IV. Understanding the main points
Гуманитарный институт Английский язык
Методические указания по разговорным темам для студентов I курсов всех направлений подготовки дневной и заочной формы обучения часть I (переработанная)
Тюмень МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «ТЮМЕНСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ НЕФТЕГАЗОВЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» Гуманитарный институт
Кафедра иностранных языков №1
Английский язык
Методические указания по разговорным темам для студентов I курсов всех направлений подготовки дневной и заочной формы обучения часть I (переработанная)
Тюмень ТюмГНГУ Английский язык: методические указания по разговорным темам для студентов I курсов всех направлений подготовки дневной и заочной формы обучения часть I (переработанная) / сост. Б.О. Гриднева, М.В. Заичко, Т.А. Колчанова, А.А. Мелихова, О.Н. Родина, Т.Н. Терлецкая, М.К. Хмелева; Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет.– 2-е изд., испр.– Тюмень: Издательский центр БИК ТюмГНГУ 2012.– 32 с.
Методические указания рассмотрены и рекомендованы к изданию на заседании кафедры иностранных языков №1 «27» апреля 2012 года, протокол № 8.
Настоящие методические указания предназначены для развития навыков чтения, аудирования и устной речи для студентов 1 курса всех направлений подготовки. Представленный сборник состоит из 2 частей, в которые включены темы, соответствующие программе, и список разговорных формул. Каждая тема содержит текст, снабженный словарем, и ряд упражнений, направленных на активизацию тематического словаря и развитие навыков устной речи. Темы рекомендуется изучать в той последовательности, в которой они представлены. Методические указания рассчитаны для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов.
UNIT 1. I am a student of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University
I. WARM UP How does your student’s life differ from the one at school? Cover the following points: curriculum and holidays; subjects and teachers; spare time; family relations; apartment; future plans.
II. BEFORE YOU READ A. Do you know what does BA in history, BSc in chemistry, MA, MSc, MPhil, Professor, Doctor, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor and PhD mean? In your opinion, will the current system of education be popular for the next decade? Or will it change?
B. Find out the translation of the following words. Explain the difference between the underlined words and phrases: 1) a credit and a student’s record book; 2) part-time student and full-time student; 3) to repeat and to revise; 4) a term and a lesson; 5) to read to oneself and to read aloud; 6) to do exercises orally and to do exercises in written form; 7) out-of-town students and foreign students; 8) to have field-placement and to take preparatory courses; 9) undergraduates and postgraduates.; 10) a hostel and a department (sub-faculty). C. Are exams fair or not? Tick the statements you agree with. Are exams fair? …………………………………………………………………………………………….
III. READING Read the text and make sure you know the translation of the highlighted words and phrases. OUR UNIVERSITY 1. At present I am a first-year student of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University. This year I've passed my entrance exams successfully and entered one of the biggest Universities of oil and gas profile in Russia. Choosing my professional way, I decided t o follow my father's footsteps. More than 20 years ago he graduated from Tyumen Industrial Institute which was set up in 1963, The matter is at the dawn of 1960s it was obvious that the West Siberian region was a unique one. The richest reserves of oil and gas made this gigantic territory a main granary of the country. Because of its swift developing, this region felt the need in Technical institute of higher education to train highly qualified specialists. In 1994 the status of University was given to the Institute. 2. Nowadays our University consists of 8 Institutes: Technological Institute, the Institute of Geology and Geoinformatics, Transport Institute, Oil and Gas Institute, Institute of Management and Business, Institute of Cybernetics, Informatics and Communication, Institute of Industrial technologies and Engeneering and Institute of International Programs. It has numerous educational centers. Preliminary Education Centre, Scientific-Research Centre, Post-Graduate Qualification Institute, 16 Institutes of scientific research are among them. There are 14 branches in such towns as Surgut, Tobolsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Urai etc. 3. It's worth saying that at present about 60 000 students are being trained in 122 specialities. The teaching staff of 70 departments (sub-faculties) consists of about 2 000 people. There are 726 candidates of science and associate-professors. 231 Doctors and professors deliver lectures and run seminars. The scientists of University have patented more than 1000 inventions. 