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IV. Understanding the main points

A. Put these sentences in the correct order:

a. Near to the oil town a new one has risen on the wastelands and marshes.

b. Tyumen has got two universities, different colleges and some other higher institutions.

c. It was born anew on June 21, 1960, the day on which oil was found near a little forest village.

d. Tyumen plants are well-known in Russia and abroad.

e. Discoveries showed the northern part of Western Siberia possesses incredible quantities of oil and natural gas.

f. Tyumen is not only an oil town; it is a cultural, industrial and educational centre as well.

B. Answer the following questions:

a. What places of entertainment are there in Tyumen?

b. What collection does Tyumen Picture gallery have?

c. What places of interest are there in Tyumen?

d. What was the first stone building in the town?

e. Who made Blagoveschenskaya Church?

f. What traditions do a lot of wooden houses bear?

g. Where do the lovers of music listen to the organ?


A. Find words or phrases in the text which mean the same as the following:

a) столица нефтегазового региона;

b) известно во всем мире;

c) обычный город;

d) основатели города;

e) основана как крепость;

f) был освобожден от ига;

g) в конце 19го века;

h) дальнейшие исследования показали;

i) высоко развитая;

j) медицинское оборудование;

k) среднеобразовательная школа;

l) проблемы связанные с развитием;

m) выросла значительно;

n) исторические памятники;

o) привлекает внимание туристов;

p) в старой части города.

B. Match the words on the left with the words on the right to form nine phrases:

1. to become a trans- shipping 2. right away 3. to be established 4. to possess incredible 5. to be born 6. to have grown 7. to cover 8. research and design 9. the development of oil and gas a) anew b) institutes c) an area d) deposits e) quantities of oil f) considerably g) as a fortress h) beyond i) point


A. Study the following list of phrasal verbs:

break down – сломаться (о машине напр.) break into – вломиться (о грабителях) bring about -1. осуществлять; 2.вызывать bring round -1. приводить (кого- либо) в сознание; 2. переубеждать bring up –воспитывать get away – уходить; отправляться; удирать; выбираться; get through –1. дозвониться (to); 2.справиться с чем-либо; выдержать экзамен; go on –1. случаться, происходить, иметь место; длиться (о времени); 2.продолжать; go through — тщательно разбирать пункт за пунктом, внимательно исследовать; look after — присматривать, ухаживать за (кем-л., чем-л.); look for — искать; look into — исследовать; look up — искать (что-л. в справочнике); make up –1. гримировать(ся); 2.выдумывать; 3. мириться; put out – гасить (огонь); set up – создавать; л.), заботиться о (ком-л., чем-л.).

Make up your own sentences using the phrasal verbs above.

B. Match the phrasal verbs on the right with their meanings on the left:

1. get through 2. get away 3. set up 4. put out 5. go on 6. go through 7. look up 8. look for 9. look into 10. look after 11. break down 12. break into 13. bring up 14. bring about 15. bring round 16. make up a) raise b) compose, invent, put cosmetics on c) continue d) extinguish e) investigate f) stop working g) persuade h) come to a successful end i) do smth wrong without being caught j) experience, check k) establish l) forcibly enter m) cause to happen n) take care of o) try to find p) find information in the book

C. Everyday expressions.In a game with a ball practice asking questions (student A) and answering to them (student B). Then exchange the roles.

Asking for directions: - Excuse me, I’m lost. Can you help me, please? - Excuse me, how can I get to the post office? - Is there a bank near here? - Could you tell me the way to the bus station, please? - Can you tell me where the Science Museum is?

Giving directions: - Go straight ahead. - Turn left / right. - Take the first / second turn on your right / left. - Cross the street. - Go through the park. - Go along the street. - Go past the bookshop. - The cafe will be on your left.



A. Work in a group of four. Draw a map of a part of your town or print it. Decide where you are on the map. Make an appointment with your friends. Describe on the phone each other how to get to the appointed place.

