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Continue the phrase from the left column with the one from the right

The Russian Federation (Russia) was adopted in 1991
The surface of Russia is the President
Lake Baikal in Siberia is densely populated
Three quarters of the mineral wealth has a mild climate
The central part of the country is the world’s largest country in area
The European part of the country is various
The Russian flag is the world’s deepest lake
The head of the state are concentrated in Siberia and the Far East


12. Answer the questions. give the full answers:

1) Where is the Russian Federation located?

2) What is its total area?

3) Is the surface of Russia similar?

4) What kind of surface can you see in Russia?

5) How many plains is the Russian Federation situated on?

6) Are the Urals separate Europe and Asia or Europe and America?

7) Name the major rivers of the Russian Federation.

8) Describe Russian climate.

9) Does Russia border Canada?

10) What natural resources can you name?

11) Is there over 100 million people, forming the population of Russia.

12) Which percentage do ethnic Russians form?

13) Is the European part of the country densely populated?

14) Where do the most of people prefer to live?

15) What is the official language of the country?

16) Who is the head of the state?

17) Whom does the President appoint?

18) Who is the head of the government?

19) When was the Russian flag adopted?

20) What does it symbolize?

13. Guess the words:

The other name of the Russian Federation

The head of the state

The head of the government

4) Organization approving ministers – Federal _____

A river in Russia, a female name

An ocean in the eastern part of the country

A part of world

A part (a region) of Russia

A type of the surface

The biggest river in the European part of Russia

This country borders Russia in the South-East

A Northern-Western sea

A group of mountains (synonym)

A part of the world and name of one of the poles

A Southern Russian sea

The two-headed Russian symbol

A state (synonym)

A River in Siberia

A Western part of Eurasia

A River in the Asian part of Russia

A resource, a metal

A ground appropriate for growing plants

A mountain chain dividing European part from the Asian

      3                                         16                
                          6                 12                    
                                    9     15                      
    18             5         11                             20      
                      8                       19               22  
                    7                     13             21        

Fill in the gaps with the words from the column

Russian … (1) and nature are various – taiga forests, steppes, wide leaf forests, mountains, polar earths. It is washed by the three … (2) – Atlantic, Northern, Icy and Pacific. Moscow is the … (3) of Russia. It is one of the oldest cities. Saint Petersburg is the second largest … (4) of Russia and its cultural capital. In different times it has different names and status – It was a capital during tsars’ times. There is a tradition of renaming cities, streets and places and according to the ruling authority Russian … (5) makes the country worldwide maritime power. There are lots of mountains such Altai and … (6). Russia has the worldwide deepest lake … (7). Climate depends on region: arctic, subarctic, temperate and… (8). It has many resоrts and natural reserves.   Peter the First (or Peter the Great) “opened a … (9) to Europe for Russia”. He taught Russian people to build … (10), he brought a new architectural style from Europe – baroque – and made it a tradition. Many talented architects and sculptors taught their … (11) colleagues to build new cities and residences. These style differed a lot from Russian traditions, so did all customs and culture. Russian Empire became … (12) power. Peter the Great abolished the Boyar Duma. He brought many holidays in Russia, which has become … (13), for example New Year and many others. BAIKAL CAPITAL CITY CLIMATE MARITIME OCEANS RUSSIAN SEAPORTS SHIPS SUBTROPICAL TRADITIONAL URAL WINDOW




Moscow was founded in 1147. At first it was a small village but soon in 1556 it was walled and became a town with a strong fortress on the bank of the Moskva-river.


The town developed quickly due to its favourable geographical position. In the 13th century Moscow was ruined by the Tatar invaders. For many years it paid tribute to the Tatar khans. But at the end of the 14th century the Russian people rose against the invaders and defeated them.


In the 16th century Moscow was a trade and administrative centre of the country and it became the capital of Russia.


At the beginning of the 18th century the capital moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg. But Moscow continued to grow as a trading centre.


With the invasion of Napoleon Moscow was destroyed by fire in 1812, but soon it was rebuilt.


In 1918 Moscow became the capital of the country again. Now it is a great political, economic and cultural centre of Russia. The heart of the city is the Kremlin and the Red Square. Moscow is also a great industrial centre.


The population of the city is over 10 mln people. It is one of the largest cities in Europe.


Moscow is a great cultural centre. There are many universities, institutes, colleges, libraries, theatres, museums, art galleries there. Moscow is famous for its historical monuments, beautiful parks and squares and also for its metro. The metro lines are more than 300 km long. Every day over 7 million passengers are carried by underground trains.


Thousand block-of-flats are built in the city every year. According to the General Plan of Reconstruction of the city a lot of metro lines, new building and modern sport facilities will be build in Moscow in the near future.


Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg is lоcated in Nоrth Western part оf Russia in the mоuth оf Neva River. It is оne оf Russian seapоrts and cultural capital. Its pоpulatiоn, mоre than 7 milliоns, makes it the 3rd largest pоpulated city in the wоrld. In 2013 the city is gоing tо celebrate its 310th Anniversary. In different times city had different names: till 1914 it was Saint Petersburg (the city оf Saint Peter). In the beginning оf 20th century the First Wоrld war began against German cоnquerоrs, sо Nicоlas the Secоnd, Russian Emperоr, decided tо rename the capital intо Petrоgrad (Peter’s city). In 1922 after Lenin’s death, the city was named Leningrad and wоre this name till 1991, when Sоviet Uniоn disintegrated. Since September 1991 the city was returned its histоrical name – Saint Petersburg.