4. Everything flows, everything changes. Our University is not an exception. So, modern information technologies became an integral part of educational process. All educational buildings are connected with each other by the Intranet. The University has at its disposal 15 multi-media laboratories, 80 display class-rooms. We are proud of our library: its fund is about 1 million books. It should be noted that the registration of the library users is made automatically and all of them are provided with the electronic readers' cards. 5. The training course lasts 5 years. Each year is divided into two terms. Three times a term the students have the credits when they take credit tests. The final mark is the summary of all credits. In summer the third- and fourth-year students have field placement at plants and factories of oil and gas fields. 6. Our classes begin at 8 o'clock and are over at about 2 o'clock. I never plan very carefully what I shall do every day. As a rule, my working day begins at 7 o'clock in the morning. I don't do my morning exercises. Instead, I take my dog out for a walk and it is a good exercise for me. Then I wash up, clean my teeth, brush my hair and have breakfast. During my breakfast I always listen to the latest news over the radio. 7. Frankly speaking, I am very hard-working, so, I’m short of time. After lectures I go either to the library or to the laboratory to get ready for my lectures. Every day we have lectures and some hours of practice. We do a lot of subjects. I have some trouble with descriptive geometry. My favourite subjects are strength of materials and English. Those who like English may attend the intensive course of studying the English language. That's why next year I'll enter Translators' qualification supplementary course.
8. In spite of the fact that the bus stop is right in front of my house, i t takes me half an hour to go to the University by bus. When I am not late I go there on foot. After lectures, I have dinner at home or in the dining room. Then I have a rest and do my homework. My parents usually come home late. 9. Our University has 6 hostels, so, out-of-town students have possibility to choose: to rent apartments for the period of education or to live in a hostel. During their vacation they go to see their parents. 10. The students' life is very interesting and saturated. Tyumen State Oil and Gas University has rich cultural and sports traditions. All-University teams have won the first prizes at regional and town competitions. Our students participate in students' festivals where one may apply one's talents. 11. To tell the truth, I like to study at Tyumen Oil and Gas University. In four years I will graduate from the University and I'll do my best to become a good specialist. 12. We have a rest twice a year: a month in summer and a fortnight in winter. When I have some spare time I like reading detective stories, listening to classical music, watching TV. My hobby is sport and I am a member of a tennis club. Twice a week I have training in a gym. I am fond of skiing and skating. I enjoy rock music and collect discs of my favourite rock groups and singers. Sometimes I go to the swimming-pool or to the disco-dancing club on weekends. If the weather is fine my friends and I go to play basketball. All in all I have a good time at my free time. I'll try to do my best to get good education. 13. In five years I shall graduate from the University and become an engineer. I'd like to work at a big machine-building plant or take post-graduate work. IV. UNDERSTANDING THE MAIN POINTS A. Decide whether the following statements are true or false: a. Our University is one of the biggest Universities of agricultural profile in Russia. b. At the dawn of 1960s the West Siberian region was rich not only in gas and oil but in highly qualified specialists too. c. The training course lasts 5 years. d. Unfortunately, all-University teams disgrace our University. B. Answer the following questions: a. When was Tyumen Industrial Institute set up? b. What does our University consist of? c. What is the teaching staff of our University? d. How many inventions have the scientists of University patented? e. Did modern information technologies become a part of educational process of our University? How can we see it? f. Where can students apply their talents? V. VOCABULARY FOCUS A. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases. 1. to set up (par. 1); 2. obvious (par.1); 3. gigantic (par. 1); 4. swift (par. 1); 5. to consist of (par. 2); 6. numerous (par. 2); 7. inventions (par. 3); 8. exception (par. 4); 9. disposal (par. 4); 10. to divide into (par. 5); 11. possibility (par. 9); 12. saturated (par. 10). B. Find words or phrases in the text which mean the same as the following: a) besides; b) to pass exams; c) to buy a purchase; d) to tell the truth (synonym); e) to begin with; f) to visit; g) to get a scholarship; h) two weeks; i) to look after; j) to finish; k) to prepare. VI. LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT A. over- (= too much), under - (= not enough), un-, dis-, ir-, il-, im-, in- (=opposite meaning). Put one of the above prefixes in each of the spaces in the sentences below.
