navy is trained Permanent courses of boat masters of small-size fleet are prepared for those who wishes to take exams in GIMS for the right to manage the jet ski, motor-boat, boat and yacht. • There are 3 floors in the teaching block altogether. The ground floor is Marine Engineering Department, The first floor is Administration, the second floor is the Navigation department and the third floor is the place where the general and human sciences are studied, there is a library (a reading hall) as well. • The college has got laboratories and workshops. The labs of the Navigation faculty – the leading one in our college – are fitted with the modern techniques such as electronic aids, different sort of simulators, radar systems, automatic control systems, for example, the Decca Navigator simulator classes, practical training and seminars in different subjects are taken by experienced teachers and qualified specialists. They train professional ship’s engineers. • And now we are going to see a couple of electronic aids and marine engineering machinery in the classes of the Marine Engineering Department. Follow me, please. • We are in one of the classrooms of the marine engineering department. There are 2 departments and 2 faculties in our college: the Navigation and the Marine Engineering departments and Radio-Engineering and Electro-Mechanical faculties. Our college trains navigators, radio-operators, marine and electrical engineers. One can enter the college if he has a completed secondary education (11 forms), if he has good physical form to pass the running test and the results of the state examination in Russian and maths. • Our college trains navigators, radio-operators, marine and electrical engineers. One can enter the college if he has a completed secondary education (11 forms), if he has good physical form to pass the running test and the results of the state examination in Russian and maths. • The marine engineering department trains chief marine engineers. Cadets study technical appliancies which they are going to deal with. To meet this goal there are such classrooms as: internal combustion engines, steam boilers and turbines and auxiliary machinery. You can see here some of their models.
• There are several types of boilers: steam boilers, fire-tube boilers and water-tube ones. Steam boilers have become more complex with the development of power generation. They are boiler tubes tied into the watercirculation system. Fire-tube boilers consist of a cylindrical shell, they are fixed with corrugated furnaces and return-tube fire tubes. Water-tube boilers are distinguished from the fire-tube ones. Water circulates through the boiler tubes instead of surrounding them outside. • There are models of 4-cycle diesel engines, electro-stands helping to study the construction and principle of engines operation in the classroom of internal combustion engines. • There is a big quantity of pumps models – pistons, vane, screw – in the auxiliary machinery classroom. There are also a model and a stand of helm’s machinery. The cadets study refrigerator plant, which is in the ship’s auxiliary machinery classroom. • All technical appliances stated in the classrooms is used on board auxiliary fleet vessels, where our graduates are going to work. • Besides professional subjects we study maths, informatics, we have physical training and English classes. • There are 2 English language classroom and English language laboratory in our college. So, let’s see one of them. • We are on the second floor. It is the navigation department. We are in an English language class-room. The class-room is fitted with stands and posters, concerning English grammar, phonetics, topics devoted to the development of Russian Auxilliary fleet, history of the Port of Saint Petersburg, schemes of engines, commands etc. We discuss different topics here, such as the first sea voyage, sailing practice, our duties as future ship’s engineers, history of our city and its suburbs, of our capital, of our country, we get acquainted with history and culture of Great Britain, we study types of ships and their parameters, engine-room machinery characteristics, safety rules at sea and many other useful information on our profession in English. • As future ship’s engineers we are going to work on board auxiliary vessels. It will be in several years. The first years besides English we have mostly general sciences, such as maths, informatics, ecology, human sciences, such as communicative psychology AND philosophy. Now we are going to the third floor to see some of the classrooms. follow me, please • We are on the third floor. Here are two faculties of human and general sciences and a reading hall. • We study informatics here, maths, ecology, engineering graphics, economy, philosophy and communicative psychology. • We are in the human sciences classroom. The next year we are going to study philosophy and psychology here. There are colorful stands telling us about different places of interest in saint petersburg, and a worldwide map. • The classroom is fitted with the modern technical appliaces such as an overhead projector and a screen, so sometimes we have english classes here as well. • Our college has a lot to be proud of. Our graduates sail on different types of vessels as captains and chief mates. Some of them were awarded a medal for Valiant Labour. The tanker “Sayany” has been renamed into “Captain Osipov” in honour of our former cadet A. S. Osipov who was her captain for many years. Hoping you have enjoyed our excursion we would like to thank you for your attention and to say good bye. Welcome to ask questions.
5. Work with your partner. Translate and answer the questions: • Сколько специальностей в колледже? • Когда колледж празднует свой День Рождения? • Где находится санчасть? • Где живут курсанты? • Сколько лет нужно учиться на судомеханическом отделении? • Почему Вы выбрали эту специальность? • Есть ли в колледже клуб? • Курсанты живут в колледже весь год, или у них бывает отпуск? • Во сколько начинаются и заканчиваются занятия? • У курсантов помимо учебы есть свободное время, не так ли? • В колледже есть библиотека? • Когда Вы выпуститесь из колледжа, кем Вы будете? Make a presentation about your college (guide an excursion)
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