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Vocabulary Exercises. I Find the following words and phrases in the text. II Complete the table. II Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

Vocabulary Exercises


I Find the following words and phrases in the text.

Оспа, вакцинация, коровья оспа, ввести вакцину, кровь, развивать, изобретение, вакцина от бешенства, анастезия, лекарство, чувствовать боль, хирургическая операция, открывать (обнаруживать), жидкость, местное обезболивающее, хирург, длинные и сложные операции, рентгеновские лучи, диабет


II Complete the table.

Who When What
..... in 1796 method of “vaccination”
Louis Pasteur ..... vaccine for hydrophobia
..... ..... X-rays.
..... in 1922 .....
Alexander Fleming ….. .....



II Fill in the blanks with prepositions.


doctors... the Middle East made anesthetics

during the first part... the20th century many important discoveries were made

penicillin was used... hospitals to reduce infections in wounds

... 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin

Edward Jenner developed a method... “vaccination”

millions of people died... leprosy in the Middle Ages

the worst disease... that time was the plague.


Grammar Exercises


Pay attention to the following sentences. Which of them are in the Active Voice and which are in the Passive Voice?



New anesthetics were made from plants.

Doctors made some plants into medicines for patients to put into their mouth.

Edward Jenner developed a method of “vaccination”.

The method of “vaccination” was developed by Edward Jenner.


  Active Voice Passive Voice
Present Doctors make medicines He develops Medicines are made The method was developed
Past Doctors mademedicines He developed Medicines were made The method was developed
Future Doctors will make He will develop Medicines will be made The method will be developed


I Put the verbs in brakets into correct form.

1. This new method (invent) by our teacher.

2. This vaccine (save) thousands of patients from the infection every year.

3. This drug is safe because it (make) of plants.

4. Doctors (use) this anesthetic during long and complicated operations.

5. In the 19th century cocain (use) as a local anesthetic.

6. X-rays (discover) by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895.

7. Alexander Fleming (discover) penicillin.

8. Louis Pasteur (found) modern microbiology.


II Translate into English.


1. Сегодня врачи могут лечить многие опасные заболевания.

2. Пациенту ввели вакцину от оспы.

3. Во время операции хирурги всегда применяют анастезию.

4. Вакцина от бешенства была изобретена Луи Пастером.

5. Луи Пастер — основатель современной микробиологии.

6. Диабет — очень серьезное заболевание.

7. Много важных открытий было сделано в 20 веке.

8. Пенициллин используется для уменьшения инфекции в ранах.


Read and translate the text.


Words for learning antibiotic, cause, dangerous, tissue, pure, investigation, scientist, recover, save


The discovery of penicillin.

Penicillin was the world's first antibiotic. Antibiotics are drugs that can cure illnesses caused by bacteria, Before penicillin people could die from a small wound in their skin if bacteria made the wound become infected. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. This is how it happened.

One day Fleming's assistant brought him a plate on which a colony of dangerous bacteria were being grown. “This plate can not be used for the experiment” said the assistant. “Some mould (плесень) has formed on it and I'll have to take another plate”. Fleming was ready to allow his assistant to do so. Then he looked at the plate and saw that the bacteria around the mould had disappeared. Fleming understood the importance of what had happened and immediately began to study the phenomenon. He placed some mould on other plates and grew more colonies. After numerous experiments on animals he found out that this new substance was not toxic to the tissues and stopped the growth of the most common pathogenic bacteria. Fleming called this substance penicillin. It was of the same family of moulds that often appear on dry bread.

But a method of extracting pure penicillin was found only after many investigations. Two other scientists, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain, tested penicillin to find out if it was safe to use. They also made penicillin that they could inject. In 1942 Fleming carried out his own first experiment. His friend was nearly dying from an infectious disease. After several injections of penicillin the man recovered completely.

A. Fleming received the Nobel Prize for his great discovery. But he said: “Everywhere I go people thank me for saving their lives. I do not know why they do it. I didn't do anything. Nature makes penicillin. I only found it. ”

Vocabulary Exercises


I Find the following words and phrases in the text.

Пенициллин, антибиотик, вызванный бактериями, инфицировать рану, происходить, колония опасных бактерий, плесень, исчезать, важность, изучать явление (феномен), токсичный, ткань, чистый пенициллин, патогенный, исследование, ученый, делать инъекцию, проводить эксперимент, полностью выздороветь, получить Нобелевскую премию, спасти жизнь.



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