1. He needs a good holiday. He's suffering from ___work. 2. She didn't hear the alarm clock and ___slept. 3. There aren't enough people in the country. It's ___populated. 4. a(n) ___comfortable chair; to ___agree with someone; to ___like cheese; to ___appear round the corner; to ___lock a door; an ___polite letter; an ___literate person; an ___moral action; ___formal clothes; an ___logical answer; an ___responsible boy; an ___patient motorist; an ___expensive present B. Match the words and expressions from the left column with their synonyms in the right one:
C. Make up sentences about yourself. Start with:
D. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Я много пропускал занятий, и поэтому не сдал экзамен. 2. По правде говоря, дорога до университета занимает у меня час. 3. В течение семестра опытные преподаватели читают лекции по начертательной геометрии. 4. Я окончил школу, сдал вступительные экзамены и поступил в университет. 5. Я трудолюбивый и сделаю все возможное, чтобы учиться в университете. 6. Я живу дома, а иногородние студенты снимают жилье или живут в общежитии. 7. Я не исключение, и как все четверокурсники потерял читательский билет. 8. Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы стать членом сборной команды нашего университета. E. Read these sentences and say what each person is studying. Choose from the right. Use the information from the Internet.
Now mark the stress on each of your answers, practice saying the words. F. Everyday expressions.In a game with a ball practice asking questions (student A) and answering to them (student B). Then exchange the roles. - Good morning. - Good afternoon. - Hello. - How are you? - I’m fine, thanks. And you? - How do you do? - Let me introduce myself. My name is… - Nice to meet you. - Glad to see you again. – So am I. - Good-bye. – See you soon. – Keep in touch. - Take care of yourself. – I won’t take any more of your time. - (Apology) – Pardon me. - Oh, that’s all right. – Excuse me. – Not at all. – I’m sorry. – Never mind. – No offence, please. - (Emergency) – I’m lost. – I’m late. – Hurry up! – Wait! – Help! – Leave me alone! – Watch out! – Be careful! – Just a minute.
G. Read the conversation between Gleb and Sveta. Fill in the gaps. Use the Everyday expressions from F and the text. Gleb. Hello Sveta. 1. _____. Sveta. I am fine thanks, glad to meet you. Gleb. 2. _____. I've heard you entered Oil and Gas University. Sveta. Yes, you are right. Now I am 3. _____ of Technological Institute.
Gleb. My congratulations, I am going to enter this University next year too.4. _____, do you get a grant? Sveta. Yes, I have done well in my exams and get a grant. Gleb. Do you live in a hostel or 5. _____? Sveta. I live at home with my parents but out-of-town students live in 6. _____. Gleb. Do you go in for sports? Sveta. Of course I do. I attend different sport-clubs. 7. _____ students' festivals and competitions. Gleb. I am delighted. I'll 8. _____ to enter this University. Sveta. Welcome. By the way, I have many friends here. We have a good time together. But we don't forget out studies at the University.
VII. COMMUNICATION SKILLS A. Make up a dialog like the one above. Ask your own questions.
Words: classroom; computer room; art room; laboratory; library; cafeteria; canteen; hall; gym; changing rooms; staff room; WC. C. Look through the following list of feeling words and say which of them the students can express before and during and after the exams. Pay attention to their translation, pronunciation and learn them by heart.
