Phishing. Bin-raidning. Do the task. Match the types of identity thefts with their definitions. Intellectual property law
Phishing Phishing involves people being fooled by fake e-mails, claiming to be from a bank, into giving out bank or credit card details to online fraudsters. The term is also used to describe the practice of creating look-alike websites, often of banks and other financial institutions, and duping people into visiting them and giving out their personal information. While banks generally repay money lost to victims of such crimes, they may refuse to compensate the same person more than once if the customer’s negligence was a contributory factor. So, could banks themselves do more to protect their customers? Banks often claim they would never send requests for confidentaial information by e-mail. However, according to the recent research, some banks do just that. This sends out a mixed message, confusing vulnerable customers who cannot tell which e-mails are genuine and which are not. Bin-raidning A shocking new survey has revealed the potential extent of bin raiding by British fraudsters. The report shows how easy it is for ID thieves to obtain personal information from household rubbish. An examination of the content of 400 domestic bins found that: · 72% of bins contained the full name and the full address of at least one members of a household; · two in five contained a whole credit- or debit- card number that could be linked to an individual; · one of five bins contained a bank-account number and sort code that could be related to an individual’s name and address. In the US, the practice has been recognized as a real risk to consumers and businesses for many years; 9. 9 million Americans have been the victims of identity theft, as an avarage cost per person of $ 5, 000.
Do the task. Match the types of identity thefts with their definitions. 1. bin raiding 2. skimming 3. phishing 4. changing addresses 5. stealing 6. pretexting
a. stealing credit/debit card numbers by using a special storage device when processing cards (often in order to make illegal copies); b. fraudulently gaining access to personal information from financiaal institutions, telephone companies and other sources; c. taking wallets, mail and other items containing personal information without permission d. pretending to be a financial institution or company and sending spam or pop messages to get people reveal personal information; e. sending someone’s billing statements to another location by completeing a change of address form; f. looking through rubbish for bills and other papers containing detailed information.
Intellectual property, often known as IP, is a fast-moving and sometimes complex area of law. It covers a wide range of diverse issues and allows people to own their creativity and innovation in the same way they can own physical property. The term ‘intellectual property’ refers to the group of legal rights (not to the intellectual product itself) connected with the intangible products of the intellect. In other words, under intellectual property law owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets. Like other forms of property, intellectual property can be bought and sold.
IP typically includes two branches, namely copyright and industrial property. The latter includes such major areas as: patent law, trademarks and industrial designs. Copyrights applies to original creations in the literary, dramatic, musical and artistic fields, sound recordings and broadcasts, including software and multimedia, cable programs, as well as the typography of published editions. Copyright holders possess economic rights associated with their works, including the essential right to prohibit unauthorized use of the works. The most common requirements for copyright protection are that the work must be in material form (i. e. not just an idea) and it must be original in the sense that the work 'originates' from the relevant author. Copyright only provides a partial monopoly in a work, as various rules provide exceptions by which a work may be copied without infringing on the rights of the author. Patent is a monopoly right in an invention. Patents grant an inventor the right to exclude others from producing or using inventor’s discovery for a statutory period of years, e. g. 20 years in the UK. Most patent legislation requires that a patentable invention: 1) is novel; 2) involves an inventive step; 3) is useful or capable of industrial application; and 4) is an invention. Many things are excluded from patentable subject matter due to unsuitability, public policy and morality. Registered trade marks are similar to patents in that they provide the holder with an exclusive right to use a 'distinctive' mark in relation to a product or a service. Trade marks are generally names, logos or drawings used to indicate the identity of a business. Trade mark status may also be granted to distinctive and unique packing, color combination, building design, and overall presentations. A common aspect of applicable legislation is that the mark must be distinctive. In other words, it must be capable of functioning as an identifier of the origin of the goods and thereby avoid confusion, deception or mistake. Deception has been deemed to include, for example, the use by another of a domain name that is substantially similar to the trade mark, so-called cybersquatting. Service marks also receive legal protection but are meant to distinguish services rather than products. Industrial designs protect elements of product appearance (that is, shape or pattern, not function) resulting from the features of the lines, colors, shape, texture of the product itself or its ornamentation. Each of the areas is governed by the statutes that set out conditions for creation, the process of registration, rights of the registered owner, remedies for infringement and rights of public to use the property. Infringement of intellectual property rights may result in enforcement actions being brought against the infringing party. As part of these actions, remedies might include damages, injunctions and account of profits, depending on the right infringed and the extent and nature of the infringement.
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