B. What facilities would your ideal town have? Name the three most important facilities for you in each of the categories listed below.

commercial centre: an area with lots of banks and company offices

shopping centres: places with many shops, cither indoors or outdoors

car parks: places to leave many cars

factories: buildings where you make/manufacture things, e.g. cars

suburbs: areas outside the centre of town where people live

libraries: places where you can borrow books


C. Are any problems mentioned below to be found in your city or city you know well? Could you suggest a solution for these problems?

Traffic jams: many cars on the road

Overcrowding: too many people live in too small a place

pollution: dirty air because of smoke and petrol fumes

Crime: people steal cars, rob banks and murder each other.


D. Write sentences about Tyumen or any other towns you known, using each of the adjectives below (e.g.: The most picturesque part of my town is the old market place.)

picturesque, historic, spacious, elegant, magnificent, atmospheric, lively, deserted (e.g. at night), crowded, packed, shabby, dangerous, stressful, safe, calm

E. Make up dialogue according to the following situation:

Student A:

You are a journalist of an American newspaper. You have a task to write an article about Tyumen, its history and nowadays.

Student B:

You are an officer of the Town's Administration. You are interviewed by an American journalist about Tyumen.

F. Work in group. Make a project of a new leisure centre in your town. Cover the following points:

- the place where it is situated; - advertisement (where people can find out about your leisure centre); - the range of courses and their the price; - what teachers and coaches do you need; - other amenities. For example: in the centre of the town, not far from the University, near the lake, site in the Internet, advertisement on the buses, skiing, swimming, joga, knitting, judo, karate, volleyball, football, dancing, experienced, professional instructors, swimming pool, football pitch, golf course, tennis court, gym, etc.


Your foreign friend thinks of coming to your town but he / she is in doubt. Persuade him or her that Tyumen is worth visiting.




all over the world


at atmospheric





Can you tell me where the Science Museum is?


car park


connected with


Could you tell me the way to the bus station?


Cross the street









due to

east and west



How can I get to the post office?

Excuse me, I’m lost.

Can you help me, please?

fairy-tale teller

football pitch



Go along the street

Go past the bookshop

Go straight ahead

Go through the park

golf course

great number of



highly developed


incredible quantities


Is there a bank near here?








medieval church


multinational population



natural gas

on the physical map

ordinary founder


outlying district


permanent exhibitions










research and design institutes

right away beyond


rob banks



secondary school




square kilometres


stone building


swimming pool

Take the first / second turn on your right / left

taken together

tennis courts

The cafe will be on your left


to be born anew

to be famous for

to be painted green

to be proud of

to be situated

to be well-known

to break a record

to break down

to break into

to bring about

to bring round

to bring up

to get away

to get on

to get through

to go through

to improve

to look after

to look for

to look into

to look up

to make up

to provide

to pump

to put out

to set up

traffic jams

trans-shipping point

Turn left / right

unique collection





wooden house

the end of

UNIT 3. My home country



Have you ever been in Moscow or St. Petersburg? Would you like to live there? Why?


A. Practice your pronunciation:

Europe ['juərəp]

Asia ['e∫ə]

Mongolia [moŋ'gəulə]

China ['t∫anə]

the Ukraine [ði: ju'kren]

Finland ['fnlənd]

Norway ['no:we]

Azerbaijan [æzəba'ʤa:n]

Georgia ['ʤɔːʤɪə]


Korea [kə'riːə]

Kazakhstan [ˌkæzæk'stɑːn]

Estonia [es'təunɪə]

Latvia ['lætvɪə]

the Caspian Sea [ðiː 'kæspɪən siː]

Siberia [saɪ'bɪərɪə]

the Caucasus [ðiː 'kɔːkəsəs]

the Yenisei [ðiː ˌjenɪ'seɪ]

the Lena [ðiː 'leɪnə]

the Baikal [ðiː baɪ'kɑːl]

B. Read the information on Russia and tell your friends about the most interesting facts you have learnt from the text beginning the sentences like this:

It was interesting to know that... - было интересно узнать, что...

I've just learnt that... - я только что узнал, что...

То tell the truth I didn't know... - честно говоря, я не знал, что...