VII. WRITING Write an E-mail to your pen-friend in London. Tell him / her about your student’s life and ask questions about theirs. IX. WORD LIST a bone a credit a department (sub-faculty) a fortnight a hostel a lesson a main granary a member of a much better chance a reaction to a student’s record book a term a test of memory agriculture all in all all-University team among an access an apartment an exception an integral part of an opportunity apology architecture as a rule Associate Professor at present at the dawn of at the disposal BA Be careful! because of BSc bus stop business studies can’t stand Candidate of Science competition continuous assessment curriculum deliberately descriptive geometry Doctor during either … or emergency Everything flows, everything changes. Excuse me. factory family relations favourite fertilizer field-placement foreign student frankly speaking full-time student gigantic territory Glad to see you again. Good afternoon. Good morning. Good-bye. grammar hard-working Hello. Help! highly qualified specialists history of art How are you? How do you do? Hurry up! I give up I won’t take any more of your time. I’m fine, thanks. And you? I'd like to in favour of in front of in spite of instead invention it is obvious that It takes me it's worth saying Just a minute Keep in touch. law Leave me alone! Let me introduce myself. MA medicine MSc My name is… Never mind. Nice to meet you. No offence, please. Not at all. nowadays numerous Oh, that’s all right. oil and gas profile one of the biggest out-of-town student over the radio Pardon me part-time student PhD plant politics possibility postgraduate preparatory courses Professor pronunciation psychology readers' card rich reserves saturated scientific research See you soon. skating skiing spare time spelling strength of material subject successfully summary swift developing Take care of yourself. That's unfair That's why the matter is there is / are to apply one's talents to be afraid of to be connected with to be fed up with to be going to to be interested in to be late to be lost to be over to be proud of to be short of time to be sorry to be terrified of to be tired of to brush one’s hair to clean one’s teeth to come home to concentrate on to consists of to decide to deliver lecture to differ from to dislike to divide into to do an exam to do badly in an exam. to do coursework to do exercises in written form to do exercises orally to do many subjects to do morning exercises to do well in an examination to enjoy to fail an exam to feel sick to feel the need to follow one's footsteps to get a degree to get a grant to get ready for to give a lecture to go on to go on foot to graduate to hate to have a rest to have breakfast to have trouble with to last to leave school to listen to to miss lectures to participate in to pass an exam to patent to prefer to provide with to read aloud to read books on to read to oneself to receive a scholarship to rent an apartment to repeat to revise to set up in to skip classes to spent time on to study a lot of subjects to take an exam to take sb. out for a walk to tell the truth to try to do one’s best to want sb. to do smth. to wash up translators' qualification supplementary course twice a year undergraduate unique vacation Wait! Watch out! UNIT 2. Tyumen
I. WARM UP Answer to the following questions. Use the Internet if necessary 1. When was Tyumen founded? 2. What is the population of Tyumen? 3. Who is the Head of Administration? 4. How many administrative districts are there in Tyumen? 5. What is the most famous bridge in Tyumen? 6. What is the longest street in Tyumen? 7. Do you know the flag of Tyumen? II. BEFORE YOU READ A. Practice your pronunciation: West Siberian Plain [sa'bərən] Austria [' ostrə] Tartar ['ta:tə] Chingi-Tura [t∫n'gi: 'tu:ra]
Shayom ['∫eom] Samotlor [semət'lo:] Trinity Monastery ['trnət 'monəst(ə)r] Yermak [jə:'mæk] B. Here you have a part of a song. Find out whose song is that. Listen to it. Try to understand the main idea. Fill in the gaps. You can also try to sing it in a group. “I'm the 1)_____ you walk, the 2) _____ you talk. I am the 3) _____ The skyline is me, and the energy. I am the 4) ____ The famous 5) _____ and the cocktail bars And the funny smells and the turmoil of course And the 6) _____, the 7) _____ and the squares that you see All the sounds that you hear and the 8) _____ that you're breathing is me Yes, I am the 9) _____, you let me 10) _____” C. Complete the following chat.
