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The Port of Saint Petersburg


The port of Saint Petersburg was founded by Peter the First. The first vessel with entered the port was a Dutch sailing ship. That was in 1703. It was loaded with salt and wine. The port was then situated on Vasilievsky island, and the two columns, which stand near the Naval Museum, served as lighthouses.


All that time Russia badly needed this port as it had no sea outlet for its trade with the western countries. So, St. Petersburg was turned into the “window on Europe” through which Russia’s trade with those countries had to be conducted.


The new port developed quickly. At the beginning of the 19th century the port was visited by thousands of ships. The number of ships which called at the port of Petersburg to load and unload their goods increased from year to year. The port could not accommodate so many ships and their cargos. It therefore became necessary to transfer the port to another place. The mouth of the Neva was chosen for this purpose.


Later, when ships were built of iron and required deeper channels an harbours, the Morskoy canal was constructed in order to enable these ships to reach the port of Petersburg and load and discharge their cargoes there. This canal is dredged from time to time and its depth is kept to about twenty seven feet (four fathoms and three, or 8, 1/4 or 8,25 metres).


Though the port of Saint Petersburg is frozen over for some months of the year, traffic is never interrupted within it, as ships are conducted in and out when necessary by means of powerful ice-breakers. When the winter is not very severe the port is entered and left by ships without any help. Within the port there is a shipyard where ships rigged and repaired.


The Russian Government pays great attention to the building of new ports and the development of the existing ones. The port of Saint Petersburg plays an important role in the economic life of our country. It will be deepened to a greater depth in order to allow ships of deeper draught to enter the port; it will be equipped with more powerful cranes; new warehouses will be built; new modern ice-breakers and dredgers will be put into operation. The port of Saint Petersburg is and will be one of the most important ports of our country.

Make a report of Saint Petersburg. Choose any aspect you like (culture, history, geography, art, port, politics, sights etc.).

In the port

It is spring. The weather is fine. It is sunny. The wind is from the south and it is quite warm. The port of Saint Petersburg is open to navigation. There are many Russian and foreign ships in the port now. Some ships are leaving the port, some are entering it. The vessel which is entering the port is a pilot-cutter. The boat which is leaving the port is a life-boat. There are many people who are working in the port now. The dockers are loading and unloading the cargo. The engineers are overhauling the ships machinery and are making running repairs. The man who is speaking with the captain is a pilot.


It is early [1] morning, but there are many people in the port. They are waiting for the s.s. [2] “Zarya”. The “Zarya” is a cargo-passenger vessel. She is one of the best and most comfortable ship of the Baltic Steamship Company [3]. Her speed is 15 knots. Her draught [4] is 27 feet. The crew of the “Zarya” is large. Her captain is Comrade Voronov. He is one of the oldest and most experienced captains of the Baltic Steamship Company.


It is 8 a. m. The “Zarya” is approaching the port. It is coming from England. It is proceeding via Holland. The vessel is carrying general cargo. There are many passengers on board the ship. They are standing on deck, looking at the approaching land. The ship is proceeding at slow speed. The captain is standing on the bridge giving orders to the helmsman. It is 10 minutes past 9. The cargo-passenger ship “Zarya” is entering the port.

Retell the text in the past.

Список использованных источников

1. Гогина Н. А. «Практическая грамматика английского языка для моряков. Рабочая тетрадь», «Транслит», М., 2016

2. Голицынский Ю. Б. «Грамматика. Сборник упражнений», изд. 2-е, перераб. и доп., «Каро», СПб, 1998

3. Китаевич Б. С., Сергеева М. Н., Калинкина Л. И., «Учебник английского языка для мореходных училищ», изд. 3-е, перераб. и доп., «Высшая школа», М., 1990

4. Электронный словарь «Мультитран» www.multitran.ru

5. Пономарева Е.А.Еще раз о методах учебной деятельности. Научно-методический журнал «Методист», 2009 № 1.

6. http://www.elara.ru/

7. http://www.abselectro.com/


[1] [‘ə:li]

[2] steamship

[3] Балтийское пароходство

[4] [dra:ft]

[1] Простирается

[2] Северный Ледовитый океан

[3] Черное море

[4] Балтийское море

[5] Тихий океан

[6] Расположена

[7] [‘juəreup] – Европа

[8] [‘eɪ∫ə] – Азия

[9] Общая территория

[10] Граничит

[11] Прибалтийские государства

[12] Ландшафт, рельеф

[13] Разнообразен

[14] Низменности

[15] Нагорья, возвышенности

[16]Луга, пастбища, зеленые пространства

[17] Равнины

[18] Самая протяженная, сама длинна

[19] Горные цепи

[20] Урал (Уральские горы)

[21] Кавказ

[22] Алтай

[23] Главные, основные

[24] [‘lɪ:nə] – Лена

[25] [saɪ’bɪ:rɪə] – Сибирь

[26] Климатические зоны

[27] Протяженной, широкой

[28] На Севере

[29] Континентальный

[30] Жаркое

[31] Сухое

[32] Богатые, обильные

[33] Плодородная почва

[34] Водоснабжение

[35] Месторождения

[36] Уголь

[37] Руда

[38] Три четверти

[39] Население

[40] Населения, народности

[41] Этнически русские

[42] Малые народности

[43] Густо населена

[44] Города (большие города), мегаполисы

[45] Города (небольшие города), пригороды

[46] Окраины

[47] Глава

[48] Верховный главнокомандующий

[49] Вооруженные силы

[50] Назначает

[51] Одобрен

[52] Глава Правительства – Премьер-Министр

[53] Принят

[54] Полоски



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