The State symbol of Russia is a three-coloured banner with three horizontal stripes: white, blue and red. The white stripe symbolizes the earth, the blue one—the sky, and the red one symbolizes liberty.

A new National Emblem is a two-headed eagle which is the most ancient symbol of Russia. All these symbols have been approved by the Federal Assembly.


C. Match the words on the left with their halves on the right:

1. the constitutional 2. armed 3. densely 4. covers 5. a variety of 6. earth's 7. architectural 8. is located on 9. override 10. the mountain a. the veto b. surface c. chain d. forces e. the eastern part f. court g. scenery h. populated i. two plains j. monuments


Read the text and make sure you know the translation of the highlighted words and phrases.


1. My home country is called the Russian Federation or Russia. It is one of the largest countries in the world. It occupies almost one-seventh of the earth's surface. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Its total area is about 17 million square kilometres.

2. Russia borders on many countries such as China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan in the South, it is bounded on the West by Norway, Finland, Belorussia, Estonia, Latvia and the Ukraine.

3. There is hardly a country in the world where such a variety of scenery and vegetation can be found. We have steppes in the south; plains and forests in the midlands; tundra and taiga in the North; highlands and deserts in the East. The Russian Federation is located on two plains, the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Plain.

4. There are several mountain chains on the territory of the country: the Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai and others. The mountain chain, the Urals, separates Europe from Asia.

5. On the vast territory of Russia there are various types of climate. In the central part of Russia the climate is rather mild. The climate in the south is tropical with hot summers and warm winters. Northern Asia is the coldest place and in the middle of the country the climate is moderate and continental.

6. Russia is a land of long rivers and deep lakes. The longest rivers are the Volga in Europe and the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena in Asia. The Volga river flows into the Caspian Sea which is in reality the largest lake in the world. Perhaps, the most notable lake is Lake Baikal. Located near the Mongolian border, it is the deepest freshwater lake (1,600 metres) in the world. The water in the lake is so clear that if you look down you can count the stones on the bottom.

7. The population of Russia is about 150 million people. The European part of the country is densely populated and most people live in cities, towns and their outskirts.

8. Russia ranks first in the world for reserves of coal, iron ore, oil, natural gas, copper, gold, nickel, etc. It possesses the world's greatest hydropower resources and timber reserves.

9. Approximately 10 million people are engaged in agriculture and they produce grain, meat, milk and other dairy products.

10. The capital of the Russian Federation is Moscow with the population of about 10 million people. It stands on the bank of the Moskva river. Moscow is famous for its historical and architectural monuments, museums, art galleries and theatres. It is a political, administrative, economic, educational and cultural centre of the country.

11. Under the Constitution adopted in 1993 Russia is a Presidential Republic. The federal government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Each of them is checked and balanced by the President.

12. The legislative power in the country belongs to the Federal Assembly. It consists of two Chambers. The Lower Chamber of the Federal Assembly is the State Duma. It is made up of 450 deputies. The Duma introduces, considers and adopts new bills. But in order to become a law, the bill must be enforced by the Council of Federation and signed by the President. The President may veto the bill. The State Duma may override the veto. The Upper Chamber is the Council of Federation. It is made up of the representatives of all the subjects of the Federation (two representatives from each subject).The Council enforces federal laws adopted by the State Duma and all the decrees issued by the President. The deputies of the State Duma are elected by popular vote for a four-year term. Each Chamber is headed by the Speaker who is elected by the members of the Chambers.

13. The executive power belongs to the Government, which is headed by the Chairman of the Government. The first action of the Chairman on appointment is to form the Cabinet.

14. The President is head of the state and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. He enforces Federal laws adopted by the Federal Assembly. The President also forms the Government and appoints the Chairman of the Government whose candidacy must be approved by the State Duma.

15. The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Arbitrary Court and the regional courts. The Constitutional Court may veto any federal law adopted by the Federal Assembly, or a decree issued by the President if the Court regards them contradictory to the Constitution.

16. Russia has always played an important role in the world and the younger generation must do very much to make Russia strong and powerful.


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