III. READING Read the text and make sure you know the translation of the highlighted words and phrases. TYUMEN CITY 1. On the physical map of Russia right away beyond the Ural Mountains a large territory is painted green, this is West-Siberian Plain. On its western outlying districts there is Tyumen, the capital of oil and gas region, which is as large as France, Spain, Italy and Austria taken together. The name of Tyumen is well-known all over the world. 2. Tyumen, the first Russian town of Siberia - "the mother of Siberian towns", "the gate to Siberia"- was an ordinary town of vast Tobolsk province for four centuries and only in August 1944 it became the centre of the largest in the country Tyumen region. 3. The founders of the town chose a wonderful place lor it. Its history goes back to 1586. Tyumen was established as a fortress on the Tura river on the place of llie ancient Tatar town called Chingi-Tura. Chingi-Tura was founded in the 14th century and was unyoked by Yermak from Tatar-Mongol in 1581. In the early 17th century the first road was built and at the end of the 18th century Tyumen became a trans-shipping point from the Urals to Siberia. Tyumen was also the first station of trans-Siberian Railway, built in the late 19th century and the place where Siberian shipbuilding originated. At that time Tyumen was a little dirty town with wooden houses. 4. But it was born anew on June 21, 1960, the day on which oil was found near a little forest village called Shayom. Very soon further discoveries showed the northern part of Western Siberia possesses incredible quantities of oil and natural gas. Near to the oil town a new one has risen on the wastelands and marshes, a fine modern town with wide streets, high-rise blocks and lots of greenery. 5. Nowadays Tyumen is not only an oil town, it is a cultural, industrial and educational centre of Western Siberia with a highly developed and quite a diversified Industry. Its plants are well-known in Russia and abroad. Among them there are machine-building, electronics-engineering, medical equipment, motor-building plants. 6. Tyumen is also a scientific and educational centre. It has two universities, different colleges, Agricultural, Medical, Military and Building academies, International institute of Economy and Law, Institute of Culture and Arts. There are a great number of secondary schools, liceums and gymnasia. 7. There are more than 40 research and design institutes mostly working on problems connected with the development of the gas and oil deposits. A lot of scientific workers provide the theoretical basis for prospecting work. Due to their work 192 deposits had been discovered of which Samatlor (oil) and Urengoy (gas) are the largest in the world. Some oil pipelines run from the Tyumen oilfields. They pump Siberian oil to refineries both in the east and west of our country and to the countries in Europe. Since the discovery of oil and gas deposits Tyumen has grown considerably. Now it covers the area more than 86 square kilometres and the multinational population of Tyumen is about 600000 people. Many beautiful parks, squares and historical memorials decorate the improving image of the ancient town. 8. There are many museums, libraries, five magnificent Houses of Culture, the Puppet and Drama theatres, the Concert Hall, named after Yuri Gulyaev in Tyumen. It has a unique collection of masterpieces in its Picture gallery. Many permanent exhibitions of Siberian national arts and skills attract tourists' attention. Tyumenians like sport very much. There are several stadiums, many gyms, swimming pools, the Sport Palace in Tyumen. 9. Tyumen is famous for its places of interest. They are: numerous monuments, architectural ensembles, historical places, medieval churches. Most of them are situated in the old part of the town. Znamenskaya Church, built in 1800, the Trinitry Monastery, the first stone building in the town, Peter and Paul's Church, Blagoveschenskaya Church, made by Fyodor Tchaika and Kirill Shadrin are very attractive. The marvellous building of the Museum of History and Etnography, founded in 1920, and a lot of wooden houses, bearing the Siberian architecture traditions, decorate our town. In the building of the Polish Roman Catholic Church the lovers of music may listen to the magnificent sounds of the organ. 10. Tyumenians like their town. They are proud of its history and its people. Tyumen region is a birthplace of Mendeleyev, a great Russian chemist, Alyabjev, a composer, and Ershov, a fairy-tale teller. Thousands of people work hard to make their region prosperous.
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