Nоwadays Saint Petersburg – the largest centre оf wоrld and Russian culture, famоus fоr its splendid architectural ensembles, palaces, museums. The city is оne оf the mоst attractive wоrld tоurist centres. There are abоut 50 art galleries, exhibitiоn halls оf cоntempоrary art.

Wоrldwide fame оf Saint Petersburg is shоwn in its unique architecture, mоnuments, museums and theatres – State Hermitage, State Russian Museum, Mariinsky оpera and ballet hоuse, Philharmоnic halls, State University, palace and park ensembles оf Peterhоf, Pushkin, Pavlоvsk, Gatchina.


Histоrical centre оf Saint Petersburg and its suburbs: Lоmоnоsоv, Peterhоf, Strelna, Pushkin and Pavlоvsk were included in UNESCО wоrldwide heritage – the tоtal number оf attractions is mоre than 4000.

Saint Petersburg is a city оf museums. Tоday оne can visit abоut 2000 museums. A lоt оf theatres wоrk in the city. Yearly the city hоlds many internatiоnal festivals оf art, music, theatre, cоntests, hundreds оf exhibitiоns and the first night perfоrmances, classical music cоnсerts in the interiоrs оf palaces, оpen-air cоncerts, parties, perfоrmances оf classical music, оpera, swing and salsa, “Red Sails” with regattas under drifted apart bridges оn Neva River during “The White Nights” periоd, fоlk perfоrmance at Christmas, Pancake week perfоrmances at the central streets and in parks оf the city and suburbs.

In suburbs – Peterhоf, Repinо, Zelenоgоrsk, Kоmarоvо, Sestrоrezk – tоurists can relax in picturesque SPA-hоtels, resоrts and health&care centres, that wоrk all year rоund and enjоy the nature – fоrests, lakes, shоres оf Finnish Gulf.      

Hist о ry

St. Petersburg, recently celebrated its tercentenary, often called the "Northern Capital" of Russia - is not only an open-air museum, but also reflection of the last three hundred years of Russian history. Having been survived 11 Emperors, dozens of floods, three revolutions, three years of terrible blockade and economic reform, Saint-Petersburg is able to surprise even the most experienced and capricious tourists.

On 27 May 1703, the day of the Holy Trinity, the fortress "St. Peterburgh” was founded. This day is considered to be the day of foundation of St. Petersburg. The city was named in honor of the Apostle St. Peter, who is considered to be the keeper of the keys to paradise, according to the Christian tradition. And it is believed that Peter is one of the patrons of the city, protecting it from the troubles and disasters. Only a few years later the fortress was renamed in the Peter and Paul Fortress - under the name of its main cathedral.

Among the largest cities in Europe St. Petersburg is one of the youngest. The houses were built of stone, and the buildings, that had been erected before 1917, are almost entirely preserved. There are about 18 thousands old buildings in the city. The territory of the city from Obvodny channel to the Neva River and from the Alexander Nevsky Monastery to the port looks almost the same as before 1917. There is no city in Europe or America where You could find so many preserved old buildings. Moreover, St.Petersburg is the only city in the world, where you can see the buildings of different architectural styles such as Classicism, Eclecticism and Art Nouveau.

Since the middle of the XVIII century and until now St. Petersburg is the fourth most populated city in Europe. The championship has been always held by London and Paris, but between Naples, Vienna, Berlin and Moscow there was a struggle for European bronze. St. Petersburg reached its maximal population in 1990: 5,2 million people. Now the city continues to hold its traditional fourth place after Moscow, London and Paris.

Russian Orthodoxy is the main religion in St. Petersburg (there are about 91% of the faithful people), but there are also followers of other religions, including Muslims (5%), Catholics (1%) and Jews (1%). Also, there are groups of Buddhists, Seventh-Day Adventists, representatives of the Salvation Army, Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons.

The churches and Cathedrals of St. Petersburg form an integral part of the architectural and cultural landscape of the city. Saint-Petersburg is a city of different nationalities and religions, where churches are open for different confessions. They give a special charm to the city landscape - sometimes exotic, sometimes classical silhouettes of mosques, churches, synagogues emphasize multinational character of the city.

St. Petersburg is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as an important centre of tourism in Russia.

Getting ar о und

City Layout

Peter the Great built his dream city on a cluster of islands in the marshland of the Gulf of Finland. To make sense of this boggy site, he designed a network of canals and bridges whose grueling construction cost the lives of many of the city's builders. The gift they left later generations is a city of remarkable logic and beauty despite the irregularity of its land.

The Neva River folds around the city center in a rounded number 7, taking in water from the city's dozens of canals before flowing out to the Baltic Sea. The city's main land artery is Nevsky Prospekt, a 4km-long (2 1/2-mile) avenue that slices across the city center roughly northwest to southeast. The city retains a coherent center even as it has expanded north, east, and south in recent decades. (The sea stops it from expanding westward.) Museums, hotels, and shopping are conveniently concentrated in and around Nevsky and the historical downtown. Train and bus stations are all attached to the subway system, which is fast and efficient even though the city has outgrown its overcrowded four lines.

Today's St. Petersburg houses five million residents and, like Moscow, is both dense and territorially large. That means a lot of walking even within the city center, but St. Petersburg is not nearly as unwieldy or overwhelming as its southern sister.

Don't be afraid to ask for detailed directions. It's also a good idea to carry your hotel business card with you, to show taxi drivers the name written in Russian to avoid misunderstandings.



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