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Требования к выполнению задания С-6.

1. Строить монологическое высказывание в заданном объеме (12-15 предложений) в контексте коммуникативной задачи в различных стандартных ситуациях социально-бытовой, социально-культурной и социально-трудовой сфер общения.

2. Использовать элементы рассуждения, описания, повествования.

3. Полное завершенное монологическое высказывание должно быть логичным, содержать средства логической связи, содержать вступление и заключение.

4. Правильно употреблять языковые средства (лексические единицы, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление).

5. Говорить в среднем темпе не более 2 минут.


Задание 4. Доп. схема оценивания

1. Решение коммуникативной задачи (Содержание) Аспект 1.Краткое описание фотографий (что происходит на фото и где) дано  
Аспект 2.Ответ на вопрос о сходстве фотографий дан  
Аспект 3.Ответ на вопрос о различиях дан  
Аспект 4.Ответ на вопрос о предпочтениях экзаменуемого дан  
Аспект 5.Обоснование своих предпочтений дано  
ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 3)  
2. Организация Наличие вступления и заключения, завершенность высказывания  
Логичность и использование средств логической связи  
ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 2)  
3. ЯЗЫКОВОЕ ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ ВЫСКАЗЫВАНИЯ (максимальный балл – 2)  

Снова обратимся к экзаменационному заданию.

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:


give a brief description (action, location)

say what the pictures have in common

say in what way the pictures are different

say which kind of life you’d prefer

explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.


При выполнении данного задания

1. используем слово both.

They’re both funny films.

Both films are funny.

Both of the films are funny

2. Составляем краткий список сходств и отличий:

Main similarities

-both photos show performers;

-they are entertaining people;

-they are dressed in funny clothes;

-they are wearing hats.

Main differences

-one person is performing in a, but several people are performing in b;

-picture a was taken inside, whereas picture b was taken outside;

-the performers are doing different things (balancing a bottle on a stick / playing musical instruments);

-the performer in a is wearing make-up while the performers in b are wearing masks

3. Начинаем формировать устное высказывание согласно требованиям задания С-6.

А) Введение.

Now I`m going to compare and contrast these two pictures.

Б) Краткое описание картинок.

The first picture shows...

In the background we can see...

Perhaps, they are celebrating something...

The people may be in a cafe...

They seem to be happy.

Each picture illustrates how…

All the photos show problems which…

The photos deal with different aspects of…

I think the common theme here is…

В) Описываем сходство картинок. Для описания используем следующие вводные конструкции:


One similarity is that...


and... too


These pictures have a lot in common.

In both pictures...

Another similarity is...

Both pictures are about...

I think the pictures have a common theme which is…

Г) Описываем различие картинок. Для описания используем следующие вводные конструкции:


A difference between them is that...





However, these photos have certain differences too.

In the first picture… whereas in the second picture…

Unlike the first photo,…

On the contrary,…

In contrast to…

The most striking difference is that…

Д) Выраже­ние мне­ния:

I suppose/believe... In my opinion,...

As for me,... Personally, I... because…


Пример высказывания.


Now I`m going to compare and contrast these two pictures. The first picture shows a circus performance. In the background we can see some people. They may be helping the man to perform. The second picture shows a street performance.

Well, both photos show performers. They are entertaining people and maybe making them happy. The people in both pictures are dressed in funny clothes so I can guess the man in picture A is a comedian as well as the people in picture B. The next similarity is they are wearing hats.

A difference between the pictures is that in picture a one person is performing, but several people are performing in picture b; picture a was taken inside, whereas picture b was taken outside; the performers in the pictures are doing different things: one of them is balancing a bottle on a stick while the other is playing musical instruments; the performer in a is wearing make-up whereas the performers in b are wearing masks.

As for me, I would choose the performance in picture B. Such performances seem more attractive to me. They create a special kind of mood. Besides, I`m not a circus-goer.


Мы можем предложить ученикам следующие полезные фразы:

There are people on the bikes in both photos.

In the first photo there is only one person. He is in the countryside. It is clear that he isn’t in a hurry. He is enjoying the nature.

The second photograph is very different because it shows people who are riding their bikes in the city. They probably belong to … …

I think these people have chosen this kind of transport because you can ride a bike in any place.

You don’t need …; besides, having a bike when you are a teenager is considered to be cool.

I definitely wouldn’t like to … because it is not safe. Besides, it is not good for nature.

I’d rather ride a bicycle because …


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